An installment payment plan allows you to pay your insurance premium on a monthly basis, rather than in full. This type of payment plan may incur a fee.
Below you may access information on insurers' motor vehicle insurance installment payment plans approved by the Division of Insurance in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 175, Section 193B. Such plans are approved and amended throughout the year. Be sure to check our website periodically for updates. Also, check with your agent or insurer to verify your eligibility for the motor vehicle insurance installment plan that you are interested in. The following are links to comparisons of motor vehicle insurance installment plan information. Ways to Save: You can always avoid installment fees by paying your bill in full before it is due. Using electronic funds transfer to pay installments may save you all or a portion of the installment fee. You are urged to check with your agent or insurer to confirm any possible savings.
American Family Connect Property and Casualty Insurance Company
American Family Home Insurance Company and American Modern Property and Casualty Insurance Company
Amica Mutual Insurance Company/Amica Property and Casualty Insurance Company
Government Employees Insurance Company (GEICO)/GEICO General Insurance Company
LM General Insurance Company/Liberty Mutual Personal Insurance Company
Progressive Casualty Insurance Company/Progressive Direct Insurance Company
- Quincy Mutual Fire Insurance Company
State Farm Fire and Casualty Company and State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company
United General Indemnity/Garrison Property and Casualty Insurance Company