CZM Ocean Management Publications

Find summaries of and links to these publications developed by the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM).

CZM has published and/or funded the following materials on ocean management, which are listed under these categories:

Table of Contents

After the Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan and Related Documents section, documents are listed alphabetically by title.

See the Ocean Management Program for details on CZM efforts to balance habitat protection and sustainable uses and activities in ocean waters; the CZM Offshore Wind Publications page for guidance and policy documents developed by CZM and partners to assist in offshore wind bid selection, planning, siting, and project review; and CZM Publications for the full list of materials published by CZM.

(Note: Any views or opinions presented in publications prepared for CZM are solely those of the author[s] and do not necessarily represent those of the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management, the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, or the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Please see our website policies.)


Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan and Related Documents

Massachusetts Ocean Management Initiative (2003-2004) and Related Documents

Marine Habitat

Seafloor Mapping and Seafloor Habitat Mapping

See CZM Seafloor and Habitat Mapping Publications for the complete listing of these materials.

Ocean and Marine Information Collected through the Dredged Material Management Planning Process


  • Massachusetts Aquaculture White Paper and Strategic Plan - These 1995 CZM publications include the information assembled as part of a study to identify how the state could proactively assist the aquaculture industry. The White Paper includes information on the biology, technology, support systems, water quality, seafood safety, legal, and economic aspects of the aquaculture industry. The Strategic Plan includes 68 specific recommendations for Massachusetts to implement to overcome constraints and take advantage of opportunities in the aquaculture industry.
  • Massachusetts Coastal and Ocean Education Guide for K-12 Teachers - CZM maintains a list of resources on ocean education with a special focus on Massachusetts-based programs and K-12 materials.

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