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  • MassHealth

MassHealth public notices

MassHealth public notices

The following is a list of notices, by date of publication, about proposed or emergency MassHealth regulations. Click on a link to view the corresponding full notice and proposed or emergency regulations.

All persons desiring to submit data, views, or arguments about proposed regulations may do so in writing by the date indicated on the notice. Refer to the full notice for the mailing address for submitting comments, or submit them by email at masshealthpublicnotice@mass.gov. MassHealth is not required to respond to comments; however, all comments are reviewed and considered.

The date published is the date the notice appeared in the newspaper and marks the beginning of the 21-day public-comment period, pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30A, s. 3.

Sign up for email notification whenever MassHealth is advertising proposed regulations. Note: When you click on the sign-up link, a blank email should appear.  If your settings prevent this, you may also copy and paste join-masshealth-proposed-regs@listserv.state.ma.us into your email address line.  Just send the blank email as it's addressed. No text in the body or subject line is needed.

Please note:  The WORD, RTF, and TEXT versions of documents are accessible formats intended for screen readers used by the vision-impaired.

MassHealth has no public notices at this time.

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