• This page, 2021 Institutions Examined for CRA Compliance, is   offered by
  • Division of Banks

2021 Institutions Examined for CRA Compliance

The Division of Banks (DOB) evaluates the institution's record of meeting the credit needs of its entire assessment area. This includes low and moderate-income neighborhoods, consistent with the safe and sound operation of the institution. When the examination is complete the DOB issues a rating and public evaluation.

Table of Contents

Institutions with a 2021 published rating

Institution Location Rating
Align Credit Union Lowell HS
BayCoast Bank Swansea HS
Bluestone Bank Raynham S
Brotherhood Credit Union Lynn S
Cambridge Savings Bank Cambridge O
Canton Cooperative Bank Canton S
Cape Ann Savings Bank Gloucester S
Century Bank and Trust Company Medford HS
City of Boston Credit Union Boston S
Commonwealth Cooperative Bank Hyde park S
East Boston Savings Bank East Boston S
East Cambridge Savings Bank Cambridge S
Easthampton Savings Bank Easthampton HS
Energy Credit Union West Roxbury S
Florence Bank Florence S
Greenfield Co-operative Bank Greenfield S
Greenfield Savings Bank Greenfield O
HarborOne Bank Brockton O
Haverhill Bank Haverhill S
Institution for Savings in Newburyport and its Vicinity
Newburyport S
Leominster Credit Union Leominster S
Lowell Five Cent Savings Bank, The Lowell HS
Mass Bay Credit Union South Boston S
Merrimack Valley Credit Union Lawrence S
Metro Credit Union Chelsea O
MountainOne Bank Framingham S
Naveo Credit Union Somerville S
New Valley Bank & Trust Springfield S
North Easton Savings Bank Easton S
Northmark Bank North Andover S
Salem Five Cents Savings Bank Salem S
Savers Co-operative Bank Southbridge S
Seamen's Bank Provincetown O
South Shore Bank Weymouth S
Southbridge Credit Union Southbridge HS
Springfield Street Railway Employees Credit Union Springfield S
Stoughton Co-operative Bank Stoughton S
Tremont Credit Union Boston S
UniBank for Savings Whitinsville S
Village Bank, The Newton S
Wakefield Co-operative Bank Wakefield S
Watertown Municipal Credit Union Watertown S
Winchester Savings Bank Winchester S
Worcester Credit Union Worcester S

Key to ratings

  • O - Outstanding
  • HS - High Satisfactory
  • S - Satisfactory
  • NI - Needs to Improve
  • SNC - Substantial Noncompliance

These ratings are not, nor should they be interpreted as an assessment of the financial condition of these institutions. The assigned ratings do not represent an analysis, conclusion, or opinion of the DOB concerning the safety and soundness of these financial institutions.

Public evaluations

The public portion of the evaluation generally contains:

  • The institution's CRA rating
  • A description of the financial institution
  • A description of the financial institution's assessment area
  • Conclusions about the institution's CRA performance, including the facts, data, and analyses that were used to form such conclusions

View Public Evaluations issued by the Division of Banks at CRA ratings and public evaluations for banks and credit unions | Mass.gov

Most Massachusetts chartered banks are also examined for compliance with the Federal CRA by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Federal Reserve System.

Last updated: June 1, 2021

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