TNC Division

The Transportation Network Company (TNC) Division of the Department of Public Utilities oversees rideshare companies, rideshare services, and rideshare drivers in Massachusetts.

TNC Division Operational Status

The TNC Division is not scheduling in-person appointments at this time, however the Division is available to answer questions and return phone calls.  To reach the Division, you can contact us using our Ask the TNC Division form or you can leave a voicemail at (617) 305-3569 with your name, driver license number, your question, and a call-back number.  We will respond as soon as possible.

Contact Us


Please leave a voicemail and we will return your call


Department of Public Utilities
1 South Station
3rd floor
Boston, MA 02110

Who we serve

The TNC Division's highest priority is public safety. The TNC Division serves:
  • TNC customers by ensuring that TNC drivers are qualified and operate safe vehicles;
  • TNCs by establishing requirements for all TNCs operating in Massachusetts; and
  • TNC drivers by providing background check clearance certificates and appeals of denials.

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TNC Division information

Image credits:  Shutterstock

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