State of Emergency Termination: June 15
- Governor's COVID-19 Order #69 (issued May 28, 2021) Lifts remaining COVID-19 restrictions and rescinds most COVID-19 Orders. The order also provided for the continuation of certain COVID-19 orders through June 15, which are noted within this page.
- Modified Public Health Emergency (issued May 28, 2021) The Governor also issued a modified declaration of a public health emergency under the public health statute, to continue certain public health requirements, like requiring face coverings in certain settings
Order of the Commissioner of Public Health (Archive)
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health (COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Order No. 2022-15 extending authorization for the issuance of temporary licenses for certain providers, and renewal or reactivation of certain temporary licenses (issued June 14, 2022)
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health (COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Order No. 2022-12) regarding first responder training for members of the Massachusetts National Guard (issued March 25, 2022)
- This order supersedes Order of the Commissioner of Public Health (COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Order No. 2021-18) (issued December 24, 2021)
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health (COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Order No. 2022-11) regarding intensive care unit nurse staffing requirements (February 16, 2022)
- This order rescinds the Order of the Commissioner of Public Health (COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Order No. 2021-16) (issued December 10, 2021)
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health (COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Order No. 2022-09) authorizing expedited licensure of out of state physicians and certain retired physicians (issued January 27, 2022)
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health (COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Order No. 2022-06) authorizing a statewide standing order for the purchase of over-the-counter COVID-19 tests (issued January 14, 2022)
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health (COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Order No. 2022-05) regarding expedited credentialing and transfers of licensed staff across health care facilities (issued January 14, 2022)
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health (COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Order No. 2022-04) regarding expedited licensure of certain individuals eligible for physician licensure (issued January 14, 2022)
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health (COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Order No. 2022-01) regarding the requirement for certain personnel to receive a booster vaccination dose against COVID-19 (issued January 6, 2022)
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health (COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Order No. 2021-17) regarding skilled nursing care in Assisted Living Residences (issued December 14, 2021)
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health (COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Order No. 2021-12) authorizing and expediting licensure for certain graduates of international medical schools (issued November 12, 2021)
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health (COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Order No. 2021-13) extending authorization for the issuance of temporary licenses for certain providers, and renewal or reactivation of certain temporary licenses (issued November 12, 2021)
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health (COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Order No. 2021-11) authorizing certain access to the Massachusetts Immunization Information System to specific entities (issued October 16, 2021)
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health (COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Order No. 2021-10) authorizing certain access to the Massachusetts Immunization Information System to specific entities (issued October 11, 2021)
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health (COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Order No. 2021-9) regarding COVID-19 testing for certain authorized entities (issued September 20, 2021)
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health (COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Order No. 2021-6) authorizing issuance of temporary licenses for certain providers, and renewal or reactivation of certain temporary licenses (issued August 26, 2021)
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health (COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Order No. 2021-5) extending certain licenses pursuant to an April 3, 2020 Order of the Commissioner of Public Health (issued August 20, 2021)
Order of the Commissioner of Public Health (COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Order No. 2021-4) regarding the requirement for nursing home personnel to be vaccinated against COVID-19 (issued August 4, 2021)
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health (COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Order No. 2021-3) regarding COVID-19 vaccine possession and storage in long-term care facilities and certified assisted living residences (issued July 30, 2021)
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health (COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Order No. 2021-2) Related to Community Health Worker Qualifications (issued June 30, 2021)
- Reissuance of Certain Public Health Orders (COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Order No. 2021-1) (issued June 14, 2021) reissues 14 public health orders under Governor Baker’s May 28, 2021 modified public health emergency under the public health statute, to extend the following public health measures:
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health Providing for Continuity of Emergency Medical Services Care
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health: Rescue Inhalers, Epinephrine AutoInjectors and Oxygen in Community Programs
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health regarding authorization for skilled nursing care and staffing updates in assisted living facilities
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health regarding pharmacy assistance teams for individuals in medical shelters or quarantine
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health regarding COVID-19 data reporting
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health to Waive Timeframe for Certified Nurse Aide Training
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health Prohibiting Billing Uninsured Individuals for COVID-19 Testing
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health Regarding Control of COVID-19 in Long-Term Care Facilities
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health CLIA-Waived COVID-19 Testing in Congregate Care Sites
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health Regarding Temporary Laboratory Licenses for COVID-19 Testing
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health Regarding Reporting to the Massachusetts Immunization Information System
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health Regarding Access to Certain Immunization Information for Insurance Carriers and MassHealth
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health Authorizing Additional Individuals to Administer COVID-19 Vaccinations
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health Regarding Face Coverings to be Worn in Certain Settings
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health Extending the Authorization for Nursing Practice by Graduates and Senior Nursing Students of Nursing Education Programs (issued June 14, 2021)
- Order of the Commissioner of Public Health Rescinding Order Extending Validity of Temporary Licenses to September 15, 2021 (issued June 14, 2021)
Health Care Workforce (Archive)
Note: The June 14, 2021 Reissuing of Certain Public Health Orders reissued 14 public health orders under Governor Baker's May 28, 2021 Modified Public Health Emergency under the public health statute. Those reissued orders can be found here.
Rescinded/Lapsed Orders:
- DPH Order (issued March 25, 2021, reissued June 14, 2021) authorizing additional individuals to administer COVID-19 vaccination (view Guidance)
- DPH Order, (issued December 23, 2020) relative to healthcare personnel influenza vaccination in certain state-operated facilities
- DPH Order (revised December 22, 2020; replaces DPH order issued October 6, 2020) relative to healthcare personnel influenza vaccination in long-term care facilities, adult day health programs and out of hospital dialysis units (view Guidance)
- DPH Order (issued October 6, 2020) relative to influenza vaccination for healthcare personnel at assisted living facilities
- DPH Order (issued May 18, 2020) Exempts certain hospitals from the nurse staffing requirements of M.G.L. c. 111, § 231 (view related Attestation Form)
- Rescinded by DPH Order issued March 1, 2021
- DPH Order (issued April 28, 2020) relative to staffing ratios in out-of-hospital dialysis units
- DPH Order (issued April 3, 2020) relative to expanded practice by advanced practice registered nurses at Department of Mental Health facilities
- DPH Order (issued April 3, 2020) Expanded the availability of certain health care providers (replaced previous March 29 order) (View Guidance)
- DPH Order (issued March 29, 2020) Authorized DPH’s Office of Preparedness and Emergency Management to conduct CORI checks on volunteers who register with MA Responds to respond to the COVID-19 emergency without a notarized CORI Acknowledgement Form
- DPH Order (issued March 26, 2020) Addressed independent prescriptive practice for advanced practice registered nurses (view Guidance)
- DPH Order (issued March 18, 2020) regarding the sharing of critical information with first responders (view Guidance)
- DPH Order (issued March 18, 2020) regarding the flexible reassignment of Physicians Assistants (view Guidance)
- DPH Order (issued March 17, 2020) Implemented emergency credentialing and licensed staff transfer procedures for medical facilities in the Commonwealth (view Guidance)
- Board of Registration in Nursing Policy (issued March 11, 2020) Expedited the processing of reciprocal license applications for nurses that are licensed in another jurisdiction to allow those applications to be processed in one business day
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #23 (issued April 9, 2020) Provided accelerated licensing of physicians educated in foreign medical schools (rescinded by COVID-19 Order #41, but required the Board of Registration in Medicine to ensure that licenses issued pursuant to the April 9 Order remain valid for 2 years from the date of issuance)
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #24 (issued April 9, 2020) Authorized nursing practice by nursing school graduates and students in their final semester of nursing education programs (view Guidance) [RESCINDED JUNE 15, PER ORDER #69]
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #8 (issued March 17, 2020) Extended registration of certain licensed health care professionals. [RESCINDED BY ORDER #69]
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #7 (issued March 17, 2020) Expanded access to physician services. [RESCINDED BY ORDER #69]
Note: Governor Baker ended the State of Emergency on June 15, 2021. All rescinded or lapsed emergency orders and guidance are listed for reference only.
Health Care Delivery (Archive)
Note: The June 14, 2021 Reissuing of Certain Public Health Orders reissued 14 public health orders under Governor Baker's May 28, 2021 Modified Public Health Emergency under the public health statute. Those reissued orders can be found here.
Rescinded/Lapsed Orders:
- DPH Order (issued February 3, 2021) regarding vaccine reporting to the Massachusetts Immunization Information System (MIIS)
- DPH Order (issued December 7, 2020) related to elective procedures (view Guidance, updated December 22) (replaces previous December 9 Guidance, June 24 Order and Guidance, June 6 Order and Guidance and May 18 Order and Guidance)
- Rescinded by DPH Order issued March 1, 2021
- DPH Order (issued April 20, 2020) regarding crisis standards of care (view Guidance) (Rescinded by DPH Order of June 19)
- DPH Order (issued April 6, 2020) regarding submission of written follow up procedures for oral prescriptions (view Guidance)
- DPH Order (issued March 24, 2020) Exempted certain activities that are necessary to address COVID-19 from determination of need approval (view Guidance)
- DPH Order (issued March 24, 2020) Exempted certain activities that are necessary to address COVID-19 from determination of need approval (view Guidance)
- DPH Order (issued March 17, 2020) relative to Emergency Medical Services Care
- DPH Order (issued March 15, 2020) regarding non-essential, elective invasive procedures in hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers
Note: Governor Baker ended the State of Emergency on June 15, 2021. All rescinded or lapsed emergency orders and guidance are listed for reference only.
Labs & Hospitals (Archive)
Note: The June 14, 2021 Reissuing of Certain Public Health Orders reissued 14 public health orders under Governor Baker's May 28, 2021 Modified Public Health Emergency under the public health statute. Those reissued orders can be found here.
Rescinded/Lapsed Orders:
- DPH Order (issued January 12, 2021) regarding temporary laboratory licenses for COVID-19 testing
- DPH Order (issued April 28, 2020) Allowed certain referrals to clinical laboratories for COVID-19 testing
- DPH Order (issued April 8, 2020) regarding collection of complete demographic information on patients with confirmed or suspected COVID-19
- DPH Order (issued March 15, 2020) relative to hospital visitor restrictions (view Guidance issued June 6, which replaced Guidance issued March 16)
Note: Governor Baker ended the State of Emergency on June 15, 2021. All rescinded or lapsed emergency orders and guidance are listed for reference only.
Congregate Care (Archive)
Note: The June 14, 2021 Reissuing of Certain Public Health Orders reissued 14 public health orders under Governor Baker's May 28, 2021 Modified Public Health Emergency under the public health statute. Those reissued orders can be found here.
Rescinded/Lapsed Orders:
- DPH Order (issued March 12, 2021) regarding medication administration in long-term care facilities by certain members of the Massachusetts National Guard
- DPH Order (issued December 7, 2020) related to COVID-19 testing in congregate care sites
- DPH Order (issued November 5, 2020) regarding control of COVID-19 in long-term care facilities
- DPH Order (issued July 2, 2020) regarding provision of day program services provided in group settings (replaced previous Order issued March 24)
- DPH Order (issued April 2, 2020) regarding the provision of skilled nursing care in Assisted Living Residences (view Guidance)
- DPH Order (issued April 1, 2020) regarding administration of certain medications in Community Programs
- DPH Order (issued March 29, 2020) regarding long-term care facility resident transfers and discharges
- DPH Order (issued March 15, 2020) Restricted visitors at assisted living facilities (view Guidance)
- DPH Order (issued March 12, 2020) Restricted visitors at nursing and rest homes (view Guidance)
Note: Governor Baker ended the State of Emergency on June 15, 2021. All rescinded or lapsed emergency orders and guidance are listed for reference only.
Limits on Gatherings (Archive)
Rescinded/Lapsed Orders:
- Governor's COVID-19 Order #63 (issued February 4, 2021) Rescinded COVID-19 Order #57, established gathering limits of 10 people indoors; 25 people outdoors. [RESCINDED BY ORDER #69]
- March 22 Appendix to COVID-19 Order #63 (issued March 18, 2021): Superseded gathering limits from above order and amended them as follows:
- Gatherings at private residences: 10 people indoors, 25 people outdoors
- Gatherings at event venues and in public settings: 100 people indoors, 150 people outdoors
- March 22 Appendix to COVID-19 Order #63 (issued March 18, 2021): Superseded gathering limits from above order and amended them as follows:
- Governor's COVID-19 Order #62 (issued January 21, 2021) Extended the limits on gatherings in COVID-19 Order #59 until 5:00AM on February 8, 2021 unless further extended by a subsequent Order.
- Governor's COVID-19 Order #60 (issued January 7, 2021) Extended the provisions of COVID-19 Order #59 until noon on January 24, 2021 unless further extended by a subsequent Order.
- Governor's COVID-19 Order #59 (issued December 22, 2020) Applied limit of 10 persons for indoor gatherings, 25 persons for outdoor gatherings to both private homes and event venues and public spaces.
- Governor's COVID-19 Order #57 (issued December 8, 2020) Reduced the limit on outdoor gatherings statewide from 100 persons to 50 persons. Sustained other gathering limits from Order #54. (adjusted by Order #59. Further adjustments were made by Order #62 which rescinded section 4)
- Governor's COVID-19 Order #54 (issued November 2, 2020) Reduced gathering size limit for gatherings at private residences: indoor gatherings at private residences are limited to 10 people and outdoor gatherings at private residences are limited to 25 people. The limit on gatherings held in public spaces and at event venues remains the same. Requires that all gatherings (regardless of size or location) must end and disperse by 9:30 PM. Also requires that organizers of gatherings report known positive COVID-19 cases to the local health department in that community and requires organizers to cooperate with contact tracing. The gatherings order authorizes continued enforcement by local health and police departments and specifies that fines for violating the gathering order will be $500 for each person above the limit at a particular gathering. (superseded and rescinded by Order #57 effective Dec. 13, 2020)
- Governor's COVID-19 Order #52 (issued September 29, 2020) Made adjustments to gathering limits: (1) Indoor gatherings at all venues and locations limited to 25 people, (2) Outdoor gatherings at private residences limited to 50 people, (3) Outdoor gatherings at event venues and in public settings (as further defined in the Order) (a) Lower Risk Communities - up to 100 people, (b) Communities that do not qualify as lower risk – up to 50 people (rescinded by Order #54)
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #46 (issued August 7, 2020) Third revised gatherings order, which reduced the limit on outdoor gatherings from 100 to 50 and maintained the limit on indoor gatherings at 25 (rescinded by Order #52)
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #44 (issued July 2, 2020) Raised the limit on outdoor and indoor gatherings to a maximum of 25 persons for indoor gatherings and 100 persons for outdoor gatherings (rescinded by Order #46)
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #38 (issued June 6, 2020) Extended the prohibition on gatherings of more than 10 people and made clarifications to its application (rescinded by Order #44)
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #30 (issued April 28, 2020) Extended the prohibition on gatherings of more than 10 people until May 18 (rescinded by Order #38)
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #21 (issued March 31, 2020) Extended the prohibition on gatherings of more than 10 people until May 4 (rescinded by Order #30)
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #13 (issued March 23, 2020) Prohibited gatherings of more than 10 people until April 7 (rescinded by Order #37)
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #5 (issued March 15, 2020) Prohibited gatherings of more than 25 people (rescinded by Order #13)
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #2 (issued March 13, 2020) Prohibited gatherings of more than 250 people (rescinded by Order #5)
NOTE: Governor Baker ended the State of Emergency on June 15, 2021. All rescinded or lapsed emergency orders and guidance are listed for reference only.
Travel Restrictions (Archive)
Rescinded/Lapsed Orders:
- Governor's COVID-19 Order #66 (issued March 18, 2021): Rescinded COVID-19 Order #45 effective 12:01AM on March 22, 2021. Directed the Department of Public Health to issue in its place an Advisory for Travelers to Massachusetts to inform the public of appropriate safety measures to reduce COVID-19 transmission. [RESCINDED BY ORDER #69]
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #45 (issued July 24, 2020) Instituted mandatory 14-day quarantine requirement for travelers arriving in Massachusetts (rescinded by COVID-19 Order #66 effective March 22, 2021)
Note: Please visit Mass.Gov/MATraveler for the latest details on travel requirements.
Note: Governor Baker ended the State of Emergency on June 15, 2021. All rescinded or lapsed emergency orders and guidance are listed for reference only.
Masks & Face-Coverings (Archive)
Rescinded/Lapsed Orders:
- Governor's COVID-19 Order #67 (issued April 29, 2021) Revised order requiring all persons to wear face-coverings when in indoor public places and when attending events and gatherings in public locations. Face-coverings required in public outdoor places when unable to maintain 6 feet of distance, or as otherwise specified by Sector-Specific COVID-19 Safety Rules. [RESCINDED BY ORDER #69]
- Governor's COVID-19 Order #55 (issued November 2, 2020) Revised order requiring all persons to wear face-coverings in all public places, even where they are able to maintain 6 feet of distance from others. Allows for an exception for residents who cannot wear a face-covering due to a medical or disabling condition, but allows employers to require employees to provide proof of such a condition. Allows schools to require that students participating in in-person learning provide proof of such a medical or disabling condition. (rescinded by Order #67 effective 4/30, 12:01 AM).
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #31 (issued May 1, 2020) Required face-coverings in public places where social distancing is not possible and at all times on public transit and in retail settings (rescinded by Order #55 effective 11/6, 12:01AM)
Note: Please visit Mass.Gov/MaskUp for information and best practices related to face-coverings.
Note: Governor Baker ended the State of Emergency on June 15, 2021. All rescinded or lapsed emergency orders and guidance are listed for reference only.
Reopening Protocols & Business Restrictions (Archive)
- Governor's COVID-19 Order #50 (issued September 10, 2020) Made certain Phase III adjustments, including extension of outdoor dining provisions and opening of indoor and outdoor gaming arcades. [SECTION 1 RESCINDED JUNE 15, PER ORDER #69]
Rescinded/Lapsed Orders:
- Governor's COVID-19 Order #68 (issued May 7, 2021) Permitted the opening of other Phase IV industries: Effective May 10, 2021, amusement parks, theme parks and outdoor water parks will be permitted to operate at a 50% capacity after submitting safety plans to the Department of Public Health. Road races and other large, outdoor organized amateur or professional group athletic events will be permitted to take place with staggered starts and other appropriate safety measures after submitting safety plans to a local board of health or the DPH. [RESCINDED BY ORDER #69]
- Governor's COVID-19 Order #66 (issued March 18, 2021) Advanced the Commonwealth to Phase IV, Step 1 effective March 22, 2021 [RESCINDED BY ORDER #69]
- Governor's COVID-19 Order #65 (issued February 25, 2021) Returned the Commonwealth to Phase III, Step 2 effective March 1, 2021. [RESCINDED BY ORDER #69]
- Governor's COVID-19 Order #63 (issued February 4, 2021) Rescinded COVID-19 Order #57, which had applied a 25% capacity limit for most sectors. Sector Specific Protocols now specify a 40% limit for most sectors. [RESCINDED BY ORDER #69]
- Governor's COVID-19 Order #62 (issued January 21, 2021) Extended the 25% capacity limits in COVID-19 Order #59 until 5:00AM on February 8, 2021 unless further extended by a subsequent Order. Also repealed the nightly 9:30 pm to 5:00 am mandatory closing period adopted in early November so that now (1) restaurants, health clubs, casinos, and similar venues no longer need to close at 9:30 pm and (2) retail sales of alcohol and adult use marijuana no longer must stop at 9:30 pm. [RESCINDED BY ORDER #69]
- Governor's COVID-19 Order #60 (issued January 7, 2021) Extended the provisions of COVID-19 Order #59 until noon on January 24, 2021 unless further extended by a subsequent Order. [RESCINDED BY ORDER #69]
- Governor's COVID-19 Order #59 (issued December 22, 2020) Applied 25% capacity limit to businesses and activities across most sectors. [RESCINDED BY ORDER #69]
- Governor's COVID-19 Order #58 (issued December 8, 2020) Required return to Phase III, Step 1 reopening for all Massachusetts communities. Made adjustments to Phase III, Step 1 protocols. (rescinded and superseded by Order #65) [RESCINDED BY ORDER #69]
- Governor's COVID-19 Order #56 (issued November 6, 2020) Revised provisions for Phase III reopening in municipalities with reduced incidence of COVID-19 infection (view DPH Guidance) (superseded and rescinded by Order #58) [RESCINDED BY ORDER #69]
- Governor's COVID-19 Order #53 (issued November 2, 2020) Required the early closure of certain businesses and activities each night at 9:30 PM. (note: the version of this Order linked here notes that the early closing provisions have been rescinded by Order #62; but the special allowance for renewal of licenses for the sale of on premises consumption of alcohol remain in place). [RESCINDED BY ORDER #69]
- Governor's COVID-19 Order #51 (issued September 29, 2020) Authorized reopening of Phase III enterprises (Step 2) in municipalities with reduced incidence of COVID-19 infection (superseded and rescinded by Order #56). [RESCINDED BY ORDER #69]
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #43 (issued July 2, 2020) Authorized reopening of Phase III enterprises (Step 1). [RESCINDED BY ORDER #69]
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #40 (issued June 19, 2020) Authorized reopening of Phase II enterprises (Step 2). [RESCINDED BY ORDER #69]
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #37 (issued June 6, 2020) Authorized reopening of Phase II enterprises (Step 1). [RESCINDED BY ORDER #69]
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #35 (issued June 1, 2020) Clarified the progression of the Commonwealth’s phased reopening plan and authorized certain reopening preparations at Phase II workplaces. [RESCINDED BY ORDER #69]
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #33 (issued May 18, 2020) Implemented phased reopening of workplaces, imposed workplace safety measures to address COVID-19, and authorized reopening of Phase I enterprises. [RESCINDED BY ORDER #69]
Note: Please visit the Reopening Massachusetts website for the latest details on the Commonwealth’s reopening process.
Note: Governor Baker ended the State of Emergency on June 15, 2021. All rescinded or lapsed emergency orders and guidance are listed for reference only.
Early Education & Child Care (Archive)
Rescinded/Lapsed Orders:
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #49 (issued August 28, 2020) Authorized arrangements for child care and supervision during the school day to accommodate remote learning [RESCINDED JUNE 15, PER ORDER #69]
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #41 (issued June 26, 2020) Authorized the reopening of child care programs, and rescinded the authorization for emergency child care programs and 8 other orders. [RESCINDED BY ORDER #69]
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #36 (issued June 1, 2020) Authorized preparations for the reopening of child care programs, and for the issuance of minimum health and safety standards for child care programs [RESCINDED JUNE 15, PER ORDER #69]
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #26 (issued April 16, 2020) Authorized the creation and operation of emergency residential programs and emergency placement agencies for children. [RESCINDED JUNE 15, PER ORDER #69]
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #27 (issued April 21, 2020) Extended closure of non-emergency child care programs
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #15 (issued March 25, 2020) Extended closure of non-emergency child care programs
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #10 (issued March 18, 2020) Closed child care programs and authorized the temporary creation of emergency child care programs
Note: Please visit the Department of Early Education and Care for details on early education & child care reopening in the Commonwealth.
Note: Governor Baker ended the State of Emergency on June 15, 2021. All rescinded or lapsed emergency orders and guidance are listed for reference only.
K-12 Schools (Archive)
Rescinded/Lapsed Orders:
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #28 (issued April 21, 2020) Extended closure of K-12 schools until June 29
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #16 (Issued March 25, 2020) Extended closure of K-12 schools until May 4
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #3 (issued March 15, 2020) Temporarily closed K-12 schools until April 6
Note: Please visit the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s website for details on K-12 reopening in the Commonwealth.
Note: Governor Baker ended the State of Emergency on June 15, 2021. All rescinded or lapsed emergency orders and guidance are listed for reference only.
Recreation & Beaches (Archive)
Rescinded/Lapsed Orders:
- DPH Order (issued October 22, 2020) regarding operation of indoor ice rinks and indoor ice skating and hockey facilities
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #34 (issued May 18, 2020) Expanded access to and use of state beaches and addressed other outdoor recreational activities. [RESCINDED BY ORDER #69]
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #22 (issued April 2, 2020) Limited access to and use of state beaches (rescinded by Order #34)
Note: Please visit the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs’ website for guidance and directives related to the reopening of outdoor recreational activities and businesses.
Note: Governor Baker ended the State of Emergency on June 15, 2021. All rescinded or lapsed emergency orders and guidance are listed for reference only.
Pharmacy & Grocery Operations (Archive)
Rescinded/Lapsed Orders:
- DPH Order (issued April 4, 2020) regarding the COVID Pharmacy Assistance Team
- DPH Order (issued April 3, 2020) Permitted licensed pharmacies to create and sell hand sanitizer over the counter (replaces a previous March 15 order)
- DPH Order (issued March 24, 2020) regarding modifications to pharmacy practice (View Guidance, see Pharmacies section)
- DPH Order (issued March 18, 2020) regarding the administration of certain medications for the treatment of opioid misuse disorder (view Guidance)
- DPH Order (issued March 25, 2020) Addressed the operation of grocery stores and pharmacies (Guidance issued April 7) (Rescinded by DPH Order of July 10)
Note: Governor Baker ended the State of Emergency on June 15, 2021. All rescinded or lapsed emergency orders and guidance are listed for reference only.
Health Insurance (Archive)
Rescinded/Lapsed Orders:
- DPH Order (Issued February 9, 2021) Authorizes the sharing of COVID-19 vaccination information from the Massachusetts Immunization Information System with MassHealth and other health insurers. View Guidance.
- Governor's COVID-19 Order #61 (issued January 21, 2021) Rescinds COVID-19 Orders #4 and #25. Continues certain requirements for out-of-network billing when an insured patient is treated for COVID-19 at a hospital or other provider that is not in-network for the patient’s plan. [RESCINDED JUNE 15, PER ORDER #69]
- DPH Order (issued July 22, 2020) Prohibited billing uninsured individuals for COVID-19 testing
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #25 (issued April 9, 2020) Mandated that insurers cover all medically required emergency and inpatient services for COVID-19 treatment without any cost sharing (rescinded by Order #61). [RESCINDED BY ORDER #69]
- Governor's COVID-19 Order #4 (issued March 15, 2020): Required insurers to cover all medically necessary telehealth services and that such services be reimbursed at the same rate as in-person services. For COVID-19 treatment, insurers are required to provide telehealth services without cost-sharing (rescinded by Order #61). [RESCINDED BY ORDER #69]
Note: Governor Baker ended the State of Emergency on June 15, 2021. All rescinded or lapsed emergency orders and guidance are listed for reference only.
State Permits, Licenses & Inspections (Archive)
Rescinded/Lapsed Orders:
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #42 (issued July 2, 2020) Resumed state permitting deadlines and continued to extend the validity of certain state permits. [RESCINDED JUNE 15, PER ORDER #69]
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #18 (issued March 26, 2020) Extended certain professional licenses, permits and regulations issued by Commonwealth agencies (rescinded by Order #41)
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #17 (issued March 26, 2020) Suspended state permitting deadlines and extended the validity of state permits (rescinded by Order #42)
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #12 (issued March 20, 2020) Permitted the temporary conditional deferral of certain inspections of residential real estate (rescinded by Order #41)
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #9 (issued March 18, 2020) Extended the registrations of certain licensed professionals (rescinded by Order #41)
Note: Governor Baker ended the State of Emergency on June 15, 2021. All rescinded or lapsed emergency orders and guidance are listed for reference only.
Registry of Motor Vehicles (Archive)
Rescinded/Lapsed Orders:
- Governor's COVID-19 Order #64: Amends COVID-19 Order #47 so as to permit drivers who renewed their license or identification for a standard ID during the State of Emergency to upgrade to a REAL ID at no extra cost beginning on a date set by the Registrar. [RESCINDED BY ORDER #69]
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #47 (issued August 11, 2020) Extension of second order authorizing actions to limit in-person transactions at the RMV. [RESCINDED BY ORDER #69]
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #11 (issued March 20, 2020) First order authorizing actions to limit in-person transactions at the RMV/ [RESCINDED BY ORDER #69]
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #39 (issued June 12, 2020) Second order authorizing actions to limit in-person transactions at the RMV (rescinded by Order #47)
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #6 (issued March 15, 2020) Authorized the RMV to temporarily extend licenses, permits and other ID cards (rescinded by Order #11)
Note: Please visit the Registry of Motor Vehicle’s website to learn more about accessing RMV services during COVID-19.
Note: Governor Baker ended the State of Emergency on June 15, 2021. All rescinded or lapsed emergency orders and guidance are listed for reference only.
Governor's Council (Archive)
Rescinded/Lapsed Orders:
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #29 (issued April 28, 2020) Revised order allowing for remote participation for the Governor’s Council. [RESCINDED BY ORDER #69]
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #14 (issued March 23, 2020) Allowed for remote participation for the Governor’s Council (rescinded by Order #29)
Note: Governor Baker ended the State of Emergency on June 15, 2021. All rescinded or lapsed emergency orders and guidance are listed for reference only.
Essential Services (Archive)
Rescinded/Lapsed Orders;
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #32 (issued March 15, 2020) Temporarily extended COVID-19 Order #13 for 24 additional hours ahead of the release of the Commonwealth’s reopening plan (rescinded by Order #33)
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #30 (issued April 28, 2020) Further extended the closure of certain workplaces until May 18 (rescinded by Order #32)
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #21 (issued March 31, 2020) Extended the closure of certain workplaces until May 4 (rescinded by Order #30)
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #13 (issued March 23, 2020) Assured the continued operation of essential services in the Commonwealth and closed certain workplaces (rescinded by Order #37)
Note: Governor Baker ended the State of Emergency on June 15, 2021. All rescinded or lapsed emergency orders and guidance are listed for reference only.
Miscellaneous / Other (Archive)
Rescinded/Lapsed Orders:
- DPH Order (issued September 8) related to the operation of farmers markets, farm stands, and CSAs (replaces previous April 27 Order) (Rescinded by DPH Order on April 27, 2021)
- DPH Guidance (issued April 28, 2020) related to the operation of nurseries, greenhouses, garden centers, and agricultural supply stores (replaced previous April 4 Guidance)
- DPH Guidance (issued April 28, 2020) regarding hotels and motels (view FAQ) (view previous March 31 Guidance and April 2 FAQ)
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #48 (issued August 18, 2020) Amended the administration of penalties issued pursuant to certain COVID-19 Orders. [RESCINDED BY ORDER #69]
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #20 (issued March 30, 2020) Authorized EOHSS to adjust essential provider rates (rescinded by Order #41)
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #19 (issued March 30, 2020) Order regarding the conduct of stakeholder meetings by public companies (rescinded by Order #41)
- Governor’s COVID-19 Order #1 (issued March 12, 2020) Suspended certain provisions of the Open Meeting Law [RESCINDED JUNE 15, PER ORDER #69]
Note: Governor Baker ended the State of Emergency on June 15, 2021. All rescinded or lapsed emergency orders and guidance are listed for reference only.