Learn about MassHealth’s EVV requirements
EVV is a federal requirement for providers of Medicaid-funded personal care and home health services that require an in-home visit.
Providers may fulfill EVV requirements by
- purchasing their own EVV system and sending data daily to EOHHS’s data aggregator (the database that holds EVV information); or
- using the state EVV system from Sandata Technologies (available as of September 30, 2024).
The EOHHS EVV Solution is an open model. That means providers can use their own EVV system and send their EVV-related data to the EVV data aggregator (the database that holds EVV information), or they can use the state’s EVV system. EOHHS refers to providers’ own EVV systems as Alt-EVV systems. For the Massachusetts Alternate EVV Technical Specifications, visit Sandata’s Alternate EVV Technical Specifications.
All visits, whether verified in the state’s EVV system or a provider’s, will be sent to the EVV data aggregator. If a provider chooses to use an Alt-EVV system, they will still be required to provide all six elements of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) EVV requirements:
- Members who receive services
- Provider employees who provide services
- Specific services provided
- Service locations
- Service dates
- Beginning and end times of service
Sandata’s EVV system lets providers view, monitor, schedule, and edit EVV visits. However, it does not have billing or payroll functions.
If you provide services that require EVV, identify your chosen EVV system through the Provider Self-Registration Portal. (You can check our list of in-scope services here to find out if your specific service type requires EVV.) Providers can choose to use the state’s EVV system, Sandata, or their own system. Systems other than Sandata are called Alternate EVV (Alt-EVV) systems. If you use an Alt EVV system, you must identify an Alt-EVV vendor that will integrate with the Sandata system.
More about Sandata Technologies
Sandata Technologies has been chosen as the state’s EVV vendor for agency-based services as well as the EVV data aggregator (the database that holds EVV information).
Sandata has worked on EVV projects in more than 20 states.
As of September 30, 2024, MassHealth has launched the agency-based EVV system. Other providers will start using the system in January 2025.
Keep checking this page for more information, including how your health plan will be affected, how to get training, how to comply with EVV requirements, the schedule of EVV rollout, and other updates.
Sandata Technologies Resources
For general information on Sandata Technologies, visit Sandata EVV Services | CMS Compliance Software - Sandata.
For Massachusetts-specific Sandata materials and support, visit Sandata Technologies (zendesk.com).
The Sandata Ready, Set, Go Checklist has step-by-step instructions on Sandata or an Alt-EVV system through the EVV data aggregator.
Other Information and Frequently Asked Questions
Learn about EVV for Provider Organizations
EVV for Provider Organizations That Contract with ASAPs
EVV for Provider Organizations That Contract with MCOs and ACOs
EVV for Provider Organizations That Contract with SCO or One Care Plans
Agency-based Providers and Services Required to Use EVV
View the full list of services that require EVV, by service code, on this table. PDF | Word
Contact for Electronic Visit Verification for Agency-based Providers
Last updated: | September 27, 2024 |