Weekly Flu Report, November 1, 2019

Massachusetts Department of Public Health weekly influenza update

Table of Contents

This week's report


  • Influenza severity and Influenza-like illness activity for Massachusetts are low this week.
  • The percent of influenza-associated hospitalizations in Massachusetts is comparable to the last two flu seasons in the same week.
  • At this point in the 2019-2020 flu season, both influenza A and influenza B have been reported, although few samples have been tested thus far.
  • Nationally, flu activity is low but increasing, consistent with typical levels of activity at this time of year. However, high levels of activity are being reported in Louisiana and Puerto Rico.
  • Additional statewide and national data including geographic spread, ILI activity, and pneumonia and influenza mortality are available at CDC’s FluView Weekly Report at www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly and FluView Interactive www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/fluviewinteractive.htm.

Flu season has begun and the best time to get your flu shot is now!

Date published: November 1, 2019

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