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Life tools for men.

The MassMen Project promotes wellness and empowers working-age men across MA to take action to feel better emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

How are you feeling?

Take a free and anonymous self-screener

MassMen screenings will help you determine if your recent thoughts or behaviors may be associated with common, treatable mental health issues. We cannot link the screenings to any one person, so you remain anonymous.

Take anywhere you feel comfortable. It only takes a few minutes.

Tools for the mind

Issues faced by men 

A healthy mind is just as critical as a healthy body, and there are many things that can have an impact on a man’s mental wellbeing.

For employers

The MassMen Project assists workplace leaders, focusing on high-risk organizations (police, fire, EMS, fishing, construction, and others) with suicide prevention and postvention mental health services. Learn about trainings and other support services for employers.

Community Support

About MassMen

The MassMen Project promotes wellness and empowers working-age men across MA to take action to feel better emotionally, physically, and spiritually. We are funded by the DPH Suicide Prevention Program and are brought to you by the Riverside Trauma Center, a service of Riverside Community Care.

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