Information for Tax Professionals

One-stop-shopping from the Massachusetts Department of Revenue (DOR) for tax professionals which includes links to topics of interest and communication channels.

Updated: July 18, 2024

Table of Contents

Hot Topics, News & Updates

Hot Topics for Tax Professionals 

Follow updates from DOR that are both current and important to Massachusetts taxpayers and tax practitioners. Visit DOR Hot Topics for Tax Professionals.

DOR News

For a monthly look at important news from DOR, visit DOR News.

Sign up for DOR News and other email updates

The Massachusetts Department of Revenue distributes information such as DOR News and legal guidance such as Directives, Letter Rulings, Regulations, and Technical Information Releases, via e-mail.

To subscribe to the distribution list, please visit Stay Informed

Tax Professionals Feedback

Notify DOR of anything affecting multiple taxpayers. Give us your recommendations and feedback anytime. Send message.

What's Trending

Learn about the latest tax news on filing returns, making payments, notices, e-file mandates, an elective excise and more. Visit What's Trending.

We Respond to Questions from Tax Practitioners

Thanks to all of you who give us feedback, or ask questions. It’s helpful for us to know what‘s on your mind as we share this information with other tax professionals. If you’re asking, it’s likely that others want to know as well. Visit What We Heard from You – Questions from Tax Practitioners

Power of Attorney (POA) & Third-Party Authorization

Taxpayers can authorize someone else to handle their taxes. Learn about the different types of third-party authorization. Visit Power of Attorney (POA) and Third-Party Authorization

Personal Income & Corporate Excise Tax Law Changes

Here you will find descriptions of major Massachusetts Personal Income (Chapter 62) and Corporate Excise (Chapter 63) tax law changes for the current year. 

Go to 2023 Personal Income and Corporate Excise Tax Law Changes.

Differences Between MA & Federal Tax Law

For personal income tax purposes, Massachusetts generally follows the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) as amended and in effect on January 1, 2022. In certain instances, however, Massachusetts specifically adopts provisions of the IRC as currently in effect. See TIR 23-5: Chapter 62 Conformity to Select Provisions of the 2022 Internal Revenue Code.

Visit Differences between Massachusetts state tax law and federal tax law for personal income.

Also see Implications of Federal Tax Reform on Massachusetts Taxes.

E-File & Payment Information

If you must file on paper

We recommend filing on MassTaxConnect or through vendor software because it’s fast, easy and provides calculation assistance, instant satisfaction, and an electronic confirmation.

If you must file on paper, enclose all pages of the tax return and any additional documents in an envelope without using staples or paper clips. Staples or paper clips may cause damage to the return when they’re removed which will slow down the processing of the return.


MassTaxConnect is a web-based application for filing and paying taxes in Massachusetts.


When to File an Amended Return

File an amended return to report an error, omission or change on a return that has already been filed, whether increasing or decreasing the amount of tax.

For Personal Income Tax, if you were assessed a Health Care Penalty and had health insurance, file an amended return and be sure to include a complete and accurate Schedule HC. If you're claiming an exemption or requesting an appeal due to a hardship or other circumstances, make sure to indicate that on the schedule.

For more information visit Amend a MA Individual or Business Tax Return.

Who’s a Massachusetts Resident, Non-resident or Part-year Resident?

Your legal and residency status in Massachusetts affects how you file your taxes. Find out what you should file and how to report your income. Visit legal and residency status in Massachusetts.

Learn about Taxpayer Rights & DOR Processes

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