• This page, CRA ratings and public evaluations for banks and credit unions, is   offered by
  • Division of Banks

CRA ratings and public evaluations for banks and credit unions

The Division of Banks (DOB) evaluates the institution's record of meeting the credit needs of its entire assessment area. This includes low and moderate-income neighborhoods, consistent with the safe and sound operation of the institution. When the examination is complete the DOB issues a rating and public evaluation.

Table of Contents

Key to ratings

  • O - Outstanding
  • HS - High Satisfactory
  • S - Satisfactory
  • NI - Needs to Improve
  • SNC - Substantial Noncompliance

These ratings are not, nor should they be interpreted as an assessment of the financial condition of these institutions. The assigned ratings do not represent an analysis, conclusion, or opinion of the DOB concerning the safety and soundness of these financial institutions.

All institution ratings (listed in alphabetical order by institution)

InstitutionLocationExam DateRating
Adams Community BankAdams1/24/2022O
Alden Credit UnionChicopee2/28/2022S
Align Credit UnionLowell7/19/2021O
Allcom Credit UnionWorcester8/19/2024S
All One Credit UnionLeominster3/13/2023S
AllTrust Credit UnionFairhaven9/3/2024HS
Alpha Credit UnionBoston8/19/2024S
Arrha Credit UnionSpringfield7/6/2020S
Athol Credit UnionAthol2/14/2021HS
Athol Savings BankAthol4/24/2023HS
Avidia BankHudson7/18/2022S
Bank of Easton, a Co-Operative BankEaston5/15/2023S
BankFiveFall River6/3/2024O
Bay State Savings BankWorcester4/20/2023HS
BayCoast BankFall River12/14/2020HS
Berkshire BankPittsfield4/19/2022S
Billerica Municipal Employees Credit UnionBillerica8/28/2023S
Bluestone BankRaynham8/2/2021S
Boston Firefighters Credit UnionBoston9/25/2023S
Boston Trust Walden CompanyBoston4/19/2022S
Bristol County Savings BankTaunton9/12/2022S
Brookline BankBrookline5/16/2022S
Brookline Municipal Credit UnionBrookline2/22/2022S
Brotherhood Credit UnionLynn9/7/2021S
Cambridge Savings BankCambridge9/14/2020O
Canton Co-Operative BankCanton2/8/2021S
Cape Ann Savings BankGloucester7/15/2024HS
The Cooperative Bank of Cape CodHyannis11/20/2023HS
Cape Cod Five Cents Savings BankHyannis11/13/2023O
Charles River BankMedway12/6/2021S
City of Boston Credit UnionBoston1/17/2023S
Clinton Savings BankClinton10/17/2022S
Coastal Heritage BankWeymouth4/18/2023S
Commonwealth Co-Operative BankBoston9/20/2021S
Community Credit Union of LynnLynn4/18/2023S
Cornerstone BankSpencer3/4/2024HS
Country Bank for SavingsWare5/31/2022S
Dean Co-operative BankFranklin12/13/2021S
Dedham Institute for SavingsDedham10/18/2021S
Eagle BankEverett4/4/2022S
East Cambridge Savings BankCambridge9/11/2023S
Eastern BankLynn3/22/2021O
Energy Credit UnionBoston9/16/2024S
Enterprise Bank and Trust CompanyLowell6/12/2023HS
Everett Co-Operative BankEverett5/2/2022S
Fall River Municipal Credit UnionFall River7/15/2024HS
Fidelity Co-Operative BankFitchburg11/29/2021S
Fidelity Management Trust CompanyBoston12/20/2011S
Fiduciary Trust CompanyBoston12/27/2011S
First Priority Credit UnionBoston12/19/2022S
Florence BankFlorence4/20/2021S
Freedom Credit UnionSpringfield4/25/2022S
Greater Springfield Credit UnionSpringfield8/5/2024HS
Greenfield Co-Operative BankGreenfield2/5/2024
Greenfield Savings BankGreenfield6/21/2021O
HarborOne BankBrockton1/25/2021O
Haverhill BankHaverhill1/16/2024S
Haverhill Fire Department Credit UnionHaverhill2/13/2023S
Hingham Institution for SavingsHingham10/12/2021HS
Holyoke Credit UnionHolyoke7/29/2024S
Homefield Credit UnionGrafton7/24/2023S
HTM Credit UnionHaverhill4/22/2024S
Institution for Savings in NewburyportNewburyport4/12/2021S
Jeanne D'Arc Credit UnionLowell12/20/2021O
Lee BankLee10/24/2022S
Liberty Bay Credit UnionBraintree4/4/2022HS
Lowell Firefighters Credit UnionLowell11/20/2023S
Lowell Five Cent Savings BankLowell4/1/2024HS
Luso-American Credit UnionPeabody9/19/2022S
Lynn Police Credit UnionLynn6/24/2024S
Lynn Teachers Credit UnionLynn10/5/2020S
Main Street BankMarlborough5/31/2022S
Marblehead BankMarblehead9/12/2022S
Martha's Vineyard Savings BankEdgartown9/25/2023O
Mass Bay Credit UnionBoston7/19/2021S
Mechanics Co-operative BankTaunton8/23/2021HS
Members Plus Credit UnionBoston5/6/2019S
Merrimack Valley Credit UnionLawrence6/5/2023HS
Methuen Co-operative BankMethuen12/2/2019S
Metro Credit UnionChelsea6/7/2021O
Middlesex Savings BankNatick5/8/2023O
Monson Savings BankMonson5/31/2022S
MountainOne BankNorth Adams4/15/2024S
MutualOne BankFramingham8/2/2021S
Naveo Credit UnionSomerville2/16/2021S
Needham BankNeedham11/07/2022HS
New Bedford Credit UnionNew Bedford7/13/2020S
New Valley Bank & TrustSpringfield5/24/2021S
Newburyport Five Cents Savings BankNewburyport11/29/2021S
North Brookfield Savings BankNorth Brookfield11/28/2022S
North Cambridge Co-Operative BankCambridge12/05/2022S
North Easton Savings BankNorth Easton3/18/2024S
North Shore Bank, A Co-Operative BankPeabody7/25/2022S
Northern Bank & Trust CompanyWoburn7/31/2023S
OneLocal BankNorwood9/19/2022S
OneUnited BankBoston6/21/2022S
Pentucket BankHaverhill3/7/2022S
Pittsfield Co-Operative Bank, ThePittsfield3/13/2023S
Polish National Credit UnionChicopee12/19/2022S
Quincy Credit UnionQuincy5/20/2024S
Reading Co-Operative BankReading7/31/2023S
River Works Credit UnionLynn3/18/2024S
Rockland Trust CompanyRockland07/21/2023O
Salem Five Cents Saving BankSalem12/11/2023S
Savers Co-Operative BankSouthbridge3/11/2024S
Seamen's BankProvincetown5/10/2021O
Sharon & Crescent United Credit UnionSharon12/26/2023S
South Shore BankWeymouth1/30/2023HS
Southbridge Credit UnionSouthbridge2/1/2021HS
Springfield Street Railway Employees Credit UnionSpringfield9/20/2021S
St. Anne's Credit Union of Fall RiverFall River1/18/2022HS
St. Jean's Credit UnionLynn5/30/2023HS
St. Mary's Credit UnionMarlborough7/10/2023HS
State Street Bank and Trust CompanyBoston2/26/2024O
Stoneham Bank, A Co-Operative BankStoneham1/24/2022S
Stoughton Co-Operative BankStoughton6/30/2021S
The Bank of CantonCanton6/26/2023S
The Co-Operative BankRoslindale1/30/2023S
The Savings BankWakefield11/28/2022S
The Village BankNewton5/20/2024S
Tremont Credit UnionBoston12/7/2020S
Unibank for SavingsWhitinsville12/11/2023S
Wakefield Co-Operative BankWakefield6/21/2021S
Walpole Co-Operative BankWalpole5/8/2023S
Washington Savings BankLowell7/10/2023O
Watertown Municipal Credit UnionWatertown9/20/2021S
Watertown Savings BankWatertown10/23/2023HS
Webster Five Cents Savings BankWebster11/14/2022O
Winchester Co-Operative BankWinchester6/20/2023S
Winchester Savings BankWinchester1/16/2024S
Worcester Credit UnionWorcester6/1/2021S
Worcester Fire Department Credit UnionWorcester12/6/2021S
Wrentham Co-Operative BankWrentham8/26/2024S
Date published: January 13, 2025
Last updated: January 13, 2025

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