Massachusetts law about jury selection

Laws, rules, cases, and web sources on the law about how attorneys may select juries for trials.

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Table of Contents

Massachusetts laws

MGL c. 234A, §§ 67A-67D Examination of jurors

Court rules

Selected cases

Web sources

Learn about jury selection, Mass. Office of Jury Commissioner.
Find out how the jury selection process works and what happens when you're brought before a panel.

Learn about the Massachusetts jury system, Mass. Office of Jury Commissioner.
Find out how the state's jury system works and how jurors are selected for service.

Print sources

Art & science of jury selection in criminal cases, MCLE, 2011.

Blue's guide to jury selection, Thomson/West, 2004, with supplement.

Jury selection: the law, art and science of selecting a jury, annual, Thomson West.

LexisNexis practice guide. Massachusetts civil trial practice, annual edition, LexisNexis. Section 1.16[10], Preparing for jury selection.

LexisNexis practice guide: Massachusetts criminal law, annual edition, LexisNexis. Section 5.14, Understanding jury selection. Chapter 7: Challenging jurors, Sections 7.17 – 7.22.

Massachusetts courtroom advocacy, 5th ed., MCLE, 2023. Chapter 3, Jury Selection.

Massachusetts Superior Court civil practice jury instructions, 3rd ed., MCLE, loose-leaf, Section 13.6 Diversity. Section 13.6.1 Implicit Bias.

Mastering voir dire and jury selection: gain an edge in questioning and selecting your jury, 4th ed., ABA, 2018.

Rogers, Alan, "An anchor to the windward: the right of the accused to an impartial jury in Massachusetts capital cases," 33 Suffolk U L Rev 35 (1999-2000). An exhaustive history. 

Trial handbook for Massachusetts lawyers, 3rd ed., West Group, 1999 with supplement. Chapter 6, Selection of the jury, Sections 6:1 – 6:39.

Trial practice, 3rd ed. (Mass. Practice v.43A) Thomson Reuters, 2017 with supplement. Chapter 10, Jury selection, Sections 10:1 – 10:28.

Voir dire: watch and learn, MCLE, 2017. 

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Last updated: July 9, 2024

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