The Foster Child Grant Program was funded by the Massachusetts Legislature in 2001. It provides grants of up to $6000 annually for foster children to help pay for an education beyond high school at any college or university throughout the continental United States. The grant recipient must have signed an agreement with the Department of Children and Families for care and services beyond age 18.
Please view the Help Paying for School page for more information.
Additional Resources
Who is Eligible?
To be eligible for a Foster Child Grant a student must:
- Be a permanent legal resident of Massachusetts.
- Be a U.S. Citizen or non-citizen eligible under Title IV regulations.
- Have applied for financial aid, using the standard Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the Massachusetts Application for State Financial Aid (MASFA).
- Be in compliance with Selective Service Registration.
- Not be in default of any federal or state Student Loans for attendance at any institution or owe a refund for any previous financial aid received.
- Be enrolled full time (at least 12 credits or its equivalent) in an eligible institution.
- Be in good standing and meet the institution's requirements for satisfactory academic progress.
- Be placed in the custody of the Department of Children and Families through a Care and Protection Petition.
- Be under the age of twenty-five (25) at the start of the academic year.
- Have signed a voluntary agreement with the Department of Social Services establishing terms and conditions for receiving such aid.
- Please visit the Help Paying for School page for more information.
Eligible Institutions
An eligible institution shall mean a public, private, independent, for-profit or non-profit institution in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the continental United States authorized to offer undergraduate degrees or certificate programs. The institution must be accredited and eligible to participate in the federal Title IV programs.
Please visit the Financial Aid Programs page for more information.
Award Amounts
The Foster Child Grant is a maximum of $6000 per academic year. It is awarded to eligible students enrolled in public, private for-profit or private non-profit institutions for not more than five consecutive years.
How to Apply
To apply for the Foster Child Grant, contact the DHE’s Office of Student Financial Assistance at (617) 391-6070 or your social worker in the Department of Children and Families. You can also visit the Help Paying for School page.