Spring 2016-Post 1600 MW Solar Incentive Program Report
In February 2016, DOER selected Sustainable Energy Advantage, LLC to complete both an analysis of revenue requirements for solar projects and a comparative evaluation of various types of incentive programs. The results of these analyses can be found in the following report and results:
Developing a Post -1600 E Solar Incentive Program Report.
Summer 2016 Stakeholder Listening Sessions
Taking the results of the report into consideration, DOER began the process of designing a new solar incentive program by conducting two public listening sessions.
Verbal and written comments on the development of the next solar incentive were submitted on the program design. The public comments received through June 30, 2016 can be viewed in the file below.
Fall 2016- Next Solar Incentive Straw Proposal
On September 23, 2016, DOER presented its vision for the next generation of solar incentives to the public. The meeting took place at the Federal Reserve Building.
Over the next couple of months, DOER continued to engage with stakeholders in working towards the final design of the program. A copy of the presentation can be found below along with a link to an audio recording of the meeting and related materials.
Next Generation Incentive Straw Proposal
Solar Land Use Guidance and Information
September 23, 2016 Meeting
Winter 2017- Next Solar Incentive Final Proposal
On January 31, 2017, DOER presented the final program design to stakeholders at the Federal Reserve Building in Boston.
Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART) Program
January 31, 2017 Meeting
Spring 2017- Draft SMART Regulations Filed
On Monday, June 5, 2017, DOER filed 225 CMR 20.00, the Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART) Program, with the Secretary of the Commonwealth as an emergency regulation.
Following the release of the emergency regulation, DOER held public hearings and accepted written public comments. In the meantime, the following copies of the regulation and accompanying guidelines were available for stakeholder review:
225 CMR 20.00 – SMART Program Emergency Regulation
Summer 2017- SMART Public Hearings and Public Comments
DOER held three public hearings on the SMART Regulations on July 10-11, 2017. Audio files of those hearings and the public comments received are posted here.
Audio - Public Hearing 1 at Westfield State University 7/10/2017
Audio - Public Hearing 2 at Worcester State University 7/10/2017
Audio - Public Hearing 3 at MassART 7/11/2017
Summer 2017- RFP for Solar Program Administrator
On July 18, 2017, the electric distribution companies issued an RFP for the Solar Program Administrator responsible for the SMART program. Interested bidders had to be registered within the Eversource “SAP Ariba Sourcing” purchasing system.
Summer 2017- DOER Files Final Regulation with the Secretary of State
On August 11, 2017 DOER filed its proposed final version of the 225 CMR 20.00 Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART) Program regulation with the Secretary of State’s Office. The final version can be found in the State Register.
Fall 2017- DPU Notice of Filing and Request for Comment
On September 12, 2017, the electric distribution companies filed a Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target tariff with the Department of Public Utilities (DPU) to implement An Act Relative to Solar Energy.
The DPU created a docket for this petition, D.P.U. 17-140. Details regarding the docket can be found in the DPU file room. To view the docket, enter “17-140” as the docket number.
Winter 2018- Draft SMART Guidelines Released for Public Comment
On January 22, 2018, DOER released six Guidelines that clarify rules, procedures, and processes under the SMART program pursuant to 225 CMR 20.00. These Guidelines include:
Definition of Agricultural Solar Tariff Generation Units Guideline
Definition of Brownfield Guideline
Energy Storage Adder Guideline
Low Income Generation Units Guideline
Statement of Qualification Reservation Period Guideline
Public comments received on the Guidelines are posted here:
Winter 2018- Initial Competitive Procurement
On January 11, 2018, DOER announced the results of the SMART Competitive Procurement. Base Compensation Rates across all services territories are set based on the results of the procurement. Details on the base rates and the results of the procurement can be found in the document below:
Spring 2018- SMART Customer Disclosure Forms Released for Public Comment
On March 12, 2018, DOER released three customer disclosure forms for public comment. The forms are required for all systems 25 kW and less applying to the SMART program, and for all customers participating in a Community Shared Solar project.
Community Solar Customer Disclosure Form
Small System Customer Disclosure Form (Third-party owned)
Spring 2018-SMART Storage Working Group
DOER hosted a guided discussion to clarify issues related to the integration of solar + storage facilities in the SMART program. You can view the webinar from the April 13, 2018 meeting below.
A copy of the presentations are also posted here:
Spring 2018- Final Guidelines and Customer Disclosure Forms Posted
Definition of Agricultural Solar Tariff Generation Units Guideline
Definition of Brownfield Guideline
Low Income Generation Units Guideline
Statement of Qualification Reservation Period Guideline
Community Solar Customer Disclosure Form
Spring 2018- Updated Program Materials Posted
DOER updated the presentation covering details related to program design and implementation. This presentation reflects changes and updates made since the January 31, 2017 stakeholder presentation that was previously available.
SMART Program Overview Presentation April 26, 2018
Spring 2018- Calculator for Behind the Meter Systems Posted
DOER created a Value of Energy and Incentive Calculator for Behind-the-Meter facilities. This calculator is intended to be a practical tool to calculate the Value of Energy and fixed incentive compensation rate for behind-the-meter systems. The calculation is based on project type, size, distribution company service territory, customer rate class, and capacity block. This workbook does not necessarily reflect the final tariff value a system will be qualified for, but is meant to be a tool to understand and estimate the value that a particular customer may receive under different scenarios.
Summer 2018- Energy Storage Guideline and SQA Guideline Drafts Updated
In April, DOER posted the final versions of the SMART Program Guidelines, with the exception of the Energy Storage Guideline. To help facilitate a conversation around ongoing questions regarding the interconnection and operational requirements of energy storage paired with photovoltaics, DOER hosted a one day stakeholder event on April 13, 2018. Following that meeting, DOER has made amendments to the Energy Storage Guideline.
Additionally, DOER has made further amendments to the Statement of Qualification Reservation Period Guideline to clarify the qualification of Solar Tariff Generation Units seeking the Community Shared Storage Adder.
Summer 2018- Final Storage and SQA Guidelines
DOER finalized the Energy Storage Guideline and the SQA Reservation Period Guideline on September 13, 2018.