Cash Grant Program

The following is a brief description for students. Institutions should refer to the most recent guidelines for information.

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The Cash Grant Program is a complementary program to the Need-Based Tuition Waiver Program. It helps needy students by awarding grant money to cover additional charges such as mandatory fees and non-state-supported tuition. Since its inception, the Cash Grant has been used in campus-based financial aid packaging strategies to support those individuals who would otherwise be denied the opportunity for higher education.

Who Is Eligible?

To be eligible for a Massachusetts Cash Grant, a student must:

  • Be a permanent legal resident of Massachusetts for one year prior to the start of the academic year for which the grant is awarded.
  • Be a U.S. Citizen or non-citizen eligible under Title IV regulations.
  • Be in compliance with Selective Service Registration.
  • Not be in default of any federal or state Student Loans for attendance at any institution or owe a refund for any previous financial aid received.
  • Be enrolled in at least three undergraduate credits per semester in an eligible program.
  • Not have received a prior bachelor’s degree or professional degree or their equivalent.
  • Be maintaining satisfactory academic progress in accordance with institutional and federal standards.

Eligible Institutions

An eligible institution shall mean an institution within the system of public institutions of higher education under section 5 of Chapter 15A of the General Laws.

Award Amounts

An individual Cash Grant award for an academic period may not exceed the combined institutional tuition and fees charged for the award period.

How to Apply

Contact your financial aid office for application requirements and deadlines. You may also call the DHE’s Office of Student Financial Assistance at (617) 391-6070 for additional information.

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