- Assessment of Brain and Central Nervous System Cancer Incidence in Needham, MA, 1987-1998 (RTF)
- Figure 1: Location of Census Tracts, Needham, MA
- Figure 2-4: Percentage of Individuals Diagnosed with Brain or CNS Cancer in Needham, MA (XLS)
- Figure 5: Age Distribution of Individuals Diagnosed with Brain or CNS Cancer in Needham and Massachusetts, 1987-1998 (XLS)
- Figure 6: Needham Heights and Needham Junction Neighborhoods, Needham, MA
- Figure 7: Locations of Waste Sites and Spills Reported to MDEP, 1982-1993
- Tables 1-3: Brain & CNS Cancer Incidence in Needham, MA (XLS)
- Table 4: Environmental Sites and Spills in Needham, MA, 1982-1993 (XLS)
- Appendix A: Risk Factor Information for Selected Cancer Types (RTF)
New Bedford
- Health Consultation: Evaluation of Indoor Environmental Conditions and Potential Health Impacts, New Bedford High School – February 2013 (DOC)
- Health Consultation: Evaluation of Serum PCB Levels and Cancer Incidence Data, Parker Street Waste Site Neighborhood – February 2013 (DOC)
Fact Sheets
- English
- Portuguese
- Spanish
Previous Releases
- Health Consultation: Evaluation of Four Facilities within the New Bedford Business Park and Cancer Incidence in Two Census Tracts in New Bedford, Bristol County, MA - June 2012 (DOC)
- New Bedford Kidney Cancer Follow-up Investigation: Rodney Metals (a/k/a Allegheny Rodney Strip Division) and Brittany Dyeing and Printing Corporation, New Bedford, Bristol County, Massachusetts, October 3, 2005 (DOC)
- Assessment of Environmental Concerns: Rodney Metals and Brittany Dyeing and Printing Corporation and Evaluation of Cancer Incidence in New Bedford's South End 1982-1998 (July 2003) (DOC)
- Health Officials Remind Consumers Not to Eat Fish, Lobster and Shellfish from Area 1/Inside the Hurricane Barrier of New Bedford Harbor (DOC)
- Funcionarios de salud Recuordenles a los consumidores No comer pescado, langosta ni mariscos del orea 1 en el interior de la barrera contra huracanes del puerto de New Bedford (DOC)
- As Autoridades de Saúde lembram aos consumidores que noo devem comer peixe, lagosta e outro marisco provenientes da orea 1/orea abrangida pela Hurricane Barrier do porto de New Bedford (DOC)
North Adams
- Evaluation of Sediment and Surface Water Sampling Data at the Northampton Sanitary Landfill Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts (DOC)
- Evaluation of Health Outcome Data in Northampton and Easthampton, MA and among Neighborhoods in Closest Proximity to the Northampton Regional Landfill - September 2008 (DOC)
- Evaluation of Residential Indoor Air near the Walton and Lonsbury Superfund Site in Attleboro, MA - September 2014 (DOC)
- Evaluation of Environmental Concerns Related to the Shpack Landfill Superfund Site, Final Release - April 7, 2014 (DOC)
- Focused Evaluation of Cancer Incidence Within One-Mile Radius Area of the Shpack Landfill Superfund Site and Response to Comments (DOC)
- Shpack Landfill: Evaluation of Brain & CNS Cancer Incidence in Attleboro, MA, 1999-Present (DOC)
- Shpack Landfill: Evaluation of Cancer Incidence in Census Tracts of Attleboro and Norton, MA: 1982-2002 (DOC)
Contact for Reports by city/town: N
(617) 624-5777
250 Washington St., 7th Floor, Boston, MA 02108