DCR Urban and Community Forestry Challenge Grant and the National Grid Challenge Grant seek to fund projects which will result in sustained improvements in local capacity for excellent urban and community forestry management
- This page, Apply for Urban and Community Forestry Challenge Grants, is offered by
- Bureau of Forest Fire Control and Forestry
- Department of Conservation & Recreation
Apply for Urban and Community Forestry Challenge Grants
Julie Coop, Urban and Community Forestry Coordinator
The Details of Apply for Urban and Community Forestry Challenge Grants
What you need for Apply for Urban and Community Forestry Challenge Grants
- Intent to Apply Form must be received at least one month in advance of the deadline
- Completed Grant Application Cover Sheet
- The face sheet must be signed with an original signature by an authorized person.
- NARRATIVE (3-5 pages)
- Background: Provide a brief background of your program including mission and goals for the next several years
- Project Description: a clear and measurable work plan for the project
- A maintenance plan
- Staff Requirements Who will lead the project? Who will be involved?
- Sustainability: Describe how your project and its results will be maintained and sustained into the future.
- Evaluation and Accomplishments: Describe how you will evaluate the success of your project.
- A detailed budget showing the estimated costs, specific use of funds, and sources of matching funds.
- A project timeline showing anticipated dates of accomplishment of specific project tasks.
- Letters of commitment from key cooperators and supporters that indicate specific contributions to the proposed project.
- Letter of support from the Tree Warden indicating the Tree Warden’s involvement in the project.
See Urban and Community Forestry Challenge Grant Application Packet
How to apply Apply for Urban and Community Forestry Challenge Grants
Downloads for Apply for Urban and Community Forestry Challenge Grants
Open DOCX file, 144.26 KB,
Urban and Community Forestry Grant Application Packet
(English, DOCX 144.26 KB)
Open DOC file, 87 KB,
National Grid Partnership Challenge Grant Guidelines
(English, DOC 87 KB)
Open DOC file, 41 KB,
Sample Detailed Budget
(English, DOC 41 KB)
Open DOC file, 82 KB,
Detailed Budget Form
(English, DOC 82 KB)
Open DOC file, 31 KB,
Schedule and Timeline
(English, DOC 31 KB)
Open DOCX file, 222.95 KB,
Urban Forestry Challenge Grant Reimbursement Guide
(English, DOCX 222.95 KB)
Open XLSX file, 18.03 KB,
Urban Forestry Challenge Grant Expense Form (excel version)
(English, XLSX 18.03 KB)
Open DOC file, 87.5 KB,
Urban Forestry Challenge Grant Expense Form (word version)
(English, DOC 87.5 KB)
Open DOC file, 88.5 KB,
Urban Forestry Challenge Grant Sample Expense Form
(English, DOC 88.5 KB)