Open PDF file, 238.76 KB,
Declaración Jurada Militar/Military Affidavit
(Spanish, PDF 238.76 KB)
- This page, Housing Court forms in Spanish / Formularios del Tribunal de Vivienda en español, is offered by
- Housing Court
- Massachusetts Court System
Housing Court forms in Spanish / Formularios del Tribunal de Vivienda en español
Table of Contents
Aviso de comparecencia / Notice of Appearance
Summary Process (Eviction)
Demandas de menor cuantía / Small Claims
Open PDF file, 199.97 KB,
Multilingual Notice
(English, PDF 199.97 KB)
This notice includes information in Spanish, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Haitian Creole, Khmer, Russian, and traditional Chinese.
Open PDF file, 260.59 KB,
Contestación de demandas de menor cuantía | Small Claims Answer
(Spanish, PDF 260.59 KB)
Open PDF file, 260.04 KB,
Contrademanda de demandas de menor cuantía | Small Claims Counterclaim
(Spanish, PDF 260.04 KB)
Open PDF file, 153.59 KB,
Pedido de apelación del demandado | Defendant's Claim of Appeal
(Spanish, PDF 153.59 KB)
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