Organization: | Trial Court Law Libraries Massachusetts Court System |
Date published: | April 4, 2018 |
Last updated: | January 31, 2025 |
Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities regulations compiled by the Trial Court Law Libraries
Table of Contents
- 760 CMR 4.00: General administration of local housing authorities
- 760 CMR 5.00: Eligibility and selection criteria
- 760 CMR 6.00: Occupancy standards and tenant participation for state aided housing
- 760 CMR 8.00: Privacy and confidentiality
- 760 CMR 11.00: Modernization and development of state-aided public housing
- 760 CMR 12.00: Urban renewal regulations
- 760 CMR 14.00: Lead paint abatement loan program
- 760 CMR 18.00: Massachusetts capital improvement and preservation fund
- 760 CMR 19.00: Facilities consolidation fund program
- 760 CMR 23.00: Housing innovations funds
- 760 CMR 24.00: Massachusetts housing stabilization fund
- 760 CMR 25.00: Securing approval of projects under MGL c.121A in cities and towns outside of Boston
- 760 CMR 27.00: Relocation assistance
- 760 CMR 29.00: Community Services Block Grant Program
- 760 CMR 34.00: Participation of non-profit corporations in the Chapter 705 family housing program
- 760 CMR 38.00: Department of Mental Health rental subsidy program
- 760 CMR 47.00: Non-discrimination, equal opportunity, and affirmative furtherance of fair housing regulations governing recipients of department of housing and community development financial assistance
- 760 CMR 49.00: Massachusetts rental voucher program
- 760 CMR 53.00: Alternative housing voucher program
- 760 CMR 54.00: Massachusetts low-income housing tax credit program
- 760 CMR 56.00: Comprehensive permit; low or moderate income housing
- 760 CMR 57.00: Data sharing to verify income for rental assistance
- 760 CMR 58.00: Urban Center Housing Tax Increment Financing (UCH-TIF) program
- 760 CMR 59.00: Smart growth zoning districts and starter home zoning districts
- 760 CMR 60.00: Community-Based Housing Fund Program
- 760 CMR 61.00: Data collection for government assisted housing in Massachusetts
- 760 CMR 62.00: Commercial area transit node housing program
- 760 CMR 63.00: Public housing innovation programs
- 760 CMR 64.00: Publicly-assisted affordable housing preservation
- 760 CMR 65.00: The Massachusetts Short-Term Housing Transition Program
- 760 CMR 66.00: Housing Development Incentive Program - Chapter 40V
- 760 CMR 67.00: Eligibility for Emergency Assistance (EA)
- 760 CMR 68.00: Community Investment Tax Credit Program
- 760 CMR 70.00: Veterans supportive housing program
- 760 CMR 71.00: Protected use accessory dwelling units
- 760 CMR 72.00: Multi-family zoning requirement for MBTA communities