
Opinion  Opinion 98-2

Date: 03/31/1998
Organization: Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court

Table of Contents

Unsolicited contribution by law firm to charity in clerk's name.


You have asked this Committee for its opinion concerning a holiday greeting card you received in December, 1997. You are a first assistant register in the Division of the Probate and Family Court. The relevant facts are that a law firm made a contribution in your name to a charity of its choice. You indicate that you did not solicit the contribution and have had no dealings with this law firm. The Committee acknowledges that you received no personal benefit from this holiday greeting. We are of the opinion that there is no conflict with the Code and that you are not obliged to take any action regarding this unsolicited gift.

If you personally would be more comfortable assuring that this does not happen in the future, you should write to the law firm requesting that they refrain from making any future donations in your name.

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