Public benefits in general
Department of Transitional Assistance
The DTA serves residents with direct economic assistance and food assistance as well as workforce training opportunities.
Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities
The EOHLC offers programs to help prevent homelessness and to help people afford housing.
Massachusetts laws
MGL c. 18 Department of Transitional Assistance
Massachusetts regulations
106 CMR Department of Transitional Assistance
Selected cases
Salaam v. Commissioner of Dept. Of Transitional Assistance, 43 Mass. App. Ct. 38 (1997)
In requiring objective verification of identity, the Dept. of Transitional Assistance may not "erect more of an obstacle course than is necessary to ensure the avoidance of fraud."
Web sources, Mass. 2-1-1 service.
Provides free, location-based referrals to health and human services resources.
Public benefits & SSI, Mass. Legal Help.
Collections of information on topics related to public benefits and supplemental security income.
Economic assistance (cash benefits)
Massachusetts laws
MGL c. 18, § 2 Comprehensive financial assistance program; services
Massachusetts regulations
106 CMR 701 through 708 Transitional Cash Assistance Program regulations, including:
- 106 CMR 702 Transitional cash assistance program
- 106 CMR 703 Nonfinancial eligibility
- 106 CMR 704 Financial eligibility
Web sources
Economic assistance (cash benefits), Department of Transitional Assistance.
- Apply for TAFDC (Transitional Aid to Families with Dependent Children)
Includes information on program eligibility and the application process. - Check EAEDC eligibility and how to apply (Emergency Aid to the Elderly, Disabled and Children)
Provides detailed information on eligibility based on income and living arrangement.
EAEDC, Mass. Legal Help.
Emergency Aid to the Elderly, Disabled and Children (EAEDC) is a cash benefit for adults with disabilities or age 65+, caregivers, and some children who are not able to get TAFDC.
TAFDC advocacy guide, Mass. Law Reform Inst., January 2024.
This handbook guides you through Transitional Aid to Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC) rules and regulations for eligibility, benefits, applications, and proofs.
SNAP and WIC benefits (food stamps)
Massachusetts regulations
106 CMR 360 through 367 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) regulations, including:
- 106 CMR 360 General provisions
- 106 CMR 361 Application process
- 106 CMR 362 Nonfinancial eligibility standards
- 106 CMR 363 Financial eligibility standards
- 106 CMR 364 Determining household eligibility and benefit level
Federal laws
7 USC §§ 2011-2036d Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
Federal regulations
7 CFR Parts 271-285 Supplemental nutrition assistance and food distribution program
Web sources
SNAP benefits (formerly food stamps), Department of Transitional Assistance.
Information on eligibility, application procedures, community partners, and links to shop for food online using SNAP benefits.
SNAP advocacy guide, Mass. Law Reform Inst., 2024.
A straightforward guide to all aspects of SNAP benefits, structured in a helpful question-and-answer format.
Women, Infants, & Children Nutrition Program (WIC), Department of Public Health.
WIC is a nutrition program that provides healthy foods, nutrition education, breastfeeding support, and referrals to healthcare and other services, free of charge, to Massachusetts families who qualify. See also: WIC Information for Participants.
Emergency housing assistance
Massachusetts laws
MGL c. 23B, § 30 Emergency housing assistance program
St. 2024 c. 88, § 3 New 9-month time limit
Families can only stay in the Emergency Assistance (EA) Family Shelter program for 9 months. Under the new law, families will have 9 months to transition out of EA shelter and into stable housing.
Massachusetts regulations
760 CMR 65 The Massachusetts Short-Term Housing Transition Program
760 CMR 67 Eligibility for Emergency Assistance (EA)
Federal regulations
24 CFR Part 576 Emergency solutions grants program
- § 576.401 Evaluation of program participant eligibility and needs
- § 576.403 Shelter and housing standards
Selected cases
Garcia v. Dept. Of Housing and Community Development, 480 Mass. 736 (2018)
DHCD was not required to use motels to address ADA accommodation for emergency shelter for people who qualify under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). ADA requires an individualized and fact-specific inquiry as to what constitutes a reasonable accommodation.
Web sources
Applying for emergency assistance shelter: A guide for families, Mass. Law Reform Inst. and Rosie's Place, October 2015. Also available in Spanish.
Explains eligibility requirements for families and how to apply for shelter. For more detailed information, see the Emergency Assistance Advocacy Guide below.
Emergency Assistance (EA) family shelter, Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities.
Learn how to apply for shelter if you are pregnant or have children under 21 years old.
Emergency Assistance advocacy guide, Mass Law Reform Inst., 2023.
Provides advocates and homeless families with eligibility rules and other information for Emergency Assistance
Emergency Assistance (EA) Family Shelter - Length of Stay Policy, Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities.
Information on the new law limiting the length of stay for families in EA shelter. Includes details on implementation and extensions.
HomeBASE, Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities.
Helps families who are eligible for Emergency Assistance (EA) Family Shelter find stable housing. Can include monthly payments to help with rent, moving costs, and other types of assistance.
Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT) program, Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities.
The Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT) program provides short-term emergency funding to help you with eviction, foreclosure, loss of utilities, and other housing emergencies.
SSI and Social Security
Federal laws
42 USC §§ 301-1397mm Social security
Federal regulations
20 CFR Parts 401-498 Social Security Administration
Web sources
Program Operations Manual System (POMS), Social Security Administration.
The primary source of information used by the Social Security Administration to process claims for Social Security benefits.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security Administration, May 2023.
Easy-to-read booklet covering basic information on eligibility and applying for SSI and related programs.
SSI, SSDI, and overpayments, Mass. Legal Help, 2024.
Links to information on eligibility and overpayment procedure.
Print sources
Nolo's guide to social security disability: Getting & keeping your benefits by David A. Morton III, Nolo, 2022. (2024 eBook available with library card).
Other public benefits
Web sources
Benefits checkup, National Council on Aging.
BenefitsCheckUp® connects older adults and people with disabilities to benefits programs that can help pay for health care, medicine, food, utilities, and more.
Income-eligible reduced fare program, MBTA.
You may qualify for an income-eligible reduced fares card if you are enrolled in one of the following state assistance programs: EAEDC, SNAP, TAFDC, MASSGrant, and some forms of MassHealth.
Lifeline program, Universal Service Administrative Co. and the FCC.
Benefit providing eligible consumers with a monthly discount of up to $9.25 on phone and internet services. Consumers living on Tribal lands are eligible for a discount of up to $34.25 per month and up to a $100 reduction for first-time connection charges.
Subject-specific law pages
See also the following pages for specific information about other types of public benefits that are available:
Contact for Massachusetts law about public benefits
Last updated: | February 5, 2025 |