Massachusetts legal forms for subjects Q-T

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Table of Contents

Quitclaim deed

Note: Language for Quitclaim Deeds and Warranty Deeds is available in the "Statutory Forms of Instruments Relating to Real Estate" (minus language for the acknowledgment) in Appendixes to Chapter 183 of the Massachusetts General Laws (not available online by the Legislature).

Use our Ask a Law Librarian services to request copies of these forms.

See also real estate for more sample forms.

Real estate

Note: Many of the forms helpful in conveyancing and the practice of real estate are not available for free on the internet. The Trial Court Law Libraries can supply you with sample forms. Contact us through our Ask a Law Librarian services to request copies. The following is a partial list of print sources where these forms can be found.

  • Handbook of standards and forms, Real Estate Bar of Massachusetts.
    A selection of forms including Quitclaim Deed (Form 19), Purchase and Sale Agreement for Massachusetts Real Estate (Form 21), and REBA Short Form Office Leases (Form 38).
  • Legal forms, 5th ed., (Mass Practice v. 15A), West Group. Real Estate Transactions.
    Includes forms for Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, and more.
  • Massachusetts conveyancers handbook with forms, 4th ed.
    Appendices include Greater Boston Real Estate Board (GBREB) forms related to the purchase of real estate and Condominium Master Deed and Condominium Trust forms.
  • Real estate law with forms, (Mass. Practice, v. 28-28C), Thomson Reuters. Sections for a selection of specific forms are noted below:
    • Sections 41:1 – 41:23 Deeds, including long forms for Quitclaim and Warranty deeds
    • Sections 46:1 – 46:16 Leases Forms, including Standard leases and addenda for apartments, single family dwellings and condominiums from the Greater Boston Real Estate Board
    • Sections 48:1 – 48: 86 Closing Forms, an extensive list including Long form mortgage (section 48:21)
    • Sections 51:1 - 51:44 Mortgages
    • Section 53:56 Greater Boston Real Estate Board Purchase and Sale Form
  • Residential and commercial landlord-tenant practice in Massachusetts, 4th ed., MCLE.
    Exhibit 1E, Standard Form Apartment Lease; Exhibit 2B Commercial Lease Form.

Real estate transaction disclosure form, Mass. Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM).
Disclosure statement for transaction with a public agency concerning real estate.


Housing forms, checklists, and letters, Mass. Legal Help. Contains sample forms, checklists, and letters for renters, including:

See also landlord-tenant.

Restraining orders

Separation agreements

See divorce.

Septic systems

Septic credit for repairing or replacing a failed cesspool or septic system, Mass. Department of Revenue, Schedule SC, 2023.

Title 5 septic system forms, Mass. Department of Environmental Protection.

Sexual harassment

Filing a complaint

File a complaint with MCAD, Mass. Commission Against Discrimination.

File a sexual harassment complaint with EEOC, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Housing discrimination, Mass Access Housing Registry.
If you feel that you have been discriminated against by a real estate agent, landlord, or housing manager it is important to do something about it.

OCR complaint forms, Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education.
This page provides specific and detailed information that will assist you in filing a complaint with the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) at the Department of Education.

Report housing discrimination, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
You can Report Housing Discrimination with Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) online, email or in person.

Small claims

Court forms: For Boston Municipal Court, District Court, and Housing Court
Most forms can be downloaded and filled in, but the Statement of Small Claims is only a sample and must be picked up at the Court Department that will be hearing your case. Sample forms are also provided in 7 additional languages. Foreign language forms are for reference only, but are designed to provide guidance in filling out the English forms for filing with the court.

File a small claim online; select “Small Claims Complaint.” Tyler Technologies Guide and File. 
"The Massachusetts Trial Court has engaged with Tyler Technologies to deliver electronic filing ("eFiling") for all who may wish to submit court filings electronically." For more information, see Learn about eFiling in the Trial Court.


Deposition subpoenas

Volume 10C (Procedural forms annotated) 6th ed., West, 2009 with supplement. Sample deposition subpoenas Sections 91:6-91:9. (You can submit a request for a copy of a form through the Trial Court Law Libraries' Ask a Law Librarian services).

Massachusetts pleading and practice: Forms and commentary, volume 6, Matthew Bender, loose-leaf. Sample deposition subpoena Section 45.1 (eBook available with library card).

Documents-only subpoena

Volume 10C (Procedural forms annotated) 6th ed., West, 2009 with supplement. “Documents-only” subpoena Section 91:10.50. (You can submit a request for a copy of a form through the Trial Court Law Libraries' Ask a Law Librarian services).

Testimonial subpoenas

Provided by Mass. Legal Help. Includes:

Summary process

See Eviction.


Body art establishment inspection forms, Mass. Department of Public Health.
For use by Local Boards of Health.


Appeal forms, Appellate Tax Board.
Forms for real estate tax appeals. See also Real estate tax appeals: A helpful guide for taxpayers and assessors

IRS tax forms, Internal Revenue Service.

Massachusetts tax forms, Mass. Department of Revenue.

Property tax forms and guides, Mass. Department of Revenue. 
These forms are filed with local assessors.

State tax forms, from the Federation of Tax Administrators.
This page provides links to downloadable tax forms for 49 states plus the District of Columbia.

Title 5

Title 5 septic system forms, Mass. Department of Environmental Protection.

Tort claims act

Federal Tort Claims Act standard form 95, U.S. General Services Administration.


Note: The following no trespass notices are used by the police departments in two Massachusetts towns. Check with the police department in your city or town to see if they have a similar form that they like to use.

Contact   for Massachusetts legal forms for subjects Q-T

Last updated: January 15, 2025

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