After the Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan and Related Documents section, documents are listed alphabetically by title.
See the Ocean Management Program for details on CZM efforts to balance habitat protection and sustainable uses and activities in ocean waters; the CZM Offshore Wind Publications page for guidance and policy documents developed by CZM and partners to assist in offshore wind bid selection, planning, siting, and project review; and CZM Publications for the full list of materials published by CZM.
(Note: Any views or opinions presented in publications prepared for CZM are solely those of the author[s] and do not necessarily represent those of the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management, the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, or the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Please see our website policies.)
- Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management Policy Guide - October 2011 - The Policy Guide is the official statement of Massachusetts coastal program policies and legal authorities and includes the policies that govern CZM’s review of projects that affect ocean resources.
Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan and Related Documents
- Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan - In response to the Oceans Act of 2008, the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) issued the first ocean plan in 2009. The Oceans Act requires EEA to review the ocean plan at least once every five years, a process led by CZM. Direct links to each ocean plan version are provided below:
- 2021 Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan - The current ocean plan was released on January 3, 2022, as the second formal amendment to the original ocean plan.
- 2015 Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan - This version of the ocean plan was released in 2015 as the first formal amendment to the original ocean plan.
- 2009 Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan - Published in 2009, the original ocean plan established the blueprint for the protection and sustainable use of state ocean waters. Volume 1 of each ocean plan covers management and administration, while Volume 2 presents a detailed baseline assessment and science framework.
- Ocean Plan Data - This page provides links to information on the ocean plan data layers, along with tools for viewing and downloading the data.
- Ocean Plan Overview - This web page summarizes the major components of the ocean plan.
- Oceans Act of 2008 - This legislation required the Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs to develop the Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan and provided specific goals and a process for plan development.
- Ocean Management Planning Area (PDF, 5 MB) - This map shows the outline of the Massachusetts ocean planning area. A GIS shape file (ZIP, 308 KB) is also available.
- Nearshore Ocean Management Planning Area Boundary (PDF, 1 MB) - This map shows the nearshore boundary created for the Ocean Management Planning Area pursuant to Oceans Act of 2008 for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. A GIS shape file (ZIP, 114 KB) is also available.
- Work Group Reports to Support the Development of the 2021 Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan - The final work group reports are:
- Habitat (PDF, 9 MB) - July 22, 2020
- Fisheries (PDF, 11 MB) - January 19, 2021
- Transportation and Navigation (PDF, 4 MB) - February 23, 2021
- Sediment and Geology (PDF, 21 MB) - November 6, 2020
- Cultural Heritage and Recreational Uses (PDF, 2 MB) - December 2020
- Work Group Reports to Support the Development of the 2015 Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan - The final work group reports are:
- Habitat (PDF, 10 MB) - March 31, 2014
- Fisheries (PDF, 8 MB) - March 31, 2014
- Transportation and Navigation (PDF, 5 MB) - March 31, 2014
- Sediment Resources (PDF, 9 MB) - March 5, 2014
- Recreation and Cultural Services (PDF, 3.4 MB) - March 31, 2014
- Energy and Infrastructure (PDF, 849 KB) - March 31, 2014
- Work Group Reports to Support the Development of the 2009 Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan - Work groups prepared the following six draft reports to synthesize available data for the ocean planning area:
- Habitat (PDF, 4 MB) - November 26, 2008
- Fisheries (PDF, 2 MB)
- Recreation and Cultural Services (WORD, 7 MB) - November 21, 2008
- Renewable Energy (WORD, 2 MB)
- Sediment (PDF, 3 MB) - November 21, 2008 (revised November 24, 2008)
- Transportation, Navigation, and Infrastructure (PDF, 1 MB) - November 21, 2008
- Review of the 2015 Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan (PDF, 3 MB) - Released in December 2020, this review document evaluates the 2015 ocean plan as a whole, as well as its key components including the siting and management standards, delineation of critical coastal resources and maritime uses, Baseline Assessment, and Science Framework. Additionally, this document proposes a framework for policy updates and priority science objectives to support implementation of the ocean plan over the next five years. It incorporates stakeholder input, reports on progress made to date, and was developed with and reviewed by the Ocean Advisory Commission and Ocean Science Advisory Council.
- Review of the Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan (PDF, 2 MB) - This 2014 publication, which evaluates the 2009 ocean plan, provides a summary of the background and context for ocean planning in Massachusetts and reports on the ocean plan development process, including the policies and management framework, plan administration and implementation, and work on science and data priorities identified in the Science Framework.
- Massachusetts Ocean Partnership-Funded Reports - In partnership with EEA, the Massachusetts Ocean Partnership (later known as SeaPlan) funded the following reports to support the ocean planning effort, which were all released in 2009:
- Planning Framework Options for the Massachusetts Ocean Plan (PDF, 1.2 MB) - A technical report prepared by the UMass Boston Planning Frameworks Team and the Massachusetts Ocean Partnership, which describes nine elements that are essential components of the framework for the Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan and its implementation.
- Stakeholder Participation in Massachusetts Ocean Management Planning: Observations on the Plan Development Stage (PDF, 919 KB) - Prepared by the Consensus Building Institute and the Massachusetts Ocean Partnership, this technical report describes the outreach efforts to the general public and ocean-use stakeholder groups over a 12-month period, from June 2008 through May 2009.
- Characterization of Community-Specific Spatial and Socio-Economic Linkages to Massachusetts Waters (PDF, 16 MB) - A technical report prepared by Industrial Economics, Incorporated, Massachusetts Department of Marine Fisheries, and the Massachusetts Ocean Partnership, which examines the areas of the state's waters that are of particular importance to specific communities.
- Developing a Framework for Compensatory Mitigation Associated with Ocean Use Impacts on Commercial Fisheries (PDF, 546 KB) - A technical report prepared by Industrial Economics, Incorporated, and the Massachusetts Ocean Partnership, which discusses appropriate means of establishing fees for the mitigation of economic impacts on commercial fisheries.
- Science Tools to Implement Ecosystem Based Management in Massachusetts (PDF, 2 MB) - A technical report prepared by MRAG Americas, Incorporated, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, UMass Boston, and the Massachusetts Ocean Partnership, which provides a framework for implementing Ecosystem Based Management and suggests a range of science information tools and their appropriate application to the decision making process.
- Compatibility Determination: Considerations for Siting Coastal and Ocean Uses (PDF, 2 MB) - A technical report prepared by the UMass Boston Planning Frameworks Team and the Massachusetts Ocean Partnership, which provides a compatibility determination as a tool for considering the appropriate locations for activities, uses, and facilities relative to one another.
Massachusetts Ocean Management Initiative (2003-2004) and Related Documents
- Massachusetts Ocean Management Task Force Reports and Recommendations - The Task Force, which was chaired and staffed by CZM, was launched in 2003 and charged with developing recommendations, which were released in the 2004 Waves of Change report. The Task Force also released a technical report, which is a compendium of separate ocean resource briefings prepared for the Task Force.
- An Assessment of the Coastal and Marine Economies in Massachusetts - This three-part study, produced by the Donahue Institute at the University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass), provides an analysis of the economic value of coastal and marine economy output, as well as an overview of employment, wages, business activities, and trends within important sectors of the Massachusetts marine economy for 2004. UMass completed this project in 2006 under contract with CZM as part of the Massachusetts Ocean Management Initiative.
- Scope of Work
- Overall Project Scope of Work (PDF, 83 KB)
- Telephone Survey of Business Owners Scope of Work (PDF, 142 KB)
- Final Reports
- Scope of Work
- Existing and Potential Ocean-Based Energy Facilities and Associated Infrastructure in Massachusetts - TRC Environmental Corporation produced these reports and map products illustrating existing and potential ocean-based energy facilities. The goal of this project was to provide reconnaissance-level information on those segments of the ocean that appear most likely to be of future interest to the energy industry over the next ten years. This project was completed in 2006 under contract with CZM as part of the Massachusetts Ocean Management Initiative.
- Scope of Work
- TRC Scope of Work (PDF, 142 KB)
- Final Reports
- Maps
- Existing and Proposed Offshore Energy Facilities (PDF, 3 MB)
- Foreseeable Tidal Conversion Sites (PDF, 3 MB)
- Foreseeable Offshore Wind Turbine Sites (PDF, 4 MB)
- Foreseeable Wave Energy Sites (PDF, 4 MB)
- Foreseeable Offshore Liquefied Natural Gas Sites (PDF, 2 MB)
- Scope of Work
- Massachusetts Coastal and Ocean Education Guide for K-12 Teachers - CZM developed this guide as part of the Massachusetts Ocean Management Initiative, which is now maintained as a list of resources on ocean education with a special focus on Massachusetts-based programs and K-12 materials.
Marine Habitat
- Coastlines Winter 2004-2005 - This edition of the CZM magazine features coastal and marine habitats.
- Habitat Classification Feasibility Study for Coastal and Marine Environments in Massachusetts (PDF, 1 MB) - This 2007 report summarizes and evaluates four habitat classification studies to determine the most suitable framework or combination of frameworks for classifying coastal and marine habitats in Massachusetts.
- Strategic Plan for Mapping Massachusetts' Benthic Marine Habitats (PDF, 1 MB) - This “evolving draft” plan gives a brief overview of the numerous types of equipment that are used to collect benthic habitat data, recommendations on which types of equipment are most suited for mapping in various water depths, a detailed protocol for groundtruth sampling/data classification and analysis, and recommendations for conducting benthic habitat mapping in Massachusetts.
Seafloor Mapping and Seafloor Habitat Mapping
See CZM Seafloor and Habitat Mapping Publications for the complete listing of these materials.
Ocean and Marine Information Collected through the Dredged Material Management Planning Process
- Dredged Material Management Plan (DMMP) Technical Reports - From 1998 through 2004, the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) developed technical information in support of the Massachusetts Dredged Material Management Plan (DMMP). The goal of the DMMP was to identify management solutions for dredged materials to facilitate channel dredging and port development while minimizing impacts to marine and cultural resources. The publications that are available in electronic formats are also listed alphabetically below.
- Bottom Classification Survey, Buzzards Bay Disposal Site (PDF, 5 MB) - This June 2002 publication produced by CR Environmental, Inc., presents the results of a side-scan sonar and underwater video survey at the Buzzards Bay Disposal Site.
- Buzzards Bay Disposal Site Fisheries Trawl Survey Report, March 2001-March 2002 (PDF, 569 KB) - This report, published in July 2002 by CZM and the Division of Marine Fisheries, describes a fisheries trawl survey to characterize nekton occurrence, distribution, and relative abundance in the environs of the historical Buzzards Bay Disposal Site.
- Buzzards Bay Disposal Site Report: Competing Site Use Assessment (PDF, 5 MB) - Completed in June 2002 by CoastalVision, this report characterizes the uses of Buzzards Bay that might conflict with usage of one of two proposed dredged material disposal sites located to the east and south of the Buzzards Bay Disposal Site, focusing on commercial and recreational fishing activities.
- Buzzards Bay Disposal Site Report: Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries Trawl Data Analysis (PDF, 8 MB) - This 2002 report by CoastalVision compiled and analyzed long-term fisheries data collected by the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries in Buzzards Bay to characterize the existing habitats and associated fish and mobile invertebrate communities.
- Draft Environmental Impact Report for Gloucester's Dredge Material Management Plan (PDF, 3 MB) - This Draft Environmental Impact Report, submitted to CZM in October 2000 and written by the Maguire Group, investigated all of the potential options available for the management or disposal of Gloucester Harbor dredged material and presented a recommended approach for review and comment.
- Draft Environmental Impact Report for Salem’s Dredge Material Management Plan (PDF, 20 MB) - This Draft Environmental Impact Report, submitted to CZM in October 1999 and written by the Maguire Group, investigated all of the potential options available for the management or disposal of Salem Harbor dredged material and presented a recommended approach for review and comment.
- Dredged Material Management Plan: Early benthic phase survey for Gloucester Harbor (PDF, 481 KB) - Prepared by Normandeau Associations, Inc., this December 1999 report describes a sampling study of early benthic phase lobsters in Gloucester Harbor.
- Dredged Material Management Plan: Early benthic phase survey for Salem Harbor (PDF, 1 MB) - Also prepared by Normandeau Associations, Inc., this March 1999 report describes a sampling study of early benthic phase lobsters in Salem Harbor.
- Dredged Material Management Plan: Fisheries resources survey for Gloucester (PDF, 3 MB) - This December 1999 report prepared by Normandeau Associations, Inc., presents results from fisheries and lobster sampling in Gloucester Harbor to provide data to evaluate the effects of dredging and aquatic disposal on fisheries resources.
- Dredged Material Management Plan: Fisheries resources survey for New Bedford (PDF, 3 MB) - This December 1999 report by Normandeau Associations, Inc., presents results from fisheries and lobster sampling in New Bedford Harbor to provide data to evaluate the effects of dredging and aquatic disposal on fisheries resources.
- Dredged Material Management Plan: Quahog resources survey for New Bedford and Fall River (PDF, 485 KB) - This February 1999 report prepared by Normandeau Associations, Inc., presents results from quahog sampling in New Bedford and Fall River to provide data to evaluate the effects of dredging and aquatic disposal on these resources.
- Dredged Material Management Plan: Soft-bottom suction sampling pilot program (PDF, 620 KB) - This Division of Marine Fisheries March 1999 report describes a pilot study to determine if soft mud bottom is used as settlement habitat within the harbors under study as part of the Dredged Material Management Plan.
- Dredged Material Transport Modeling Analysis in New Bedford Harbor (PDF, 1 MB) - This June 2003 report prepared by Applied Science Associates, Inc., presents a series of computer simulations to estimate the water quality from dredging and disposal operations at a proposed Confined Aquatic Disposal (CAD) site in the New Bedford Inner Harbor.
- Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Assessment: Gloucester Harbor, Massachusetts (PDF, 1 MB) - Prepared by the Maguire Group Inc., this 2001 publication assessed the potential impact of pending or future projects within Gloucester Harbor on the existing fisheries resources.
- Evaluation of Baseline Water Column Chemistry and Sediment Resuspension Potential at Two Candidate Dredged Material Disposal Sites in Buzzards Bay (PDF, 1 MB) - Prepared by the Maguire Group Inc., this 2001 report characterized baseline physical, chemical, and biological conditions at two candidate dredged material disposal sites in eastern Buzzards Bay and two nearby reference areas.
- June 2000 Benthic Survey of Boston Harbor Navigational Improvement Project Confined Aquatic Disposal (CAD) Cells (PDF, 757 KB) - This September 2001 report prepared by ENSR Marine and Coastal Center presents the results of a benthic survey of selected CAD cells within Boston Harbor to assess re-colonization over the cells.
- New Bedford Aquatic Disposal Site Screening: Characterization of the new zone of siting feasibility and West Island Ledge sites (PDF, 888 KB) - Prepared by Science Applications International Corporation, this January 2000 report presents information on the physical characteristics of both the Outer Channel Area and the historical West Island Ledge disposal site and provides recommendations regarding the feasibility of locating new candidate disposal sites in these areas.
- New Bedford/Fairhaven Harbor Dredged Material Management Plan Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) (PDF, 6 MB) - This April 2002 DEIR for the New Bedford/Fairhaven Harbor DMMP was prepared by Maguire Group Inc. and includes an analysis of alternative upland and aquatic dredged material disposal sites and alternative technologies to treat sediments that are unsuitable for unconfined open water disposal.
- New Bedford/Fairhaven Harbor Dredged Material Management Plan Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) (PDF, 24 MB) - Released in October 2003, this FEIR produced by a team of consultants led by the Maguire Group Inc. evaluates the preferred alternative CAD sites brought forward for final analysis to designate the preferred alternative from the New Bedford/Fairhaven Harbor DEIR.
- November 2000 Baseline Characterization of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities at Two Candidate Dredged Material Disposal Sites in Buzzards Bay (PDF, 901 KB) - This November 2001 report, prepared by Science Applications International Corporation, presents results of an effort to characterize the benthic macroinvertebrate communities inhabiting the surface sediments as part of a comprehensive survey of the baseline physical, chemical, and biological conditions of candidate sites for dredge disposal in Buzzards Bay.
- November 2000 Baseline Characterization of Sediment Chemistry at Two Candidate Dredge Material Disposal Sites in Buzzards Bay (PDF, 1 MB) - Submitted in November 2001 by Science Applications International Corporation, this report presents results of an effort to characterize sediment grain size and chemical contaminant concentrations as part of a comprehensive survey of the baseline physical, chemical, and biological conditions of candidate sites for dredge disposal in Buzzards Bay.
- November 2000 Remots® Survey at Two Candidate Dredged Material Disposal Site in Buzzards Bay (PDF, 2 MB) - This November 2001 report submitted by Science Applications International Corporation present REMOTS® sediment-profile images that were collected to characterize existing physical and biological seafloor conditions as part of a comprehensive survey of the baseline physical, chemical, and biological conditions of candidate sites for dredge disposal in Buzzards Bay.
- Physical Characterization of the Proposed Buzzards Bay Disposal Site (PDF, 2 MB) - This August 1998 report prepared by Science Applications International Corporation describes a bathymetric and side scan sonar survey to develop an accurate illustration of the seafloor topography as well as sediment characteristics of Buzzards Bay.
- Possible Shipwreck and Aboriginal Sites on Submerged Land - Fall River, Massachusetts (PDF, 180 KB) - This December 1998 report prepared by W.C. Riess presents the results of a study of the proposed dredging sites in the Taunton River shipping channels to determine if undetected remains of prehistoric sites and shipwrecks may be in the project’s possible disposal areas.
- Possible Shipwreck and Aboriginal Sites on Submerged Land - Gloucester, Massachusetts (PDF, 245 KB) - Also prepared by W.C. Riess, this December 1998 report presents the results of a study of the proposed dredging sites in the Gloucester Harbor shipping channel to determine if undetected remains of prehistoric sites and shipwrecks may be in the project’s possible disposal areas.
- Possible Shipwreck and Aboriginal Sites on Submerged Land - New Bedford, Massachusetts (PDF, 147 KB) - This December 1998 report prepared by W.C. Riess presents the results of a study of the proposed dredging sites in the New Bedford Harbor shipping channels to determine if undetected remains of prehistoric sites and shipwrecks may be in the project’s possible disposal areas.
- Possible Shipwreck and Aboriginal Sites on Submerged Land - Salem, Massachusetts (PDF, 263 KB) - The final in this set of reports by W.C. Riess, this December 1998 document presents the results of a study of the proposed dredging sites in the Salem Harbor shipping channel to determine if undetected remains of prehistoric sites and shipwrecks may be in the project’s possible disposal areas.
- Preliminary Dredged Material Transport Modeling in New Bedford Harbor (PDF, 419 KB) - Prepared by Applied Science Associates, Inc., this December 2001 document presents preliminary pollutant transport and fate simulations to estimate the water quality impacts from the proposed disposal operations for the Inner New Bedford Harbor.
- Report of Marine Geophysical Surveys: Seismic Refraction, Sub-Aqueous Disposal Cell Feasibility Studies, New Bedford Harbor - 2001 (PDF, 2 MB) - This December 2001 report prepared by Prepared by Apex Environmental, Inc. presents the results of a marine geophysical surveys in New Bedford Harbor.
- Results of the March 2001 Sub-Bottom Profiling and Sediment Profile Imaging Survey of the Outer Gloucester Harbor (PDF, 6 MB) - Prepared by Science Applications International Corporation, this June 2001 report presents the results of a combined sub-bottom profile and REMOTS® survey to characterize the surface and subsurface geology in the Outer Gloucester Harbor to determine if any areas had sufficient depth-to-bedrock to warrant further consideration as possible CAD sites for material dredged from Gloucester projects.
- Results of the October 2000 Bathymetric Survey at Candidate Disposal Site 1 in Buzzards Bay (PDF, 968 KB) - Completed in October 2001 by Science Applications International Corporation, this report presents the results of a bathymetric survey to obtain additional high-resolution bathymetric data encompassing all of Site 1 and its immediate surrounding area.
- Review of Depth to Bedrock in Gloucester Inner Harbor (PDF, 907 KB) - This January 2000 report prepared by Science Applications International Corporation presents a review geological literature, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers documents, and the subbottom records to develop GIS layers of local geological features (faults, bedrock units), ledge removal areas, bathymetry, and depth to bedrock for Gloucester Inner Harbor.
- Massachusetts Aquaculture White Paper and Strategic Plan - These 1995 CZM publications include the information assembled as part of a study to identify how the state could proactively assist the aquaculture industry. The White Paper includes information on the biology, technology, support systems, water quality, seafood safety, legal, and economic aspects of the aquaculture industry. The Strategic Plan includes 68 specific recommendations for Massachusetts to implement to overcome constraints and take advantage of opportunities in the aquaculture industry.
- Massachusetts Coastal and Ocean Education Guide for K-12 Teachers - CZM maintains a list of resources on ocean education with a special focus on Massachusetts-based programs and K-12 materials.