Under the Title 5 Regulations (310 CMR 15.000), MassDEP must approve an innovative/alternative septic-system technology before it can be used in Massachusetts. There are 4 categories of approval:
- General Use systems will provide a level of environmental protection at least equivalent to that of a conventional on-site system designed in accordance with Title 5.
- Provisional Use approval is intended for evaluation of alternative systems that appear technically capable of providing levels of protection at least equivalent to those of a standard on-site disposal system.
- Piloting is intended to provide field-testing and technical demonstration to determine if the technology can or cannot function effectively.
- Remedial Use systems improve existing conditions at a particular facility or facilities served by a failed, failing, or nonconforming system.
Please note that MassDEP approval does not constitute an endorsement of any specific technology.
In each case, the system owner must follow the inspection and testing schedule required by the approval. Contact the manufacturers listed for schematics of these technologies.
In addition to the approval categories listed above, Title 5 also allows the use of effluent tee filters at the outlet of the septic tank in lieu of an outlet tee.
Best Available Nitrogen Reducing Technologies
Company | Technology | Facility Type | Flow (gpd) | TN Approval Limit | Performance Data |
SeptiTech, Inc. 69 Holland Street Lewiston, ME 04240 | STAAR by SeptiTech/Bio-Microbics of Maine, Inc. | Residential | <2,000 | 19 mg/L | Graph 1 |
Orenco Systems, Inc. 814 Airway Avenue Sutherlin, OR 97479 | Advantex Treatment System (AX20 models) | Residential | <2,000 | 19 mg/L | Graph 2 |
In 310 CMR 15.000, Title 5, Best Available Nitrogen Reducing Technology is defined as having the capability to achieve effluent TN levels of 10 mg/L or better. There are currently no technologies with General Use approval that achieve that performance standard. Currently, all of the denitrifying technologies with General Use approval have a TN approval limit of 19 mg/L. Per Section 15.002 of Title 5, there are two alternative routes to determine BANRT in this situation:
- "An alternative system with the lowest Total Nitrogen effluent performance value certified by the Department for general use when the Disposal System Construction Permit application is filed and has been approved for the type and design flow of the facility where it is to be used; or"
- "An alternative system(s) granted provisional approval by the Department pursuant to 310 CMR 15.286 or an alternative system(s) approved by the Department for piloting pursuant to 310 CMR 15.285; provided that for an alternative system(s) granted provisional approval or an alternative system(s) approved for piloting such system(s) is approved for the type and design flow of the facility and has a Total Nitrogen performance value less than or equal to 10 mg/L; or, if no system(s) with a Total Nitrogen performance value less than or equal to 10 mg/L has received general use approval, then a system(s) with a Total Nitrogen effluent performance value less than or equal to the lowest alternative system(s) certified by the Department for general use pursuant to 310 CMR 15.288 when the Disposal System Construction Permit application is filed."
Per 310 CMR 15.215(2)(g), The Department may allow the use of technologies that do not meet the Best Available Nitrogen Reducing Technology definition in the event of significant supply or market limitations.
Company | Technology | Facility Type | Flow (gpd) | TN Approval Limit | Performance Data |
Lombardo Associates, Inc. 188 Church Street Newton, MA 02458 | Nitrex | Residential | <2,000 | 10 mg/L | Graph 3 |
KleanTu LLC. 300 Old Pond Road, Ste# 206 Bridgeville, PA 15017 | NitROE | Residential and Non-Residential | <2,000 | 11 mg/L | Graph 4 |
Company | Technology | Facility Type | Flow (gpd) | TN Approval Limit | Performance Data |
Lombardo Associates, Inc. 188 Church Street Newton, MA 02458 | Nitrex | Residential and Non-Residential | 2,000 – 10,000 | 25 mg/L | Graph 5 |
Aquapoint.3 LLC 39 Tarkiln Place New Bedford, MA 02745 | Bioclere | Residential and Non-Residential | 2,000 – 10,000 | 25 mg/L | Graph 6 |
Bio-Microbics of Maine, Inc. 69 Holland Street Lewiston, ME 04240 | STAAR by SeptiTech/Bio-Microbics of Maine, Inc. | Residential and Non-Residential | 2,000 – 10,000 | 25 mg/L | Graph 7 |
Company | Technology | Facility Type | Flow (gpd) | TN Approval Limit | Performance Data |
Biomicrobics Inc. 16002 West 110th Street Lenexa, KS 66219 | BioBarrier | Residential & Non-Residential | 2,000 – 10,000 | 19 mg/L | Graph 8 |
All Technologies Approved for Use
Approved for General Use
Through broad field use in Massachusetts or other states, alternative systems with Certification for General Use will provide a level of environmental protection at least equivalent to that of a conventional on-site system designed in accordance with 310 CMR 15.000 through 15.296. These systems can be used anywhere a conventional Title 5 system can be installed. The system owner is required to have inspection and testing performed as required by the approval on a regular schedule. All alternatives in other categories of approval could eventually be certified for General Use. Contact the manufacturer for schematics of these I/A technologies.
Inspection and Sampling in Single Family Homes
- Inspection and O&M Form for Title 5 I/A Treatment and Disposal Systems
This form is to be used to report inspection and sampling results for innovative/alternative septic system designs approved under Title 5.
Company | Technology | Design Flow | Technology Description |
Generic | Composting Toilets Composting toilets are approved for use under Title 5. See 310 CMR 15.289. | Compliant with Title 5 | Composting Toilet |
Generic | Recirculating Sand Filter Approval Other Documents: 1 | Compliant with Title 5 | Nitrogen Reduction for 550 gallons per day per acre: TN = 25mg/L Secondary treatment: BOD5 = 30mg/L, TSS = 30 mg/L |
Orenco Systems, Inc. 814 Airway Avenue Sutherlin, OR 97479 | Advantex Treatment System, Nitrogen reduction by Orenco System, Inc. Approval Other Documents: 1 | Residential <2,000 GPD | Nitrogen Reduction 660 GPD/acre w/ TN <19 mg/l 550 GPD/acre w/ TN <25 mg/l |
Aquapoint.3 LLC 39 Tarkiln Place New Bedford, MA 02745 | Bioclere Technology by Aquapoint 3. LLC Approval | Residential <2,000 GPD | Nitrogen Reduction 660 GPD/acre w/ TN <19 mg/l 550 GPD/acre w/ TN <25 mg/l |
Bio-Microbics, Inc. * Note new address | FAST by Bio-Microbics, Inc. Approval Other Documents: 1 | Residential <2,000 GPD | Nitrogen Reduction 660 GPD/acre w/ TN <19 mg/l 550 GPD/acre w/ TN <25 mg/l |
American Manufacturing Company, Inc. 22011 Greenhouse Road, PO Box 97 Elkwood, VA 22718 | PERC-RITE Drip Dispersal System by American Manufacturing Company, Inc. Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <10,000 GPD | Pressure distributed subsurface wastewater drip dispersal (disposal) system that replaces a conventional soil absorption system |
Norwesco, Inc./Snyder Industries PO Box 439 St Bonifacius, MN 55375-0439 | Polyethylene Septic Tank by Norwesco, Inc./Snyder Industries Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <10,000 GPD | Low profile polyethylene septic tanks with gasket and tee |
Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC P.O. Box 768 4 Business Park Road Old Saybrook, CT 06475 | Polyolefin Septic Tank by Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <10,000 GPD | Polyethylene or Polypropylene Septic Tanks` |
Orenco Systems, Inc. 814 Airway Ave. Sutherlin, OR 97479 | ProStep Effluent Pumping System Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <10,000 GPD | Effluent filtering |
Innovative RUCK Systems, Inc. 362 Gifford Street Falmouth, MA 02540 | RUCK System by Innovative RUCK Systems, Inc. Approval Other Documents: 1 | Residential <2,000 GPD | Nitrogen Reduction 660 GPD/acre w/ TN <19 mg/l 550 GPD/acre w/ TN <25 mg/l |
SeptiTech, Inc. 69 Holland Street, Lewiston, ME 04240 | SeptiTech Treatment Systems by SeptiTech/Bio-Microbics of Maine, Inc Approval | Systems <2,000 GPD | Nitrogen Reduction 660 GPD/acre w/ TN <19 mg/l 550 GPD/acre w/ TN <25 mg/l Secondary Treatment BOD5 = 30mg/L TSS=30 mg/L |
Roth Global Plastics, Inc. PO Box 2451 One General Motors Drive Syracuse, NY 13206 | SEPTECH Polyethylene Tanks by Roth Global Plastics, Inc. Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <10,000 GPD | Polyethylene Septic Tanks |
Pirana 1875 Joy Road Occidental, CA 95465 | Systems <2,000 GPD | Aeration Technology | |
NORWECO, Inc. 220 Republic Street Norwalk, OH 44857 | Singulair Treatment System Models by NORWECO, Inc. Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <2,000 GPD | Nitrogen Reduction 660 GPD/acre w/ TN <19 mg/l 550 GPD/acre w/ TN <25 mg/l Secondary Treatment BOD5 = 30mg/L TSS=30 mg/L |
Sludgehammer Group Ltd 336 Division Road Petoskey, MI 49770 | Sludgehammer Alternative Treatment System By Sludhehammer Group Ltd Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <2,000 GPD | Aeration Technology |
Geomatrix, LLC 114 Mill Rock Road East Old Saybrook, CT 06475 | SoilAir by GeoMatrix, LLC Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <2,000 GPD | Aeration Technology |
Company | Technology | Design Flow | Technology Description |
Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC P.O. Box 768 4 Business Park Road Old Saybrook, CT 06475 | EZ Flow Polystyrene Aggregate System Approval | Systems <10,000 GPD | Alternative Aggregate |
Standard Conditions for All Alternative Soil Absorption Systems
- Standard Conditions for Alternative Soil Absorption Systems with General Use Certification and/or Approved for Remedial Use
These conditions apply only to the approvals listed below. Please be advised that if designed in accordance with these conditions, MassDEP approval is no longer required. Revised March 5, 2018.
Company | Technology | Design Flow | Technology Description |
Cultec, Inc. PO Box 280, 878 Federal Road Brookfield, CT 06804 | Chamber Field Drain Contactors and Recharger by Cultec, Inc. Approval | Systems <10,000 GPD | Alternative Soil Absorption System (Disposal Only) |
Cur-Tech LLC 23 Ryan Street Stamford, CT 06907 | H-20 Reinforced Concrete Chamber by Cur-Tech, LLC Approval | Systems <10,000 GPD | Alternative Soil Absorption System (Disposal Only) |
Eljen Corporation 125 McKee Street East Hartford, CT 06108 | Eljen Geotextile Sandfilter System by Eljen Corporation Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <10,000 GPD | Alternative Soil Absorption System (Disposal with Treatment) |
Eljen Corporation 125 McKee Street East Hartford, CT 06108 | Mantis M5 System by Eljen Corporation Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <10,000 GPD | Alternative Soil Absorption System (Disposal Only) |
GeoMatrix Systems, LLC 114 Mill Rock Road East Old Saybrook, CT 06475 | Systems <10,000 GPD | Alternative Soil Absorption System (Disposal with Treatment) | |
GeoMatrix Systems, LLC 114 Mill Rock Road East Old Saybrook, CT 06475 | GST Leaching System by Geomatrix, LLC Approval Other Documents: 1 (Please note: The Effective Leaching Area values listed in Table 2 and Table 3 of this manual are the approved values based on Title 5 requirements and the Massachusetts GST IA Approval.) | Systems <10,000 GPD | Alternative Soil Absorption System (Disposal Only) |
Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC P.O. Box 768 4 Business Park Road Old Saybrook, CT 06475 | Biodiffuser and ARC Chamber by Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <10,000 GPD | Alternative Soil Absorption System with Secondary Treatment BOD5 = 30mg/L TSS=30 mg/L |
Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC P.O. Box 768 4 Business Park Road Old Saybrook, CT 06475 | Infiltrator ATL System by Infiltrator Water Technologies Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <10,000 GPD | Alternative Soil Absorption System (Disposal with Treatment) |
Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC P.O. Box 768 4 Business Park Road Old Saybrook, CT 06475 | Infiltrator Chambers by Infiltrator Water Technologies Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <10,000 GPD | Alternative Soil Absorption System (Disposal Only) |
Presby Environmental Inc. 143 Airport Road Whitefield, NH 03598 | Enviro-Septic Wastewater Treatment System by Presby Environmental, Inc. Approval | Systems <10,000 GPD | Alternative Soil Absorption System (Disposal with Treatment) |
Presby Environmental Inc. 143 Airport Road Whitefield, NH 03598 | Advanced Enviro-Septic Wastewater Treatment System by Presby Environmental Approval | Systems <10,000 GPD | Alternative Soil Absorption System (Disposal with Treatment) |
Presby Environmental Inc. 143 Airport Road Whitefield, NH 03598 | Residential <880 GPD | Alternative Soil Absorption System (Disposal with Treatment) | |
Presby Environmental Inc. 143 Airport Road Whitefield, NH 03598 | Simple-Septic Wastewater Treatment System by Presby Environmental Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <10,000 GPD | Alternative Soil Absorption System (Disposal with Treatment) |
Standard Conditions for Secondary Treatment Units for General Use
- Standard Conditions for Secondary Treatment Units Certified for General Use
These conditions apply only to the approvals listed below. Please be advised that if designed ina accordance with these conditions, MassDEP approval is no longer required. Revised March 20, 2015.
Company | Technology | Design Flow | Technology Description |
Orenco Systems, Inc. 814 Airway Avenue Sutherlin, OR 97479 | Systems <10,000 GPD | Secondary Treatment BOD5 = 30mg/L TSS=30 mg/L | |
F.R. Mahony & Associates, Inc. 273 Weymouth Street Rockland, MA 02370 | Amphidrome Treatment System by F.R. Mahony & Associates, Inc. Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems 2,000 GPD to 10,000 GPD | Secondary Treatment BOD5 = 30mg/L TSS=30 mg/L |
Aquapoint.3 LLC 39 Tarkiln Place New Bedford, MA 02745 | Bioclere Units by Aquapoint.3 LLC Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <10,000 GPD | Secondary Treatment Unit: for BOD5 and TSS Removal. Trickling Filter |
Waterloo Biofilter System, Inc. 143 Dennis Street Rockwood, NT, N0B 2K0 | Biofilter by Waterloo Biofilter Systems, Inc. Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems 2,000 GPD to <10,000 GPD | Secondary Treatment BOD5 = 30mg/L TSS=30 mg/L |
Busse Green Technologies Inc. 1101 South Euclid Ave. Oak Park, IL 60304 | Systems <2,000 GPD | Secondary Treatment BOD5 = 30mg/L TSS=30 mg/L | |
Wastewater Alternatives, Inc. 2 Whitney Road, Suite 10 Concord, NH 03301 | The Clean Solution Treatment System by Wastewater Alternatives of New England, LLC Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems 2,000 GPD to 10,000 GPD | Secondary Treatment BOD5 = 30mg/L TSS=30 mg/L |
Bio-Microbics, Inc. * Note new address | Fast Systems by Bio-Microbics, Inc. Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems 2,000 GPD to 10,000 GPD | Secondary Treatment BOD5 = 30mg/L TSS=30 mg/L |
Jet, Inc. 750 Alpha Dr. Cleveland, OH 44143 | Residential <2,000 GPD | Secondary Treatment BOD5 = 30mg/L TSS=30 mg/L | |
Hoots Aerobic Systems Inc. 2885 Highway 14 East Lake Charles, LA 70607 | Hoot Aerobic System by Hoot Systems, LLC Approval | Systems <10,000 GPD | Secondary Treatment BOD5 = 30mg/L TSS=30 mg/L |
Smith & Loveless, Inc. 14040 Santa Fe Trail Drive Lenexa, KS 66215 | Modular FAST System by Smith and Loveless, Inc. Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems 2,000 GPD to <10,000 GPD | Secondary Treatment BOD5 = 30mg/L TSS=30 mg/L |
SeptiTech, Inc. 69 Holland Street, Lewiston, ME 04240 | SeptiTech Treatment Systems by Bio-Microbics of Maine, Inc. Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <10,000 GPD | Secondary Treatment BOD5 = 30mg/L TSS=30 mg/L |
NORWECO, Inc. 220 Republic Street Norwalk, OH 44857 | Singulair Bio-Kinetic Wastewater Treatment System by NORWECO Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <10,000 GPD | Secondary Treatment BOD5 = 30mg/L TSS=30 mg/L |
Approved for Provisional Use
This category is intended to evaluate, under actual field conditions, alternative systems that appear technically capable of providing levels of protection at least equivalent to those of a standard on-site disposal system. These systems are generally approved for nitrogen reduction but can be approved to evaluate reduction of other parameters. The system owner is required to have inspection and testing performed as required by the approval on a regular schedule throughout the Provisional Use period. Each Provisional Use technology shall install at least 50 systems pursuant to its approval. These systems can be installed for new construction or on remedial sites to replace a failed system. Contact the manufacturer for schematics of these I/A technologies.
Provisional Use Approval Certification Forms for Design and Installation
- Title 5 Provisional Use Approval Certification Forms
Certification that an innovative or alternative technology approved for provisional use in Massachusetts meets the required standards for wastewater disposal.
Company | Technology | Design Flow | Technology Description |
Orenco Systems, Inc. 814 Airway Avenue Sutherlin, OR 97479 | Advantex Treatment System with by Orenco Systems, Inc. Approval | Systems 2,000 GPD to <10,000 GPD | Nitrogen Reduction TN = 25 mg/L, Secondary Treatment BOD5 = 30mg/L TSS=30 mg/L |
Aquapoint.3 LLC 39 Tarkiln Place New Bedford, MA 02745 | Systems <2,000 GPD | Nitrogen Reduction 660 GPD/acre w/ TN <19 mg/l 550 GPD/acre w/ TN <25 mg/l | |
Aquapoint.3 LLC 39 Tarkiln Place New Bedford, MA 02745 | Systems 2,000 GPD to <10,000 GPD | Nitrogen Reduction TN = 25 mg/L, Secondary Treatment BOD5 = 30mg/L TSS=30 mg/L | |
Bio-Microbics, Inc. * Note new address | FAST by Bio-Microbics, Inc. Approval Other Documents: 1 | Residential 2,000 GPD to <10,000 GPD Non-Residential <10,000 GPD | Nitrogen Reduction TN = 25 mg/L, Secondary Treatment BOD5 = 30mg/L TSS=30 mg/L |
Fuji Clean USA, LLC 41-2 Greenwood Road Brunswick, Maine 04011 | Fuji Clean by Fuji Clean USA, LLC Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <2,000 GPD | Nitrogen Reduction 660 GPD/acre w/ TN <19 mg/l 550 GPD/acre w/ TN <25 mg/l Secondary Treatment BOD5 = 30mg/L TSS=30 mg/L |
SeptiTech, Inc 69 Holland Street Lewiston, ME 04240 | STAAR by SeptiTech/Bio-Microbics of Maine, Inc. Approval | Systems <2000 GPD and 2,000 GPD to 10,000 GPD | Nitrogen Reduction 660 GPD/acre w/ TN <19 mg/l 550 GPD/acre w/ TN <25 mg/l Secondary Treatment BOD5 = 30mg/L TSS=30 mg/L |
Lombardo Associates, Inc 49 Edge Hill Road Newton, MA 02467 | Other Documents: 1 | Systems <2000 GPD and 2,000 GPD to 10,000 GPD | Nitrogen Reduction 660 GPD/acre w/ TN <19 mg/l 550 GPD/acre w/ TN <25 mg/l Secondary Treatment BOD5 = 30mg/L TSS=30 mg/L |
KleanTu LLC 300 Old Pond Road, Ste# 206 Bridgeville, PA 15017 | NitROE Approval | Systems <2,000 GPD | Nitrogen reduction TN< 11mg/L |
Waterloo Biofilter System, Inc. 143 Dennis Street Rockwood, NT, N0B 2K0 | Waterloo Biofilter by Waterloo Biofilter Systems, Inc.Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <2,000 GPD | Nitrogen Reduction 660 GPD/acre w/ TN <19 mg/l 550 GPD/acre w/ TN <25 mg/l Secondary Treatment BOD5 = 30mg/L TSS=30 mg/L |
Waterloo Biofilter System, Inc. 143 Dennis Street Rockwood, NT, N0B 2K0 | Waterloo Biofilter by Waterloo Biofilter Systems, Inc. Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems 2,000 GPD to <10,000 GPD | Nitrogen Reduction TN = 25 mg/L, Secondary Treatment BOD5 = 30mg/L TSS=30 mg/L |
Approved for Piloting Use
Piloting is intended to provide field-testing and a technical demonstration to determine if a particular alternative technology can or cannot function effectively. Technology is only approved when the Department has determined, based on relevant technical data, that the proposed alternative is likely to be capable of a level of environmental protection at least equivalent to that of a system designed in accordance with 310 CMR 15.100 through 15.293. These systems are generally approved for nitrogen reduction but can be approved to evaluate reduction of other parameters. Up to 15 systems can be installed and tested for a minimum of 18 months. The system owner is required to have inspection and testing performed as required by the approval on a regular schedule throughout the Piloting period. Contact the manufacturer for schematics of these I/A technologies.
Company | Technology | Design Flow | Technology Description |
Biomicrobics Inc. * Note new address | BioBarrier MBR Wastewater Treatment System by Bio-Microbics, Inc. Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <10,000 GPD | Nitrogen Reduction 660 GPD/acre w/ TN <19 mg/l 550 GPD/acre w/ TN <25 mg/l Secondary Treatment BOD5 = 30mg/L TSS=30 mg/L |
Vinicius Ranucci Ramos Acuantia Inc. | BioRock Monoblock by Vincius Ranucci Ramos Acuantia Inc. Approval | Systems <2000 GPD | Secondary Treatment BOD5 = 30mg/L TSS=30 mg/L |
NORWECO, Inc. 220 Republic Street Norwalk, OH 44857 | Hydro-Kinetic Wastewater Treatment System by NORWECO, Inc. Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <600 GPD | Nitrogen Reduction 660 GPD/acre w/ TN <19 mg/l 550 GPD/acre w/ TN <25 mg/l Secondary Treatment BOD5 = 30mg/L TSS=30 mg/L |
Stephen B. Nelson LLC d/b/a Clearwater Recovery 175 Spring Street Rockland, MA 02370 | Jet-1500CF System by Clearwater Recovery Approval | Systems <1,500 GPD | Nitrogen Reduction 660 GPD/acre w/ TN <19 mg/l 550 GPD/acre w/ TN <25 mg/l Secondary Treatment BOD5 = 30mg/L TSS=30 mg/L |
NORWECO, Inc. 220 Republic Street Norwalk, OH 44857 | Drip Subsurface Disposal System by NORWECO Approval | ||
NORWECO, Inc. 220 Republic Street Norwalk, OH 44857 | Phos-4-Fade Phosphorous Removal by NORWECO Approval | Systems <10,000 GPD | Phosphorus removal <0.3 mg/L |
Lombardo Associates, Inc. 49 Edge Hill Road Newton, MA 02467-1170 | PhosRID Phosphorus Removal System by Lombardo Associates, Inc. Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <10,000 GPD | Phosphorus removal <1.0 mg/L |
Waterloo Biofilter System, Inc. 143 Dennis Street Rockwood, NT, N0B 2K0 | Waterloo EC-P by Waterloo Biofilter Systems, Inc. Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <10,000 GPD | Phosphorus removal < 1.0 mg/L |
Approved for Remedial Use
Remedial Use-approved alternative technologies are used to improve existing conditions at a particular facility or facilities served by a failed, failing or nonconforming system. The alternative system shall have evidence of effective past performance for at least one year of general usage in another state and will provide a level of environmental protection at least of a system designed in accordance with 310 CMR 15.100 through 15.293. The alternative can be used where there is no increase in design flow at the facility. The system owner is required to have inspection and testing performed as required by the approval on a regular schedule. These systems can only be installed on remedial sites to replace a failed system. Contact the manufacturer for schematics of these I/A technologies.
Inspection and Sampling in Single Family Homes
- Inspection and O&M Form for Title 5 I/A Treatment and Disposal Forms
This form is to be used to report inspection and sampling results for innovative/alternative septic system designed approved under Title 5.
Company | Technology | Design Flow | Technology Description |
Generic | Bottomless Sand Filters Approval Other Documents: 1 | Compliant with Title 5 | Bottomless Sand Filter |
Generic | Composting Toilets Composting toilets are approved for use under Title 5. See 310 CMR 15.289. | Compliant with Title 5 | Composting Toilet |
Generic | Compliant with Title 5 | Recirculating Sand Filter | |
Aero-Stream LLC On-Site Treatment Systems (TM) W300 N7706 Christine Lane Hartland, WI 53029 | Aerobic Recovery System Septic Restoration Process by Onsite Treatment Systems Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <2,000 GPD | SAS Aeration with Bacterial Augmentation for restoration of failed SAS |
American Manufacturing Co. Inc. 22011 Greenhouse Rd Elkwood, VA 22718 | PERC-RITE Drip Dispersal System by American Manufacturing Company, Inc. Approval | Systems <10,000 GPD | Alternative SAS: Subsurface drip dispersal |
Pirana 1875 Joy Road Occidental, CA 95465 | Systems <2,000 GPD | SAS Aeration with Bacterial Augmentation; restoration of failed SAS | |
Sludgehammer Group Ltd 336 Division Road Petoskey, MI 49770 | Sludgehammer Alternative Treatment System by SludgeHammer Group Ltd. Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <2,000 GPD | Septic Tank Aeration with Bacterial Augmentation; BOD5 and TSS removal |
Geomatrix, LLC 114 Mill Rock Road East Old Saybrook, CT 06475 | Soilair by Geomatrix, LLC Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <10,000 GPD | SAS Aeration |
Geoflow Inc. 500 Tamal Plaza, Suite 506 Corte Madera, CA 94925 | Subsurface Drip Wastewater Disposal System by Geoflow, Inc. Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <10,000 GPD | Alternative SAS: Drip Irrigation |
Knight Treatment Systems 281 County Route 51A Oswego, NY 13126 | White Knight Inoculator/Generator Alternative Treatment System by Knight Treatment Systems Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <10,000 GPD | Septic Tank Aeration with Bacterial Augmentation BOD5 and TSS removal Restoration of failed SAS |
IMET Corporation P.O. Box 10753 Cleveland, Ohio 44147 | IMET Corporation: 1036 IMET REMEDIATOR Approval | Systems <1,500 GPD | Aeration Device |
Standard Conditions for All Alternative Soil Absorption Systems
- Standard Conditions for Alternative Soil Absorption Systems with General Use Certification and/or Approved for Remedial Use
These conditions apply only to the approvals listed below. Please be advised that if designed in accordance with these approvals, MassDEP approval is no longer required. Revised February 3, 2016.
Company | Technology | Design Flow | Technology Description |
Cultec, Inc. PO Box 280, 878 Federal Road Brookfield, CT 06804 | Chamber Field Drain Contactors and Recharger by Cultec, Inc. Approval | Systems <10,000 GPD | Alternative Soil Absorption System (Disposal Only) |
Cur-Tech LLC 23 Ryan Street Stamford, CT 06907 | H-20 Reinforced Concrete Chamber by Cur-Tech, LLC Approval | Systems <10,000 GPD | Alternative Soil Absorption System (Disposal Only) |
Eljen Corporation 125 McKee Street East Hartford, CT 06108 | Eljen Geotextile Sandfilter System by Eljen Corporation Approval | Systems <10,000 GPD | Alternative Soil Absorption System (Treatment with Disposal) |
Geomatrix, LLC 114 Mill Rock Road East Old Saybrook, CT 06475 | GeoMat Leaching System by Geomatrix System, LLC Approval | Systems <10,000 GPD | Alternative SAS |
Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC. P.O. Box 768 4 Business Park Road Old Saybrook, CT 06475 | Biodiffuser and ARC Chamber by Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC Approval | Systems <10,000 GPD | Alternative Soil Absorption System with Secondary Treatment BOD5 = 30mg/L TSS=30 mg/L |
Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC. P.O. Box 768 4 Business Park Road Old Saybrook, CT 06475 | Infiltrator ATL System by Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <10,000 GPD | Alternative Soil Absorption System (Disposal Only) |
Presby Environmental Inc. 143 Airport Road Whitefield, NH 03598 | Enviro-Septic Wastewater Treatment System by Presby Environmental, Inc. Approval | Systems <10,000 GPD | Alternative Soil Absorption System (Treatment with Disposal) |
Presby Environmental Inc. 143 Airport Road Whitefield, NH 03598 | Advanced Enviro-Septic Wastewater Treatment System by Presby Environmental, Inc. Approval | Systems <10,000 GPD | Alternative Soil Absorption System (Treatment with Disposal) |
Presby Environmental Inc. 143 Airport Road Whitefield, NH 03598 | Residential Systems <880 GPD | Alternative Soil Absorption System with Secondary Treatment with Disposal BOD = 30 mg/L TSS = 30 mg/L | |
Presby Environmental Inc. 143 Airport Road Whitefield, NH 03598 | Simple-Septic Wastewater Treatment System by Presby Environmental Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <10,000 GPD | Alternative Soil Absorption System (Disposal with Treatment) |
Standard Conditions for Secondary Treatment Units Approved for Remedial Use
- Standard Conditions for Secondary Treatment Units Approved for Remedial Use
These conditions apply only to the approvals listed below. Please be advised that if designed in accordance with these conditions, MassDEP approval is no longer required. Revised November 28, 2016, to remove the requirement to pressure-distribute the effluent after secondary treatment.
Company | Technology | Design Flow | Technology Description |
Orenco Systems, Inc. 814 Airway Avenue Sutherlin, OR 97479 | Systems <10,000 GPD | Secondary Treatment Unit Textile media aerobic treatment; BOD5 and TSS removal | |
F.R. Mahony & Associates, Inc. 273 Weymouth Street Rockland, MA 02370 | Systems <10,000 GPD | Secondary Treatment Unit Submerged Attached-Growth Sequencing Bioreactor; BOD5, TSS, and Nitrogen removal | |
Aquapoint.3 LLC 39 Tarkiln Place New Bedford, MA 02745 | Bioclere by Aquapoint.3 LLC Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <10,000 GPD | Secondary Treatment Unit: Trickling Filter; BOD5 and TSS removal |
Busse Green Technologies Inc. 1101 South Euclid Ave. Oak Park, IL 60304 | Systems <2,000 GPD | Secondary Treatment Unit: Activated sludge process and a membrane process (biological-filtration); BOD5 and TSS removal | |
Wastewater Alternatives of New England, LLC 2 Whitney Road, Suite 10 Concord, NH 03301 | The Clean Solution Treatment System by Wastewater Alternatives of New England, LLC Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <10,000 GPD | Secondary Treatment Unit: Submerged media attached-growth biological treatment unit; BOD5 and TSS removal |
Fuji Clean USA, LLC 41-2 Greenwood Road Brunswick, Maine 04011 | Fuji Clean Models by Fuji Clean USA Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <900 GPD | Secondary Treatment Unit: Primary sedimentation chamber, anaerobic treatment chamber (with submerged media), and aerobic contact / filtration chamber (with submerged media); BOD, TSS, and Nitrogen Reduction |
Hoot Aerobic Systems Inc. 2885 Highway 14 East Lake Charles, LA 70607 | Hoot Aerobic System by Hoot Systems, LLC Approval Other Documents: 1 (Guide H-Series Installer & O&M Manual for General and Remedial Use in Massachusetts for H-500A, H-600A, H-750A and H-1000A) | Residential Systems <1,000 GPD | Secondary Treatment Unit: Pretreatment tank, aeration chamber and clarifier; BOD5 and TSS removal |
JET Inc. 750 Alpha Drive Cleveland, OH 44143 | Residential Systems <2,000 GPD | Secondary Treatment Unit: Primary settling zone, aerobic treatment with fixed media, and a secondary clarifying zone; BOD5 and TSS removal | |
Saneco, Inc. Box 9B 65 Eastern Avenue Essex, MA 01929 | Low-Rate Intermittent Sand Filter by Saneco, Inc. Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <10,000 GPD | Secondary Treatment Unit: Screened pump vault (in existing septic tank), Intermittent Sand Filter and pump chamber; BOD5 and TSS removal |
FAST by Bio-Microbics Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <10,000 GPD | Secondary Treatment Unit: Primary settling zone, aerobic treatment with fixed media, and a secondary clarifying zone; BOD5 and TSS removal | |
Smith & Loveless, Inc. 14040 Santa Fe Trail Drive Lenexa, KS 66215 | Modular FAST by Smith & Loveless Inc. Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <10,000 GPD | Secondary Treatment Unit: Aerobic Treatment Unit with fixed media; BOD5 and TSS removal |
Bord na Mona Environmental Products U.S. Inc. 4106 Bernau Avenue Greensboro, NC 27407 | Puraflo Peat Fiber Biofilter by Bord na Mona Environmental Products US Inc. Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <10,000 GPD | Secondary Treatment Unit: Peat Fiber Biofilter (following septic tank), discharges via pressure distribution to SAS; BOD5 and TSS removal |
NORWECO, Inc. 220 Republic Street Norwalk, OH 44857 | Singulair Bio-Kinetic Wastewater Treatment Systems by NORWECO, Inc. Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <1,500 GPD | Secondary Treatment Unit: Aerobic Treatment and Bio-Kinetic System; BOD5 and TSS removal TN removal with TNT models |
SeptiTech, Inc. 220 Lewiston Road Gray, ME 04039 | SeptiTech Treatment Systems by Bio-Microbics of Maine, Inc. Approval Other Documents: 1 | Systems <10,000 GPD | Secondary Treatment Unit: Recirculating Trickling Filter; BOD5 and TSS removal |
Waterloo Biofilter System, Inc. 143 Dennis Street Rockwood, ONT, N0B 2K0 | Waterloo Biofilter by Waterloo Biofilter Systems, Inc. Approval | Systems <10,000 GPD | Secondary Treatment Unit: Trickling Filter; BOD5 and TSS removal |
Effluent Tee Filters
Effluent tee filters are approved for installation at the outlet of the septic tank in lieu of an outlet tee. When installed on a septic tank, an appropriate outlet cover must be installed and maintained at grade and the filter must be inspected and cleaned at least on an annual basis.
Company | Technology | Design Flow | Technology Description |
Flowlink Mfg. Co. 7225 Pacific Ave., SE Olympia, WA 98503 | Flowlink Filter Baffles Approval | Systems <10,000 GPD | Effluent Tee Filter |
Sim/Tech Filter, Inc. 1455 Lexamar Drive Boyne City, MI 49712 | GAG SIM/TECH Disposal Septic Tank Effluent Tee Filter Approval | Residential and Greywater <1,200 GPD | Effluent Tee Filter |
NORWECO, Inc. 220 Republic Street Norwalk, OH 44857 | Bio-Kinetic Wastewater Management System by Norweco Approval | Systems <10,000 GPD | Effluent Tee Filter |
Orenco Systems, Inc. 814 Airway Avenue Sutherlin, OR 97479 | Biotube Effluent Filter by Orenco Approval | Systems <10,000 GPD | Effluent Tee Filter |
Polylok, Inc. 3 Fairfield Blvd Wallingford, CT 06492 | Polylok Effluent Tee Filter (Model PL-68 and PL-250) Approval | Residential and Greywater <3,000 GPD | Effluent Tee Filter |
Polylok, Inc. 3 Fairfield Blvd Wallingford, CT 06492 | Polylok Effluent Tee Filter (Model PL-122) Approval | Systems <10,000 GPD | Effluent Tee Filter |
Polylok, Inc. 3 Fairfield Blvd Wallingford, CT 06492 | Polylok Effluent Tee Filter (Model PL-525 and PL-625) Approval | Systems <10,000 GPD | Effluent Tee Filter |
Rissy Plastics, LLC 350 Cedar Lane Torrington, CT 06790 | Clink n’ Stik by Rissy Plastics Approval | Residential and Greywater <2,000 GPD | Effluent Tee Filter |
Sim/Tech Filter 1455 Lexamar Drive Boyne City, MI 49712 | Sim/Tech Filter Approval | Systems <10,000 GPD | Effluent Tee Filter |
Tuf-Tite, Inc. 1200 Flex Court Lake Zurich, IL 60047 | Tuf-Tite Effluent Filter (Model EF-4) Approval | Systems <10,000 GPD | Effluent Tee Filter |
Tuf-Tite, Inc. 1200 Flex Court Lake Zurich, IL 60047 | Tuf-Title Effluent Filter (Model EF-6) Approval | Systems <10,000 GPD | Effluent Tee Filter |
Zabel Environmental Technology 10409 Watterson Trail Jeffersontown, KY 40299 | Filtered Pump Vaults by Zabel Approval | Systems <10,000 GPD | Effluent Tee Filter |
Zabel Environmental Technology 10409 Watterson Trail Jeffersontown, KY 40299 | Wastewater Effluent Filter by Zabel Approval | Systems <10,000 GPD | Effluent Tee Filter |
Zoeller Pump Co. P.O. Box 16347 Louisville, KY 40256 | Effluent Tee Filter by Zoeller Approval | Systems <10,000 GPD | Effluent Tee Filter |
Zoeller Pump Co. P.O. Box 16347 Louisville, KY 40256 | Effluent Tee Filter P/N 170-0078 by Zoeller Approval | Systems <1,000 GPD | Effluent Tee Filter |
Expired or Inactive Technology Permits
Amphidrome Process
The Piloting Approval for Amphidrome Process expired on May 30, 2006. The company has not submitted a renewal application for this technology.
The Provisional Use Approval for Amphidrome Process expired on October 15, 2020. The Company has not submitted a renewal application for this technology.
Anua PuraSYS SBR/Puraflo Peat Fiber System by Clearwater Recovery
The Piloting Approval for the Anua PursaSYS SBR/Puraflo Peat Fiber System expired on March 28, 2022. The Company has not submitted a renewal application for this technology.
Biocycle 525
The Remedial Use Approval for Biocycle, Inc. Biocycle 525 expired on December 30, 2004. The company has not submitted a renewal application for this technology.
Biolet XL
The General Use Approval for Biolet XL expired on January 16, 2007. The company has not submitted a renewal application for this technology.
Clear Rex Bubbler by PekaSys, Inc.
The Piloting Approval for Clear Rex Bubbler expired on February 15, 2016. The company has not submitted a renewal application for this technology.
Dominator Septic Tanks by Snyder Industries
The General Use Approval for Dominator Septic Tanks expired on September 2, 2014. The company has not submitted a renewal application for this technology.
Ecoflo Biofilter
The Remedial Use Approval for Ecoflo Biofilter expired on November 8, 2005. The company has not submitted a renewal application for this technology.
ECOPOD-N by Delta Environmental – Pentair Water
The Piloting Approval for ECOPOD-N expired on August 21, 2019. The company has not submitted a renewal application for this technology.
GPC Filter by Ground Penetrating Carbon, Inc.
The Piloting Approval for GPC Filter expired on December 8, 2019. The company has not submitted a renewal application for this technology.
Hydro-Kinetic Wastewater Treatment System by NORWECO, Inc.
The Piloting Approval for the Hydro-Kinetic Wastewater Treatment System expired on November 7, 2023. The company has not submitted a renewal application for this technology.
Jet J-335 Tertiary Sand Filter
The Remedial Use Approval for the JET J-335 Tertiary Sand Filter expired on November 2, 2006. The company has not submitted a renewal application for this technology.
MicroSeptec EnviroServer
The Piloting Approval for MicroSeptec Enviroserver expired on October 18, 2005. The company has not submitted a renewal application for this technology.
Modular FAST by Smith & Loveless, Inc.
The Provisional Use Approval for Modular FAST expired on January 29, 2014. The company has not submitted a renewal application for this technology.
NITREX-PLUS by Lombardo Associates, Inc.
The Piloting Approval for MicroSeptec Enviroserver expired on February 26, 2012. The company has not submitted a renewal application for this technology.
OMNI-Cycle System
The Piloting Use Approval for the OMNI-Cycle System expired on January 16, 2014. The company has not submitted a renewal application for this technology.
OMNI Recirculating Sand Filter
The Piloting Use Approval for the OMNI Recirculating Sand Filter System expired on April 4, 2010. The company has not submitted a renewal application for this technology.
Orenco High-Rate Intermittent Sand Filter
The Remedial Use Approval for the Saneco Orenco High-Rate Intermittent Sand Filter expired on November 2, 2003. The company has not submitted a renewal application for this technology.
RetroFAST by BioMicrobics
The Piloting Approval for Retro-Fast expired on June 5, 2019. The company has not submitted a renewal application for this technology.
RUCK CFT by North Coast Technologies, LLC
The Piloting Approval for RUCK CFT expired on December 11, 2017. The company has not submitted a renewal application for this technology.
The Provisional Use Approval for the Zenon ZenoGem/Cycle-Let expired on August 6, 2003. The company has not submitted a renewal application for this technology.