
Opinion  Opinion 2020-4

Date: 09/24/2020
Organization: Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court

Ethical Opinions for Clerks of the Courts

Table of Contents

Receiving referral fees arising from causes of action brought before being sworn in as Clerk-Magistrate

Dear Clerk Magistrate ____________:

This is in response to your request of September 4, 2020 for the Committee's advice. You were appointed Clerk Magistrate in the ______________ Court in September 2019 and seek guidance regarding payment of referral fees from your former law firm. When you left your former practice you left behind a few private personal injury cases that continue to be handled by the former firm. You also left an older case in which the judgment was recently satisfied. Your former firm is looking to pay you a referral fee for the case in which the judgment was satisfied, and you expect that the firm will seek to pay you referral fees for the personal injury cases in the future. You ask whether you are able to receive those referral fees under the Code of Professional Responsibility for Clerks.  

The Committee addressed this issue in an early opinion. Opinion 92-6 provides in part "The third question you posed was whether you could keep on receiving referral fees that arise out of causes of action brought before you were sworn in as Assistant Clerk. We see no conflict with your receiving these fees so long as you are not providing any continuing legal work to earn them." The Committee considered your request and confirms the advice that was provided in Opinion 92-6.  Because you have already done the work that generates the fees and will not be doing any further legal work to earn them, the Committee finds that the Code does not prohibit your receiving the previously earned referral fees.  

Christine P. Burak, Esq.
Advisory Committee on Ethical Opinions

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