Career Advancement Program Tuition Waiver

The following is a brief description for students. Institutions should refer to the most recent guidelines for information.

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This tuition waiver program is designed to reward public school teachers in their first three years of teaching who have passed all three components of the Massachusetts Teachers Test with career advancement opportunities. It is believed that the Career Advancement Program Tuition Waiver helps to increase the retention of new teachers during the years when attrition is highest. Eligible public school teachers receive up to three tuition-free state-supported graduate courses, one for each of their first three years of teaching. The value of the tuition waivers is approximately $300 per course.

Who Is Eligible?

To be eligible for a Career Advancement Tuition Waiver, a student must:

  • Be a permanent legal resident of Massachusetts.
  • Be a U.S. Citizen or non-citizen eligible under Title IV regulations.
  • Be in compliance with Selective Service Registration.
  • Not be in default of any federal or state Student Loans for attendance at any institution or owe a refund for any previous financial aid received.
  • Have passed all three components of the Massachusetts Teachers Test.
  • Be a public school teacher in the year he/she using the award.

Eligible Institutions

Award Amounts

Career Advancement Tuition Waiver recipients shall be eligible for tuition for up to three state-supported graduate courses (in education or areas related to the teacher's subject matter), one for each of their first three years of teaching. Waivers must be used within two years of the year of teaching in a public school that has provided eligibility for the waiver.

View the full value of tuition waivers, by school, for a full-time student in the current academic year.

How to Apply

Contact the financial aid office at the institution you are attending or plan to attend for application requirements or deadlines.

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