Massachusetts Ambulance Trip Record Information System (MATRIS)

Licensed Massachusetts ambulance services use MATRIS to report EMS data to the Office of Emergency Medical Services (OEMS).

Table of Contents


The primary purpose of EMS data collection is for the improvement and support of EMS systems, research, and delivery of quality patient care. The collection of reliable, comprehensive, valid data from Massachusetts ambulance services allows the Department of Public Health (DPH), ambulance services, and EMS Medical Directors to work collectively to assess the quality of care delivered to patients with the fundamental objective of quality improvement.

Read the Clarification of Goals and Purposes of EMS Data Collection through MATRIS to learn more about the mission and goals of data collection through MATRIS.

Emergency Medical Services data is included in the Department of Public Health’s Quarterly Opioid Report.

Request data from MATRIS

To request MATRIS data from the Department of Public Health, please complete the MATRIS Data Request Form and email to


Log in to MATRIS NEMSIS V3 here or request a MATRIS user account.

Web Services Endpoint URL for 3rd party ePCR Software Imports:

Dataset Resources for NEMSIS V3.5
Dataset Resources for NEMSIS V3.4
NEMSIS Resources
NEMSIS V3 Training Resources

DPH/OEMS held an informational webinar to answer questions about the transition process. Access the webinar slides: MATRIS NEMSIS V3 Transition Webinar | (DOC)

In February 2019, three in-person training sessions were held with an educator from the MATRIS software vendor. DPH/OEMS has contracted for the vendor to have its educator teach two additional on-site trainings, which will be scheduled as it becomes clear when they would be most beneficial, based on ambulance services’ migration plans.

DPH/OEMS held two additional in-person training sessions in September 2019 with an educator from the MATRIS software vendor, which focused on the MATRIS NEMSIS V3 system.


The MATRIS NEMSIS V2 application was retired 5/24/22. 

V2 Vault

All of the ePCRs from the MATRIS NEMSIS V2 system from 1/1/2013 forward have been archived to a new website called Vault.  Vault allows services to look up ePCR’s for read access or downloading a PDF run report. 

The link is:

If you need access to this site please email  and an ID will be created for you if we have a use agreement on file.

Report Writer

NEMSIS V2 EMS Incident data can be queried through the MATRIS Elite Report Writer now, found at

To access this data, log into MATRIS Elite and click on Tools > Report Writer and type “V2 Run Report Data” in the Search box.  Click on the report to open and then click Generate in the upper right corner.  Fill out the filters and click Generate (either button works).

You can then export the results to a PDF or CSV (spreadsheet) format.

Data set resources for NEMSIS V2

Program guidance and communication

EMS Regional Opioid Related Incident Dashboard

This dashboard contains data regarding opioid-related incidents (ORI) from the Massachusetts Ambulance Trip Record Information System (MATRIS) documented by emergency medical services (EMS).

Contact   for Massachusetts Ambulance Trip Record Information System (MATRIS)

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