Active engineering directives
Number | Date | Subject | Description |
P-24-001 | 7/24/2024 | State Highway Access Permits for Murals and Artwork | Identifies procedures for MassDOT to consider and allow the installation of murals and artwork on state buildings, bridges and other structures, for the sole purpose of aesthetic enhancement to the community. Supersedes P-14-002. |
E-24-003 | 05/28/24 | MassDOT Bridge Manual - Hundredth Anniversary Edition | Formally issues the MassDOT Bridge Manual, Parts I, II & III - Hundredth Anniversary Edition. This Edition of the MassDOT Bridge Manual supersedes all previous editions of the MassDOT Bridge Manual and will be used for all bridge designs that have not progressed beyond Sketch Plan phase as of June 1, 2024. |
E-24-002 | 05/28/24 | Mobilization | Revises formal policy regarding the use of Item 748. Mobilization on construction contracts that are administered by work order, effective immediately. Supersedes E-02-002. |
E-24-001 | 2/6/2024 | Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges - 2024 Edition | Formally issues the 2024 Edition of the MassDOT Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges. The 2024 Edition replaces the 2023 Edition and incorporates all Supplemental Specifications issued in 2023. The 2024 Edition will be referenced in all contract documents for projects advertised on or after February 17, 2024. Supersedes E-23-001. |
E-23-003 | 11/21/2023 | Stormwater Design Guide - 2023 Edition | Formally issues the 2023 Edition of the MassDOT Stormwater Design Guide. This publication supersedes and replaces the Storm Water Handbook, issued in 2004. Effective immediately for use in the planning, design and permitting of stormwater management systems for MassDOT roadways, bridges and facilities. |
E-23-002 | 6/21/2023 | Ornamental Traffic Signal and Highway Lighting Structures | Establishes a formal procedure for the use and funding of ornamental traffic signal posts, traffic signal mast arms and highway lighting structures on MassDOT projects. Any additional construction costs associated with these structures will be considered part of the normal project costs and will be borne by MassDOT. |
P-22-003 | 11/21/2022 | Massachusetts Amendments to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices - November 2022 | Formally issues and institutes the use of a new edition of the Massachusetts Amendments to the MUTCD, dated November 2022. Supersedes the previous edition of this document, dated January 2012. Applies to all MassDOT projects advertised for construction after 11/19/22. |
P-22-002 | 9/23/2022 | Use of MassDOT Property for Staging and other Construction-Related Operations | Requires contractors to obtain Access Permits from MassDOT to use MassDOT property for construction staging, laydown, material storage and other construction-related operations that are not specifically defined in the construction contract. Effective immediately for all construction projects. |
P-22-001 | 9/23/2022 | Off-Site Stockpiling of Soil from MassDOT Construction Projects | Establishes a new policy to prevent the off-site relocation of excavated soil generated from MassDOT projects to areas near sensitive receptors and to control potential fugitive dusts and contaminants. Effective immediately for all construction projects, and to be formally incorporated into contracts for all projects advertised on or after 10/15/22. |
E-22-003 | 7/28/2022 | Guidance on Traffic Design Submissions and Traffic Count Data | Updates the Traffic and Safety Engineering 25% Design Submission Guidelines and the traffic volume guidance required for all project designs. Effective immediately for all projects not yet advertised. Supersedes E-11-001 and E-20-005. |
E-22-002 | 6/8/2022 | Acceptable Grade of Steel and Steel Coatings for MassDOT Steel Bridges | Revises Bridge Manual policy on the grade of steel to be used on steel bridge projects and on acceptable steel coating systems. Replaces Subsections and of Chapter 3 of Part I of the Bridge Manual. |
E-21-005 | 12/21/2021 | Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) | Establishes a requirement for the performance of SUE Level B services by qualified engineering firms during the preliminary design phase for all new projects anticipated to involve subsurface utility relocations. |
E-21-004 | 06/21/2021 | Electronic Submission and Approval of Title Sheets | Establishes a formal process for applying digital/electronic seals and signatures to bridge plans and highway plan title sheets. |
E-21-003 | 06/21/2021 | Incentive/Disincentive and Lane Rental Contract Provisions | Provides guidance for evaluating proposed construction projects to determine if I/D or lane rental provisions are appropriate and describes a procedure for implementing these provisions. |
E-21-002 | 03/31/2021 | Pre-25% Design Scoping Procedure | Provides a new procedure for refining the Scope of Work of a project after project approval and prior to the 25% design submission. Includes a new Project Scoping Checklist and a Meeting Invite Chart for the Pre-25% project scoping meeting. |
E-20-007 | 10/30/2020 | Milled Longitudinal Rumble Strips | Provides updated guidance for the installation of milled rumble strips on MassDOT projects. Introduces new guidance for centerline rumble strips. Effective for all projects advertised after January 1, 2021. Supersedes E-14-004. |
E-20-006 | 9/23/2020 | Guideines for the Planning and Design of Roundabouts | Formally issues the Guidelines for the Planning and Design of Roundabouts for use on MassDOT Highway Division projects, effective immediately. |
E-20-004 | 4/21/2020 | MASH Implementation Plan | Provides guidance on the use of roadside hardware that conforms to current MASH requirements. Effective for all projects advertised on or after 4/18/20 and as specified in the Directive. Supersedes E-95-006, E-14-005, E-16-004, E-17-001 and E-19-003. |
E-20-003 | 2/20/2020 | Location and Design of Stormwater BMPs | Provides guidance regarding the selection of site locations for stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) and provides schematic drawings and design requirements to minimize potential hazards when siting stormwater BMPs within the clear zone of a roadway. |
E-20-001 | 1/2/2020 | Controlling Criteria and Design Justification Process for MassDOT Highway Division Projects | Updates the controlling design criteria and establishes a new Design Justification Workbook to document the decision-making process for design projects. Conforms with current FHWA controlling criteria and establishes new state design criteria for transit provisions and ramp length. Supersedes E-14-006 and makes obsolete E-99-002. |
E-19-004 | 12/12/2019 | Utility Plan Submissions and Reviews | Supersedes the procedures issued under E-11-003 to now require designers to make electronic Utility Plan Submissions on a single CD or thumb drive. The State Utilities Engineer will then distribute these plans to the Utility/Railroad Companies electronically and will manage the review process for each submission. |
E-19-002 | 06/20/2019 | Protection of Bridge Piers and Abutments | Establishes new guidelines for the protection of bridge piers and abutments, based on NCHRP Report 892, Guidelines for Shielding Bridge Piers. These guidelines and associated drawings will be incorporated into the MassDOT Bridge Manual. |
E-19-001 | 06/20/2019 | Inspection of Structural Members for Design of Bridge Preservation Project | Establishes a new procedure that requires designers of bridge preservation projects to conduct "quantity verification" level inspections of structural elements at the start of design and prior to advertising, and to ensure that the results of the inspections are reflected in the final contract bid documents. |
E-18-002 | 11/07/2018 | Bluebeam for Design Submission Reviews | Formalizes the use of Bluebeam software as the primary review platform for MassDOT Highway Division design projects. |
P-18-003 | 06/21/2018 | Tunnel Inspection and Testing Protocol for Roadways Covered by Air Rights Developments | Provides a uniform protocol for the inspection and testing of portions of I-90 and the Central Artery covered by air rights developments, consistent with P-18-002. Supersedes P-13-004. |
P-18-002 | 06/21/2018 | Tunnel Inspection and Testing Program | Provides a uniform policy for tunnel inspection and life safety system testing for all tunnels under the jurisdiction of MassDOT. Supersedes P-13-003. |
P-18-001 | 06/21/2018 | Bridge and Tunnel Inspection Standards and Procedures | Identifies the bridge and tunnel inspection standards and procedures of the MassDOT Highway Division. Supersedes P-13-002. |
E-18-001 | 06/21/2018 | F Shape Concrete Barrier for Permanent Use | Formally declares that the MassDOT standard details for F Shape Concrete Barrier now apply to Precast Concrete Barrier only, and no longer apply to Cast-in-Place Concrete Barrier. New installations of Cast-in-Place Concrete Barrier must conform to MASH performance requirements. |
E-17-002 | 10/19/2017 | October 2017 Construction Standard Details | Formally issues the October 2017 edition of the Construction Standard Details for use on all projects advertised after 10/21/17. Supersedes the December 2016 edition of the Construction Standard Details issued under E-16-005. |
E-16-003 | 5/18/2016 | Manholes and Catch Basins | Establishes new procedures for the installation of bolt-down manhole cover assemblies on roadways with posted speeds of 45 MPH or greater. Reinforces E-09-003, dated 6/18/09. Supersedes E-07-003. |
E-16-002 | 5/18/2016 | Temporary Barrier Systems for Construction and Maintenance Operations | Establishes new procedures for the use of temporary barrier systems that meet MASH performance requirements. |
E-16-001 | 1/29/2016 | Overhead Signal Structure Standard Drawings | Introduces new standard drawings dated December 2015 that supersede drawings previously issued in 2011 and 1985. The new drawings must be used on all projects that have not been submitted for design review at the 75% submission stage as of 1/29/16. Supersedes E-11-007. |
E-15-002 | 11/4/2015 | 2015 MassDOT Separated Bike Lane Planning and Design Guide | Formally issues the Separated Bike Lane Planning and Design Guide for immediate use on all MassDOT Highway Division projects. |
E-15-001 | 6/17/2015 | Massachusetts Bicycle Route Signing Requirements | Provides guidance for the establishment of named or numbered bicycle routes and for the design and installation of bicycle route signs, in accordance with the MUTCD. Supersedes P-98-003. |
E-14-002 | 3/24/2014 | Minimum Length of Horizontal Curves | Corrects a portion of Section 4.2 in the Project Development and Design Guide. The changes create consistency with the AASHTO Green Book. |
P-13-0001 | 9/9/2013 | Healthy Transportation Policy Directive | Formalizes MassDOT's commitment to the implementation and maintenance of transportation networks that serve all mode choices, to further the goals established by MassDOT's GreenDOT Implementation Plan, the state's Healthy Transportation Compact and the state's Mode Shift Goal. |
E-13-002 | 3/14/2013 | Role of District Bridge Engineers | Supplements E-11-004, to further define the division of responsibility for bridge designs/reviews between the District Bridge Sections and the Boston Bridge Section. |
P-13-001 | 1/29/2013 | Policy for Tree Cutting or Landscaping Permit Requests | Identifies procedures for MassDOT to consider and allow tree cutting and other landscaping modifications by private parties in the state highway layout. |
E-13-001 | 1/23/2013 | Contract Requirements for Bridge Projects Involving the Use of Self-Propelled Modular Transporters (SPMTs) | Ensures that requirements are included in construction contracts to ensure the stability of SPMTs during installation and/or removal of bridge structures. Includes special provision language and drawings (Figures 1-4). |
E-12-009 | 7/25/2012 | Section 850, Traffic Controls for Construction and Maintenance Operations | Introduces key revisions to Section 850 included in Division II of the Supplemental Specifications to the Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges. Supersedes E-02-003. |
E-12-007 | 6/8/2012 | Accessible Pedestrian Signal Installation Policy | Announces MassDOT adoption of a new policy regarding the installation of Accessible Pedestrian Signals, effective 6/1/12. |
E-12-005 | 3/27/2012 | Walks and Wheelchair Ramps | Provides guidance to designers and construction engineers for the proper design and construction of curb ramps. Includes a new series of "Notes" to supplement the Construction Standard Details, and 9 new or revised drawings for the Construction Standard Details. |
E-12-003 | 1/25/2012 | Environmental Permitting Policy for Utility Relocations within MassDOT Projects | Reiterates that the environmental permits for MassDOT projects shall include consideration for all utility relocations necessitated by each project. Requires the utility owner to obtain necessary environmental permits if they change their utility relocation after the project is advertised for construction bids. |
E-12-002 | 1/6/2012 | Use of Stay-in-Place Forms for Bridge Deck Construction | Provides guidelines for the use of Stay-in-Place (SIP) Forms for the construction of bridge decks on MassDOT highway bridge projects. Includes specific locations where SIP forms shall not be used because these forms block the underside of the deck from view and hinder condition inspections. |
E-12-001 | 1/6/2012 | MassDOT Highway Division CAD Standards | Formally issues the MassDOT Highway Division CAD Standards for use on all projects beginning after 12/31/11. The standards include MassDOT's migration from using Autodesk Land Development Desktop software to using AutoCAD Civil 3D software. |
E-11-009 | 12/8/2011 | National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Preliminary Design Requirements for Federally Funded Transportation Projects | Clarifies FHWA requirements under NEPA regarding evaluating and mitigating the potential environmental effects of transportation projects. Defines activities that may be advanced under preliminary design prior to completion of the NEPA review process. Directs that MassDOT not take any action that will prejudice selection of a preferred alternative. |
E-11-008 | 12/8/2011 | MassDOT Utility Reimbursement Policy | Defines the Utility Reimbursement Policy for all projects advertised after 9/30/12. Provides for 100% reimbursement to municipally-owned utilities and 50% incentive-based reimbursement to privately-owned utilities. |
E-11-006 | 10/7/2011 | Proposed Utility Relocation Durations within MassDOT Construction Contracts | Requires MassDOT to include the time necessary to perform all utility relocation work associated with a construction project in the contract duration for the project, effective immediately. |
E-11-005 | 10/7/2011 | Right-of-Way Policy for Utility Relocations within MassDOT Projects | Requires MassDOT to acquire all necessary ROW for the accommodation, removal and relocation of utilities as part of the ROW process for all projects advertised after 9/30/12. |
E-11-004 | 8/4/2011 | Responsibility and Authorized Signatories for Bridge and Other Structural Design Approvals | Supersedes E-09-004. Defines the division of responsibility between the Districts and the Boston Bridge Section for approval of bridge and other structural designs. Also identifies persons authorized to sign Bridge Sketch Plans and Bridge Construction Drawings. Supplemented by E-13-002. |
E-10-008 | 12/8/2010 | Deep Foundation Construction Records and Procedures - Additional Submittal in Electronic Format | Requires submittal of certain deep foundation records in electronic PDF format to the Geotechnical Engineer. Requirement is in addition to other requirements for paper submittals, as per the Bridge Manual and Construction Standard Operating Procedures. |
E-10-006 | 9/8/2010 | Submission of Questions from Bidders | Establishes guidelines for acceptance of questions from bidders on MassDOT Highway Division projects. Also provides guidelines for responding to such questions. |
E-10-005 | 8/12/2010 | Design Consultant Performance Evaluations | Establishes a formal procedure for evaluating the performance of consultant design firms on MassDOT Highway Division projects. Replaces all previous procedures used for this purpose. Includes a new standard performance evaluation form. |
P-10-001 | 5/17/2010 | Project Development and Design Standards and Guidelines | Formally identified the design standards of the MassDOT Highway Division in May 2010. These standards are modified periodically, as necessary. |
E-10-002 | 4/20/2010 | Contractor Performance Reports | Implements new Contractor Performance Reports for general contractors and subcontractors. The new reports shall be used for all current and future construction contracts. |
E-10-001 | 4/20/2010 | Guidance for the Use of Adhesive Anchors | Provides guidance and procedures for each potential use of adhesive anchors on MassDOT Highway Division facilities or on MassDOT Highway Division projects. The use of adhesive anchors in any application is not permitted if the procedures in this Directive are not followed. |
E-09-007 | 12/18/2009 | Mechanical Reinforcing Bar Splicer | Modifies various physical requirements for Mechanical Reinforcing Bar Splicers. |
E-09-006 | 12/18/2009 | Air Content Tolerance for Cement Concrete | Modifies the Air Content tolerance for Cement Concrete to plus or minus 1.5% of the percentages required in the contract documents. |
E-09-003 | 6/18/2009 | Hook Lock Grates for Catch Basins | Supersedes and replaces E-09-002. Introduces technical corrections to previous drawings. Application is essentially the same as in E-09-002. Still requires Hook Lock Grates to be used as the standard catch basin grates on MassDOT roadways. Drawings superseded by E-10-007. |
E-09-001 | 1/16/2009 | Revised Procedure for Determining the Monthly Price Adjustment for Hot Mix Asphalt Mixtures | Establishes a new procedure for determining price adjustments for hot mix asphalt used on construction contracts, effective 12/15/08. Provides Special Provisions to be inserted into all affected contracts. |
E-08-003 | 10/15/2008 | Work Zone Safety and OSHA Work Site Checklists | Reinforces commitment to overall safety on construction and maintenance projects. Provides safety checklists to be posted in all field offices and to be used to aid field personnel with daily work site inspections. |
E-08-002 | 10/15/2008 | Field Quality Control Procedures for Signs and Messages | Reinforces procedures for inspecting all signs and messages prior to installation or activation. Includes detailed quality control procedures for field personnel. |
E-07-003 | 10/22/2007 | Drainage Structures | Reinforces MassHighway guidance and policies regarding the design, construction and maintenance of drainage structures and roadway drainage systems. Prohibits the installation of drainage structure risers on all MassHighway roadways and facilities. |
E-07-002 | 10/22/2007 | Proposed Utility Relocations Within MassHighway Design Projects | Reinforces existing policy and protocol relative to public and private utility relocations on MassHighway projects. Provides guidance to designers for utility locations and for coordinating with all affected parties during the design process. |
P-06-002 | 6/26/2006 | Massachusetts Highway Department Drainage Connection Policy | Formally prohibits the connection of unauthorized and/or illicit discharges to the state highway drainage system and requires the disconnection, or permitting, of all such existing connections. |
E-06-002 | 3/27/2006 | Standard Drawings and Details for the Development of Traffic Management Plans | Establishes the Standard Drawings and Details for the Development of Traffic Management Plans as the basis for the preparation of all Traffic Management Plans, effective 3/15/06. |
E-06-001 | 2/13/2006 | Massachusetts Highway Department Project Development and Design Guidebook, 2006 Edition | Establishes the 2006 Project Development and Design Guidebook as the standard for use on all projects, replacing the 1997 Highway Design Manual, effective 1/30/06. Supplemented by E-09-005. Incorporates and makes obsolete Engineering Directives E-93-007, E-93-011, E-98-003, E-99-004 and E-02-005. |
E-05-004 | 11/17/2005 | Acceptance Criteria for Ready-Mixed Cement Concrete | Modifies the acceptance criteria for ready-mixed cement concrete to more closely reflect the standards set forth in AASHTO, ACE and ASTM. Specifies test cylinder and coring requirements. |
E-05-003 | 6/16/2005 | Pavement Markings on Open-Graded Friction Course (OGFC) | Requires the use of Epoxy Pavement Markings and Reflectorized Pavement Markers (Slotted in Pavement) on OGFC and OGFC-P wearing surfaces. Prohibits the use of Thermoplastic Pavement Markings and Snowplowable Raised Reflectorized Pavement Markers on OGFC and OGFC-P wearing surfaces. |
E-05-001 | 2/14/2005 | Jobsite Concrete Slump Adjustment | Supersedes E-03-001. Changes the maximum allowable amount of hold-back water under this alternative procedure to adjust concrete slump at the jobsite. |
E-04-007 | 12/16/2004 | Detectable Warning Panels - Revised | Modified E-04-003 by revising 2 standard drawings for the placement of detectable warning panels on wheelchair ramps, as required by the FHWA and in accordance with ADA and AAB regulations. Drawings superseded by E-10-007. Guidance text is still valid. |
E-04-005 | 4/16/2004 | Cantilever Retaining Walls | Introduced 7 new standard drawings for cantilever retaining walls. Included suggested text for related contract special provisions. Drawings superseded by E-10-007. Guidance text is still valid. |
E-04-002 | 7/30/2003 | Guidance for Designers to Minimize Travel Delays During Construction Operations | Provides guidance for designers regarding the establishment of appropriate construction work hours and other Traffic Management Plan requirements to minimize travel delays and inconveniences during construction. |
E-04-001 | 7/30/2003 | Use of the English System of Measurements | Formally declares that MassHighway will use the English System of Measurements for all new work, effective 10/1/03. Supersedes E-95-004 and E-95-005, which previously instituted use of the Metric System. |
E-03-002 | 6/2/2003 | Measures to Limit Motorist Travel Delays Through Construction Workzones | Supersedes E-93-005. Reinforces procedures necessary to limit travel delays during construction operations. Contains guidance on the "12-Minute Rule". |
E-01-001 | 6/1/2001 | Polymer Modified Open-Graded Friction Course (OGFC-P) | Directs that Polymer Modified Open-Graded Friction Course (OGFC-P) must be used in place of Open-Graded Friction Course (OGFC) on all contracts where OGFC would normally be used as a wearing surface. |
P-01-01 | 12/29/2000 | MassHighway Requirements for Blasting Adjacent to State Highways | Provides formal procedures and requirements for proponents to conduct blasting operations within or adjacent to state highway layouts. |
E-99-001 | 1/14/1999 | Slope Paving Under Bridges | Directs that Reinforced Concrete Slab Special Slope Paving Under Bridges must be used in place of granite block slope paving in new applications. Also provides direction regarding maintenance applications. |
E-98-004 | 10/30/1998 | Permit Requirements for the Use of Controlled Density Fill in Trench Cuts Under Pavement | Supersedes E-93-006. Clarifies requirements for the use of Controlled Density Fill and contains minimum conditions which must be met by permit applicants who choose not to use this type of backfill material. |
E-97-006 | 8/21/1997 | Acceptable bridge deck overlay thicknesses on state highway resurfacing projects | Formally notifies personnel of the requirements to establish the maximum permissible bituminous concrete overlay thickness on all State or Interstate highway bridges for resurfacing projects. |
E-96-002 | 3/27/1996 | Project File Numbers | Mandates that all project-related inter-departmental correspondence shall contain the assigned Project File Number in the heading. |
E-96-001 | 3/26/1996 | Standardization of Crosswalk Markings | Provides specific requirements for the installation of crosswalk markings on state highways. The directive clarifies information contained in the MUTCD. |
E-95-002 | 3/28/1995 | Bridge Posting Sign Policy | Provides direction on rescinding bridge postings when bridges are replaced, reconstructed, or rehabilitated. |
E-95-001 | 2/2/1995 | Policy for proprietary wall systems | Provides a systematic policy that enables MassDOT to better utilize proprietary wall systems. Based on FHWA guidelines. Provides information for the consistent selection, review and acceptance of proprietary walls. |
E-94-002 | 3/28/1994 | Restricting Access to Dangerous Areas | Declares that all areas under Department jurisdiction judged dangerous for either pedestrian or vehicular traffic shall be barricaded with Concrete Barriers or other suitable devices to prevent access to such areas. |
E-94-001 | 3/10/1994 | Direct Expense Payments to Consultants | Provides further guidance for making direct expense payments to consultants. Supplements information contained in E-93-009. |
E-93-009 | 11/23/1993 | Direct Cost Payments to Subconsultants | Establishes a new policy to pay consultants for all appropriate charges billed by direct cost subconsultants without requiring them to pay their subconsultants first. |
E-93-004 | 10/12/1993 | Final Reviews - New Procedure for Verifying Final Quantities | Identifies a new procedure for verifying final quantities. Outlines a procedure for conducting a statistical audit of final quantities, based on random sampling. |
P-92-010 | 10/8/1992 | Non-NHS Bridge R&R Policy | "Footprint" Bridge R&R Policy. Provides uniform guidelines for the replacement and rehabilitation of any Non-NHS bridge. Also supersedes all previous guidance on the replacement and rehabilitation of Non-NHS, Secondary and Off-System bridges. |
P-91-5 | 6/18/1991 | Payment for all Underground Electric, Telephone or Cable TV Service Connections that Require Adjustment on Account of the Department's Construction and Maintenance Projects | Declares that MassDOT will assume all costs for adjusting private underground electric, telephone or cable TV service connections that are necessitated by MassDOT construction and maintenance projects. |
Superseded engineering directives
Number | Date | Subject | Description |
E-23-001 | 2/3/2023 | Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges - 2023 Edition | Formally issues the 2023 Edition of the MassDOT Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges. The 2023 Edition replaces the 2022 Edition and incorporates all Supplemental Specifications issued in 2022. The 2023 Edition will be referenced in all contract documents for projects advertised on or after February 11, 2023. Supersedes E-22-001. |
E-22-001 | 2/4/2022 | Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges - 2022 Edition | Formally issues the 2022 Edition of the MassDOT Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges. The 2022 Edition replaces the 2021 Edition and incorporates all Supplemental Specifications issued in 2021. The 2022 Edition will be referenced in all contract documents for projects advertised on or after February 12, 2022. Supersedes E-21-001. Superseded by Engineering Directive E-23-001 |
E-21-001 | 01/26/2021 | Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges - 2021 Edition | Formally issued the 2021 Edition of the MassDOT Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges. The 2021 Edition replaced the 2020 Edition and incorporated all Supplemental Specifications issued in 2020. The 2021 Edition was referenced in all contract documents for projects advertised on or after January 30, 2021. Superseded E-20-002. |
E-20-005 | 5/11/2020 | Guidance on Traffic Count Data | Provides guidance on how to estimate existing and future traffic counts in lieu of taking new traffic counts after 3/13/20, when COVID-19 pandemic restrictions were implemented. Introduces new MassDOT Guidance on Traffic Count Data dated April 2020, which supersedes previous guidance contained in the Traffic and Safety Engineering 25% Design Submission Guidelines. Superseded by Engineering Directive E-22-003. |
E-20-002 | 1/31/2020 | Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges - 2020 Edition | Formally issues the 2020 Edition of the MassDOT Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges. The 2020 Edition supersedes and replaces all currently active editions of the Standard Specifications and shall be referenced in all contract documents for projects advertised on or after February 1, 2020. |
E-19-003 | 06/24/2019 | MASH Compliant Permanent Impact Attenuators | Required that new installations of Permanent Impact Attenuators on MassDOT projects or MassDOT-owned facilities be MASH compliant. Projects advertised prior to January 1, 2019 may continue to install Permanent Impact Attenuators in accordance with the relevant contract documents for each contract. Superseded by Engineering Directive E-20-004. |
E-17-001 | 10/19/2017 | Updated Standards for Guardrail and Guardrail End Terminals | Formally issued new standard detail drawings for w-beam guardrail and guardrail end terminals that conform to MASH performance requirements. Superseded previous standard detail drawings for w-beam and thrie-beam guardrail systems. Also superseded E-95-008, E-02-001 and E-05-002. Superseded by Engineering Directive E-20-004 |
E-16-005 | 12/29/2016 | December 2016 Construction Standard Details | Formally issued the December 2016 edition of the Construction Standard Details for use on all projects advertised after 1/22/17. Superseded the June 2014 edition of the Construction Standard Details issued under E-14-003. Superseded by E-17-002. |
E-16-004 | 12/29/2016 | Temporary Concrete Barrier Retrofitted to MASH TL-3 | Formally issued new standard detail drawings for retrofitting Temporary Concrete Barrier to meet MASH TL-3 performance requirements. Also revised existing standard detail drawings for Temporary Concrete Barrier to allow for use in appropriate MASH TL-2 locations. Superseded by Engineering Directive E-20-004. |
E-14-006 | 12/19/2014 | Design Criteria for MassDOT Highway Division Projects | Updated and superseded E-14-001, removing the "Interim" status of this directive. Supported Healthy Transportation Policy Directive P-13-0001. Superseded by E-20-001. |
E-14-005 | 9/30/2014 | ET-Plus System Guardrail End Treatment | Placed a moratorium on new installations of the ET-Plus System guardrail end treatment and requires this system to be removed from MassDOT lists of qualified traffic attenuators, effective immediately. Allowed existing, undamaged installations of the ET-Plus System to remain in place. Superseded by Engineering Directive E-20-004. |
P-14-002 | 9/17/2014 | State Highway Access Permits for Murals and Artwork | Identifies procedures for MassDOT to consider and allow the installation of murals and artwork on state bridges, buildings and other structures, for the sole purpose of aesthetic enhancement to the community. |
E-14-004 | 7/21/2014 | Measures to Enhance Highway Safety | Identified physical measures to be used on road and bridge projects to enhance safety for roadway users and work crews. Included guidance for proper placement of Milled Rumble Strips. Superseded MassHighway Policy Directive P-04-001, dated 10/18/04. Superseded by E-20-007. |
E-14-003 | 7/11/2014 | June 2014 Construction Standard Details | Formally issued the June 2014 edition of the Construction Standard Details for use on all projects advertised after 7/31/14. Superseded the March 2012 edition of the Construction Standard Details issued under E-12-006. Superseded by E-16-005. |
E-14-001 | 2/4/2014 | Design Criteria for MassDOT Highway Division Projects | Introduced new controlling criteria for pedestrian and bicycle accommodation, to be used with FHWA's 13 controlling criteria for roadways and bridges. Supported Healthy Transportation Policy Directive P-13-0001. Superseded E-09-005. Superseded by E-14-006. |
P-13-004 | 3/15/2013 | Tunnel Inspection and Testing Protocol for Roadways Covered by Air Rights Developments | Provided a uniform protocol for the inspection and testing of portions of I-90 and the Central Artery covered by air rights developments, consistent with P-13-003. Superseded by P-18-003. |
P-13-003 | 3/15/2013 | Tunnel Inspection and Testing Program | Provided a uniform policy for tunnel inspection and life safety system testing for all tunnels under the jurisdiction of MassDOT. Superseded by P-18-002. |
P-13-002 | 3/15/2013 | Bridge and Tunnel Inspection Standards and Procedures | Identified the bridge and tunnel inspection standards and procedures of the MassDOT Highway Division. Superseded by P-18-001. |
E-14-006 | 12/19/2014 | Design Criteria for MassDOT Highway Division Projects | Updates and supersedes E-14-001, dated 2/4/14. Removes the "Interim" status of this directive. Supports Healthy Transportation Policy Directive P-13-0001. |
E-12-008 | 7/25/2012 | Supplemental Specifications - June 15, 2012 | Formally issued the 6/15/12 edition of the Supplemental Specifications to the Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges, for use on all projects advertised after 7/1/12. Replaced by subsequent editions of the same. |
E-12-006 | 3/27/2012 | March 2012 Construction Standard Details | Formally issued the March 2012 edition of the Construction Standard Details for use on all projects advertised after 3/31/12. Superseded the 2010 Edition of the Construction Standard Details and incorporated the drawings issued under E-12-004 and E-12-005. Superseded by E-14-003. |
E-12-004 | 3/27/2012 | Revised and Updated Construction Standard Details | Issued 9 revised drawings for the Construction Standard Details for immediate use. These drawings corrected minor drafting and terminology errors found in the previous versions of these drawings. Incorporated into later versions of the Construction Standard Details. |
E-11-007 | 10/7/2011 | Mast Arm and Foundation Details Standard Drawings | Superseded E-11-002. All text was identical, except for a corrected reference to the Span Wire Assembly Foundation Charts dated November 1994. The previous version of this directive referred to an older version of these charts. Superseded by E-16-001. |
E-11-003 | 08/04/2011 | Electronic Utility Plan Submissions | Superseded E-10-003. Modified the procedure for Designers to submit Utility Plans to MassDOT in electronic format. Provided updated guidelines for preparing AutoCAD drawing layers and for submitting materials for review. Superseded by E-19-004. |
E-11-002 | 3/3/2011 | Mast Arm and Foundation Details Standard Drawings | Introduced new standard drawings dated 2/24/11 that superseded various drawings dated 1/2/85. Included additional design guidance. Must be used on all projects that had not been submitted for review at the 75% design stage as of 3/1/11. Superseded by E-11-007. |
E-11-001 | 3/3/2011 | Traffic and Safety Engineering 25% Design Submission Guidelines | Introduces and adopts new design submission guidelines that supersede the 1/6/04 version of the same. Includes guidance for the preparation of the Functional Design Report. Must be used on all projects that have not been submitted for review at the 25% design stage as of 3/1/11. Superseded by Engineering Directive E-22-003. |
E-10-007 | 9/8/2010 | 2010 Construction Standard Details | Formally issued the 2010 Construction Standard Details for use on MassDOT Highway Division projects advertised after 9/30/10. Superseded the 1997 DPW Construction Standards, the 1996 MassHighway Construction Standard Details, the 2003 MassHighway Supplemental Drawings and various Engineering Directives, in whole or in part. Superseded by E-12-006. |
E-10-004 | 8/12/2010 | Procedures for the Use of Concrete Produced by Volumetric (Mobile) Concrete Mixers | Established procedures and provided guidance for the use of Volumetric (Mobile) Concrete Mixers on MassDOT Highway Division projects and facilities. Made obsolete in 2024 by section M4.03.0: Concrete Produced by Volumetric Mixers, of Division III of the Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges. |
E-10-003 | 5/5/2010 | Electronic Utility Plan Submissions | Established a procedure for Designers to submit Utility Plans to MassDOT in electronic format. Provided guidelines for preparing AutoCAD drawing layers and for submitting materials for review. Superseded by E-11-003. |
E-09-005 | 8/21/2009 | Design Criteria for MassHighway Projects and Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodation Requirements | Superseded E-97-007, supplemented P/E-06-001, and updated the Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodation criteria and review procedure. Clarified design criteria that shall be applied to MassHighway projects, particularly projects on the National Highway System. Superseded by E-14-001. |
E-09-004 | 8/21/2009 | Signatory Approvals for Bridge Sketch Plans and Construction Drawings | Superseded E-08-004. Defined the signatory approvals required for all Bridge drawings. Provided groups of persons authorized to sign each type of drawing and recognized the Accelerated Bridge Program office as a separate approval entity. Superseded by E-11-004. |
E-09-002 | 1/16/2009 | Hook Lock Grates for Catch Basins | Required Hook Lock Grates to be used as the standard catch basin grates on MassHighway roadways. Introduced new standard drawings related to this initiative. Superseded by E-09-003. |
E-08-004 | 12/19/2008 | Consultant Design Title Block for Bridge Plans | Modified Bridge Manual Drawing Number 1.1.4 to require the Consultant designer to sign and seal the bridge plans as the Engineer of Record, effective 1/1/09. The Director of Bridges and Structures and the Chief Engineer were not required to sign bridge plans designed by Consultant firms. Superseded by E-09-004. |
E-08-001 | 8/15/2008 | Approval of Shop Drawings | Modified the Shop Drawing Approval Procedures in the Bridge Manual by allowing drawings to be "Approved as Noted". Incorporated into later editions of the Bridge Manual. |
E-07-001 | 7/27/2007 | MassHighway Bridge Manual, Parts I & II, 2005 Edition, 2007 Revisions | Amended the Bridge Manual, Parts I & II, 2005 Edition. Effective 8/1/07, the MassHighway Bridge Manual, Parts I & II, 2005 Edition, Revised 2007, was the standard for projects to be advertised by MassHighway. Superseded by the 2013 LRFD Bridge Manual. |
E-06-005 | 10/13/2006 | Full Implementation for Use of Precast Portable Concrete Barrier | Superseded E-06-004. Modified the effective date for use of Precast Portable Concrete Barrier. Applied only to construction contracts advertised after 1/1/07. |
E-06-004 | 8/21/2006 | Full Implementation for Use of Precast Portable Concrete Barrier | Required all Precast Portable Concrete Barrier to be in conformance with Construction Standard Drawings M/E 403.1, M/E 403.2 and M/E 403.3, effective 1/1/07. Superseded E-96-003 and E-02-004. Superseded by E-06-005. |
E-06-003 | 8/1/2006 | Personal Protective Safety Equipment for Contractor Personnel | Introduced new language to be included in the contract documents for all projects advertised for bid on or after 8/1/06, requiring Contractor personnel to wear hardhats, safety vests and other personal protective equipment while working within the project limits. |
E-06-001 | 2/13/2006 | Massachusetts Highway Department Project Development and Design Guidebook, 2006 Edition | Establishes the 2006 Project Development and Design Guidebook as the standard for use on all projects, replacing the 1997 Highway Design Manual, effective January 30, 2006. Incorporates and makes obsolete Engineering Directives E-93-007, E-93-011, E-98-003, E-99-004 and E-02-005. |
E-05-005 | 11/17/2005 | MassHighway Bridge Manual, Parts I & II, 2005 Edition, Customary US Units | Established the 2005 Bridge Manual as the standard for bridge design projects, effective 12/1/05. Superseded by the 2013 LRFD Bridge Manual. |
E-05-002 | 3/2/2005 | New Construction Drawings for Guardrail Buried in Back-Slope | Introduced 5 new drawings for the Construction Standards relative to a non-proprietary guardrail end treatment. Includes conditions for use and special provision requirements. Superseded by E-10-007 and E-17-001. |
E-04-006 | 12/3/2004 | New Construction Drawings for Installation of Rumble Strips | Introduced 2 new drawings for the Construction Standards relative to the proper installation of Rumble Strips. New drawings were in accordance with P-04-001 and the Standard Specifications. Superseded by E-10-007. |
P-04-001 | 10/18/2004 | Measures to Combat Driver Fatigue and Enhance Safety - Superseded by E-14-004 | Identified physical measures to be used on road and bridge projects to enhance safety for roadway users and work crews. Superseded by E-14-004. |
E-04-004 | 4/16/2004 | Revised Construction Drawings | Introduced 4 revised M/E drawings for the Construction Standards - 1 berm drawing and 3 guardrail drawings. Superseded by E-10-007. |
E-04-003 | 4/16/2004 | Detectable Warning Panels | Introduced 2 new standard drawings relative to placing detectable warning panels on wheelchair ramps, as required by the FHWA. Later modified by E-04-007 and E-10-007. |
E-03-001 | 5/15/2003 | Jobsite Concrete Slump Adjustment | Established an alternative procedure to adjust concrete slump at the jobsite by allowing the use of hold-back water. Superseded by E-05-001. |
E-02-005 | 12/17/2002 | Early Environmental Coordination for Design Projects | Established standard procedures to identify design parameters, initiate early coordination with communities and define essential information necessary for early environmental reviews. Incorporated into 2006 Project Development and Design Guidebook 2/13/06. |
E-02-004 | 10/31/2002 | Temporary Precast Concrete Median Barrier | Introduced 3 new M/E drawings for the Construction Standard Details and established an implementation schedule for use of the new precast portable concrete barrier. Relative to Payment Item 853.2. Superseded by E-06-004. |
E-02-003 | 6/26/2002 | Safety Controls for Construction Operations | Directed that Item 851. Safety Controls for Construction Operations shall be included in most projects advertised after 7/1/02. This work was to be measured and paid on a Unit-Day basis. Superseded by E-12-009. |
E-02-002 | 6/26/2002 | Mobilization | Directed that Item 748. Mobilization shall be included in all projects advertised after July 1, 2002. Superseded by Engineering Directive E-24-002 |
E-02-001 | 5/21/2002 | Guardrail End Treatments and Elimination of Back-up Plates | Reinforced existing policy relative to proper guardrail end treatments and established new policy relative to the proper use of guardrail back-up plates. Superseded by E-17-001. |
E-00-002 | 9/29/2000 | New and Revised Drawings for "Construction and Traffic Standard Details" | Introduced 8 new, revised or obsolete drawings for the Construction and Traffic Standard Details. All changes were for guardrail drawings in conformance with NCHRP 350 testing requirements. Superseded by the 12/01 version of the Construction Standard Details. |
E-00-001 | 3/13/2000 | Revisions to the MassHighway Bridge Manual | Introduced revisions to the MassHighway Bridge Manual, Parts I & II, 1995 Metric Edition. Incoporated into subsequent editions of the Bridge Manual. |
E-99-004 | 5/12/1999 | Standard Mylar Sizes for MassHighway Projects | Changed the standard mylar sheet size for all MassHighway projects to 24" x 36". Included revised Highway Design Manual and Bridge Manual drawings. Incorporated into the Project Development and Design Guide. |
E-99-003 | 2/10/1999 | New and Revised Drawings for "Construction and Traffic Standard Details" | Introduced 10 new or revised drawings for the 1996 Construction and Traffic Standard Details. Included new guard rail drawings in conformance with NCHRP 350 testing requirements. Superseded by the 12/01 version of the Construction Standard Details. |
E-99-002 | 2/10/1999 | Certification of Design Exception Reports | Directed that all Design Exception Reports be stamped and signed by the designer prior to being submitted for review and approval by the Chief Engineer. Made obsolete by use of the Design Justification Workbook issued under E-20-001. |
E-98-003 | 5/5/1998 | Response to MGL CH 87 Acts of 1996 - Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodation | Superseded E-98-002. Noted that maintenance type projects funded through the Chapter 90 (local aid) Program were excluded from the provisions of this Directive. Incorporated into the 2006 Project Development and Design Guide. |
E-98-002 | 4/7/1998 | Response to MGL CH 87 Acts of 1996 - Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodation | Superseded E-97-005. Stressed that the Directive was to have been addressed on all projects at the 25% design level and that it applied to all projects funded with state money, including Chapter 90 (local aid) funds. Superseded by E-98-003. |
E-98-001 | 3/13/1998 | Consultant Performance Evaluation | Implemented an improved Consultant Performance Evaluation System on a Department-wide basis. Allowed for input from several disciplines and for periodic feedback to design consultants during the design process. Superseded by E-10-005. |
E-97-008 | 10/9/1997 | Architectural Access Board and Americans with Disabilities Act requirements | Identified AAB and ADA requirements. Superseded by later guidance and Standard Detail Drawings. |
E-97-007 | 10/9/1997 | Projects Exempt from Controlling Criteria | Identified types of projects which were so limited in scope that application of the normal design standards of the Highway Design Manual and AASHTO is unreasonable. These projects did not require formal approval of design exceptions. Superseded by E-09-005. |
E-97-005 | 7/7/1997 | Response to MGL CH 87 Acts of 1996 - Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodation | Superseded E-97-004. Contained the same language as E-97-004, except for correctly replacing the word "should" with "shoulder" in the second paragraph. Superseded by E-98-002. |
E-97-004 | 7/1/1997 | Response to MGL CH 87 Acts of 1996 - Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodation | Identified MassHighway benchmarks for bicycle and pedestrian accommodation and provided guidance to designers for documenting when such accommodation is not reasonably attainable. Superseded by E-97-005. |
E-97-003 | 6/12/1997 | Geotechnical Section | Announced the consolidation of the Soils and Foundations Unit of the Research and Materials Division with the Geotechnical Section of the Highway Engineering Division. The combined section was part of the Highway Engineering Division. |
E-97-002 | 2/27/1997 | Revised plates for the 1996 Construction and Traffic Standard Details | Revised berm and guardrail plates 106.1.0R, 401.1.0R,and 401.3.0R. Superseded by the 12/01 version of the Construction Standard Details. |
E-97-001 | 1/27/1997 | Construction Contracts Section | Announced the establishment and responsibilities of the Construction Contracts Section. Combined the former Specifications Section with the former Contracts and Prequalification Section. The new section was in the Highway Engineering Division. |
E-96-003 | 4/17/1996 | Policy for Acceptance of Temporary Precast Barriers | Required Temporary Precast Concrete Median Barrier to be manufactured in accordance with Section 850.49 of the Standard Specifications. Identified a procedure for substituting barriers manufactured in accordance with other state DOT specifications. Superseded by E-06-004. |
E-95-008 | 12/4/1995 | Impact Attenuator Terminals | Discontinued the use of MELBCT's on all MassHighway projects. Attenuator Terminals shall be designed, bid and constructed using Section 628 of the Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges. Superseded by E-17-001. |
E-95-007 | 11/29/1995 | Design Standards and the Design Waiver Process for Municipal Projects | Provided interim guidance for project initiation and approval, design standards, and the design waiver process for municipal projects. Included minimum lane and shoulder widths. Obsolete since publication of the 1997 Highway Design Manual (June, 1997). |
E-95-006 | 9/18/1995 | Temporary Precast Concrete Median Barriers | Established a policy that precluded the use of "permanent" concrete median barriers for traffic control and protection of work zones during construction operations. Only "temporary" concrete median barriers may be used for these applications. Superseded by Engineering Directive E-20-004. |
E-95-005 | 8/9/1995 | Use of Metric System | Supplemented E-95-004. Provided further direction on designing highway and bridge projects in Metric or English units. Identified specific cut-off dates for designing projects in either system of measure. Superseded by E-04-001. |
E-95-004 | 6/12/1995 | Use of Metric System for all Department Projects and Documents | Identified the Metric System of Measure as the method of measurement for the Department, effective 6/18/95. Provided direction on waivers. Identified Department manuals which had been reissued in metric units. Superseded by E-04-001. |
E-95-003 | 5/17/1995 | Railroad Flagging Costs | Provided direction on reimbursement to contractors for railroad flagging costs. Refer to the Standard Specifications for current direction. |
E-94-005 | 12/28/1994 | Revisions to the Foundation Charts - Span Wire Assembly Drawings | Replaced Sheet 4 of 4 (English and Metric) of the Standard Drawings for Span Wire Assembly. Made obsolete by E-16-001. |
E-94-004 | 12/9/1994 | AAB Regulations and Applications for Permit Access to State Highway | Mandated that all Permit Applications issued by the District offices contain a statement reaffirming that all permits are subject to the rules and regulations of the Architectural Access Board 521 CMR 1.00 et seq. Made obsolete by S.O.P. HMD-60-02-3-000 issued 12/12/08. |
E-94-003 | 10/26/1994 | Revisions to Construction Drawings for Precast Median Barriers | Modified Construction Standard Drawings Nos. 401.15.1 and 401.15.2 to show that the connecting pin is to be completely contained within the cross section of the barrier. Incorporated into later versions of the drawings. |
E-93-011 | 12/29/1993 | Landscape Restoration Policy | Provided a framework for appropriate landscape restoration for impacts resulting from roadway projects. Incorporated into the 2006 Project Development and Design Guide. |
E-93-010 | 11/30/1993 | Final Reviews for Construction and Maintenance Contracts | Identified a procedure for reducing the backlog of construction and maintenance contracts awaiting final review. This process was completed. |
E-93-008 | 11/3/1993 | Revised Title Sheet and Federal Aid Block | Identified a new Title Sheet and Federal Aid Block to be used on all projects. Incorporated into the Project Development and Design Guide and CAD Standards. |
E-93-007 | 10/26/1993 | Revised Schedule of R.O.W. and Utility Submissions | Identified when plan submissions should be made to the Right of Way Bureau and the Utilities Engineer during the course of a project design. Most of this information was incorporated into the 1997 Highway Design Manual and all was incorporated into the 2006 Project Development and Design Guide. |
E-93-006 | 10/21/1993 | Use of Controlled Density Fill | Required that Controlled Density Fill (CDF) be used as backfill in all trench cuts whenever the Department issues a permit for such work. Superseded by E-98-004. |
E-93-005 | 10/21/1993 | Traffic Delays and Construction Operations | Stressed that Resident Engineers must take all necessary measures to ensure that motorist delays are minimized. Identified "12-Minute Delay Rule" for suspending operations and noted that Variable Message Boards shall be used to inform motorists of delays. Superseded by E-03-002. |
E-93-003 | 9/22/1993 | Recommendations to Specifications Committee | Asserted that recommendations to the Specifications Committee must be complete and well organized. Nonspecific recommendations will not be considered by the Committee. |
E-93-002 | 7/7/1993 | MassHighway CADD Policy | Established and defined CADD (Computer Aided Drafting and Design) policy for all files created on or after 7/19/93. No longer a requirement. |
E-93-001 | 6/23/1993 | Policy for the use of Modified Eccentric Loading Breakaway Cable Terminals | Provided guidelines for the use of Modified Eccentric Loading Breakaway Cable Terminals (MELBCT's) on various types of roadways. Included revised or new Construction Standards plates. Superseded by E-95-008. |
N-92-018 | 8/24/1992 | Designing for Handicapped Accessibility | Provided guidelines for the design and construction of sidewalks and wheelchair ramps in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Architectural Access Board (AAB). Superseded by more current ADA/AAB guidelines. |
N-92-017 | 8/10/1992 | Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for sidewalk cross slope | Directed that the standard cross slope for sidewalks be 3/16 inch per foot in accordance with ADA Guidelines which mandated that the cross slope of an accessible route may not exceed 1:50. Superseded by more current ADA guidelines. |
N-92-014 | 6/22/1992 | Hazardous Materials and Wetlands Units | Transferred the responsibilities of the Hazardous Materials Unit and the Wetlands Unit from the Highway Engineering Division to the Project Development Division. |