Organization: | Trial Court Law Libraries Massachusetts Court System |
Date published: | April 3, 2018 |
Last updated: | September 27, 2024 |
Department of Public Health regulations compiled by the Trial Court Law Libraries
Table of Contents
- 105 CMR 100.00: Determination of need
- 105 CMR 120.00: The control of radiation
- 105 CMR 121.00: To control the radiation hazards of lasers, laser systems and optical fiber communication systems utilizing laser diode or light emitting diode sources
- 105 CMR 122.00: Nonionizing radiation limits for: the general public from non-occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields, employees from occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields, and exposure from microwave ovens
- 105 CMR 123.00: Tanning facilities
- 105 CMR 124.00: Provision of thyroid blocking agents
- 105 CMR 125.00: Licensing of radiologic technologists
- 105 CMR 127.00: Licensing of mammography facilities
- 105 CMR 130.00: Hospital licensure
- 105 CMR 135.00: Use of blood, blood components and derivatives for the purpose of transfusion
- 105 CMR 140.00: Licensure of clinics
- 105 CMR 141.00: Licensure of hospice programs
- 105 CMR 142.00: Operation and maintenance of birth centers
- 105 CMR 143.00: Standards governing cardiac rehabilitation treatment
- 105 CMR 145.00: Licensing of out-of-hospital dialysis units in Massachusetts
- 105 CMR 150.00: Standards for long-term care facilities
- 105 CMR 153.00: Licensure procedure and suitability requirements for long-term care facilities
- 105 CMR 155.00: Patient and resident abuse prevention, reporting, investigation, penalties and registry
- 105 CMR 156.00: The training of nurses' aides in long-term care facilities
- 105 CMR 157.00: The registration and operation of temporary nursing service agencies
- 105 CMR 158.00: Licensure of adult day health programs
- 105 CMR 164.00: Licensure of substance use disorder treatment programs
- 105 CMR 168.00: Licensure of alcohol and drug counselors
- 105 CMR 170.00: Emergency medical services system
- 105 CMR 171.00: Massachusetts first responder training
- 105 CMR 172.00: Reporting of unprotected exposures to infectious diseases dangerous to the public health
- 105 CMR 173.00: Mobile integrated health care and community EMS programs
- 105 CMR 180.00: The operation, approval and licensing of clinical laboratories
- 105 CMR 200.00: Physical examination of school children
- 105 CMR 201.00: Head injuries and concussions in extracurricular activities
- 105 CMR 205.00: Minimum standards governing medical records and the conduct of physical examinations in correctional facilities
- 105 CMR 210.00: The administration of prescription medications in public and private schools
- 105 CMR 215.00: Standards for school wellness committees
- 105 CMR 220.00: Immunization of students before admission to school
- 105 CMR 221.00: Promoting awareness of meningococcal disease and vaccine
- 105 CMR 222.00: Massachusetts immunization information system
- 105 CMR 223.00: Pediatric immunization program assessment
- 105 CMR 225.00: Nutrition standards for competitive foods and beverages in public schools
- 105 CMR 240.00: Criteria for insurance coverage of bone marrow transplants for breast cancer patients
- 105 CMR 260.00: Prohibition against certain fishing in New Bedford harbor
- 105 CMR 270.00: Blood screening of newborns for treatable diseases and disorders
- 105 CMR 271.00: Postpartum depression screening and reporting
- 105 CMR 300.00: Reportable diseases, surveillance, and isolation and quarantine requirements
- 105 CMR 301.00: Cancer registry
- 105 CMR 302.00: Congenital anomalies registry
- 105 CMR 305.00: Confidential birth information
- 105 CMR 309.00: Safe driving
- 105 CMR 315.00: Cremation of bodies received from outside Massachusetts
- 105 CMR 330.00: Vaccination of dogs and cats against rabies
- 105 CMR 335.00: Treatment of persons exposed to rabies
- 105 CMR 360.00: Tuberculosis treatment unit standards for admission, treatment and discharge
- 105 CMR 365.00: Standards for management of tuberculosis outside hospitals
- 105 CMR 400.00: State sanitary code chapter I: general administrative procedures
- 105 CMR 410.00: Minimum standards of fitness for human habitation (State sanitary code, chapter II)
- 105 CMR 420.00: State sanitary code chapter III: Farm labor camps
- 105 CMR 425.00: Rights of visitation for migrant workers
- 105 CMR 430.00: Minimum standards for recreational camps for children (State sanitary code, chapter IV)
- 105 CMR 432.00: Minimum requirements for personal flotation devices for minor children at municipal and recreational programs and camps
- 105 CMR 435.00: State sanitary code chapter V: Sanitary standards for swimming pools
- 105 CMR 440.00: State sanitary code chapter VI: Minimum standards for developed family type camp grounds
- 105 CMR 445.00: State sanitary code chapter VII: Minimum standards for bathing beaches
- 105 CMR 450.00: Minimum health and sanitation standards for DYS secure residential facilities
- 105 CMR 451.00: Minimum health and sanitation standards and inspection procedures for correctional facilities
- 105 CMR 460.00: Lead poisoning prevention and control
- 105 CMR 470.00: Maintenance and construction of lock up facilities
- 105 CMR 480.00: Minimum requirements for the management of medical or biological waste (State sanitary code chapter VIII)
- 105 CMR 500.00: Good manufacturing practices for food
- 105 CMR 590.00: State sanitary code chapter X: Minimum sanitation standards for food establishments
- 105 CMR 605.00: Approved manual choke saving procedures
- 105 CMR 620.00: Bedding, upholstered furniture and related products
- 105 CMR 630.00: Plastic bags and plastic film
- 105 CMR 650.00: Hazardous substances
- 105 CMR 660.00: Cigarette and smokeless tobacco products: reports of nicotine ratings
- 105 CMR 661.00: Regulations implementing MGL c.270, s.22
- 105 CMR 665.00: Minimum standards for retail sale of tobacco and electronic nicotine delivery systems
- 105 CMR 670.00: Right to know
- 105 CMR 675.00: State sanitary code chapter XI: Requirements to maintain air quality in indoor skating rinks
- 105 CMR 700.00: Implementation of M.G.L. c.94C
- 105 CMR 720.00: List of interchangeable drug products
- 105 CMR 721.00: Standards for prescription format and security in Massachusetts
- 105 CMR 722.00: Dispensing procedures for clinic and hospital pharmacies
- 105 CMR 724.00: Implementation of MGL c. 94D: The controlled substances therapeutic act
- 105 CMR 802.00: Registration of sanitarians
- 105 CMR 803.00: Certification of health officers
- 105 CMR 910.00: Licensure of research institutions using dogs or cats in research and education
- 105 CMR 920.00: Establishing a uniform schedule of assessments for direct pay patients at the department of public health hospitals
- 105 CMR 960.00: Biotechnology (stem cell research)
- 105 CMR 970.00: Pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturer conduct
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