We can translate it for you free of charge. Call the MassHealth Customer Service Center to request this service.
Information from MassHealth is also available in alternative formats, such as braille and large print. To get a copy in an alternative format, please call us at (800) 841-2900, TDD/TTY: 711.
You can also easily translate the information on this web page or any Mass.gov web page by using the "Select Language" button above. The "Select Language" button will translate in any of the languages listed.
Español (ES) | Português (PT-BR) | 繁體中 (ZH-CHT) | Kreyòl Ayisyen (HT) |
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繁體中文 (ZH-CHT)
Kreyòl Ayisyen (HT)
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ខ្មែរ (KM)
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λληνικά (GR)
Polski (PL)
हिंदी (HI)
ગુજરાતી (GU-IN)
ພາສາລາວ (LO)
Contact for Language Assistance
Self-service available 24 hrs/day in English and Spanish. Other services available Monday-Friday 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Interpreter services are available.