Leading by Example Tools and Resources

The Leading by Example Program develops resources and guidance documents for Massachusetts state agencies, authorities, and public institutions of higher education to help meet and track progress towards the targets set forth in Executive Order 594.

This page lists tools and resources developed by the Leading by Example Division and partner entities to support state entities with efforts related to tracking greenhouse gas emissions, transitioning to clean transportation technologies, adopting sustainable landscaping practices, and partaking in general sustainability efforts. Additional information can be found on the associated Priorities and Efforts pages

Table of Contents

FY24 LBE Tracking Form

The FY24 LBE Tracking Form is live! This annual form tracks data related to energy usage, renewables, vehicle fleets, charging station deployment, and other sustainability efforts at state agencies and campuses. Please submit the form by Friday, December 6, 2024.

Download the form here: FY24 LBE Tracking Form

Contact Sophia.Vitello@mass.gov with any questions or to submit your final form.

Tracking Tools

  • Massachusetts Energy Insight ⇒ This tool allows LBE partners to view past energy use, view GHG emissions progress, generate reports on energy consumption, and more.
  • Commonwealth Energy Intelligence System ⇒ This program, managed by DCAMM, provides state facilities with access to real-time metering, building management system integration, utility bill management and building energy analytics.

For any questions on LBE Tracking tools, please contact Sophia.Vitello@mass.gov.

Greenhouse Gas Calculator

  • LBE Conversions and GHG Emissions Calculator ⇒ This calculator translates energy units, such as electricity, oil, and natural gas, into GHG emissions and social math (eg, emissions equivalent to number of cars on the road).


Electric Vehicles

  • LBE Electric Vehicle TCO Comparison Calculator ⇒ This calculator is intended to provide a comparison of zero-emission vehicle models currently offered on statewide contract VEH110 against various other conventional and alternative fuel models. After putting in basic information on costs of gasoline, electricity, and years of ownership, users can select two vehicles to compare total cost of ownership.
  • Greening your Fleet with Statewide Contracts ⇒ This document provides a list and basic information on all battery-electric, plug-in hybrid, and hybrid electric vehicles available on Massachusetts statewide contracts.
  • Upcoming EV Models ⇒ This document provides high-level information for a broad range of lighter-duty, upcoming zero-emission models. Note that not all may become available on statewide contracts.
  • LBE EV Models Database ⇒ This workbook provides detailed information for a broad range of available and upcoming zero-emission vehicle models across various classes and use cases.
  • Quick Guide: LBE Electric Vehicles ⇒ This two-page 'quick guide' includes introductory information on electric vehicle types, incentives available for state entities, and procurement resources.
  • EV Driver Quick Guide (Template) ⇒ This guide provides information to help first-time EV drivers understand the nuances of driving electric and can be customized to reflect an agency’s vehicle management policies.
  • Recharge Massachusetts and Leading By Example have partnered to issue an Electric Vehicle Purchase Challenge. This voluntary challenge spotlights new electric vehicle (EV) acquisitions for fleets, offers a unique opportunity to demonstrate leadership, and helps state entities gain additional recognition for on-the-ground efforts to reduce environmental impacts. 

Electric Vehicle Charging/ EV Supply Equipment (EVSE)

  • VEH102 Technologies to Green Your Fleet ⇒ This two-pager developed by the Operational Services Division outlines services and technologies available on state contract VEH102 related to electric vehicle charging, as well as links to funding sources, contacts, and contract user guides.
  • Quick Guide: LBE EV Charging ⇒ This three-page 'quick guide' contains information on EV charging station types, use cases, important considerations for state facilities, procurement resources, and incentive programs.
  • LBE Scope of Services for Fleet EV Charging ⇒ This document provides template language for partners to utilize when procuring EV charging stations, particularly those intended for fleet use. 
  • Considerations to Inform EV Charging Station Decision-Making ⇒ This two-page resource is intended to better inform the initial decision-making process for all types of electric vehicle (EV) charging station installations at state facilities, including public, workplace, and fleet.
  • Guidance for Publicly Accessible EV Charging Stations at State Facilities ⇒ This guidance document is intended to inform publicly accessible electric vehicle charging station installation at facilities that are subject to the requirements of Leading by Example Executive Order 594 but may be used to inform decision making at any state entity.
  • Ask the Experts 9.22.21 EVs and EVSE ⇒ These slides, presented during Climate Week, September 2021, provide an overview of current and upcoming EV models, grants and funding resources, and links to helpful guidance documents and relevant statewide contracts.

Renewables and Clean Energy Resources

  • All the Sun Without the Stumble slides ⇒ PowerOptions can conduct solar feasibility studies for state agencies without cost and can provide a pathway to solar procurement without the need to go to bid. Contact Leading by Example Program staff for more information.  
  • Ask the Experts 9.23.21 Solar and Storage PPAs ⇒ These slides provide an overview of how to identify opportunities for solar and storage, example projects, and how PPAs for state entities work.
  • MassCEC Production Tracking System ⇒ This system lets state facilities register their installations, track the amount of electricity being produced, and more. Note that a log-in is required.  
  • MassCEC Resiliency Toolkit ⇒ Integrating renewable energy into facilities and community electric grids can help make them more resilient during outages. The MassCEC Clean Energy and Resiliency (CLEAR) program developed a toolkit to help facilities conduct a preliminary analysis of the cost and resources that would be required to undertake such a project before hiring a consultant. 

Energy Efficiency and Demand Response

  • DOER Clean Heating and Cooling ⇒ The DOER Renewable Energy Division has compiled introductory information on clean heating and cooling technologies, as well as incentives for residential, business, and government operations. 
  • DOER Energy Efficiency Resources and Tools ⇒ The DOER Energy Efficiency Division has compiled resources for energy practitioners, businesses, and more to help entities learn best practices and access fiscal and technical assistance. 
  • LBE Ask the Experts 9.21.21 - Demand Response ⇒ These slides, presented during Climate Week, September 2021, provide an overview of how demand charges work, strategies to reduce demand, and incentive programs available to entities that reduce demand during peak periods.


  • 2020-2021 Massachusetts Public Campus Decarbonization Studies Summary ⇒ Throughout 2020 and 2021, four public institutes of higher education (SSU, UMA, UMD, UML) launched studies to chart pathways to campus net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 or earlier. The studies resulted in high-level roadmaps that are helping each campus plan for future growth while continuing to achieve ambitious GHG reduction goals. This document is intended to provide an overview of the studies’ recommended strategies that these campuses are now considering as part of a comprehensive strategy to decarbonize. Given the rapidly changing policy, funding and technology landscapes, these plans should be considered works in progress.
  • Embodied Carbon Lunch and Learn ⇒ On February 2nd, 2022, the Leading by Example Division hosted a lunch and learn for state entities involved in building construction projects. This presentation by MassCEC, Rocky Mountain Institute, and SGH covers basic background information on embodied carbon and some steps state entities can start to take to procure low embodied carbon materials. Slides can be found here, and a recording here.
  • LBE Guidance: Liquid Biofuels for Building Heat via ENE52 ⇒ Executive Order 594 states: “all agencies still utilizing heating oil as of July 1, 2021, shall ensure that any heating oil product purchased shall consist of at least 10% biofuels (i.e., B10)." This 1-pager describes how Statewide Contract ENE52 can be used by state facilities to procure such biofuels.

Sustainable Landscaping

Pollinator Habitats

  • Pollinator Landscapes at State Facilities Guiding Framework ⇒ Includes an overview of the importance of pollinator habitats, benefits of converting traditional lawns to habitat, and strategies state agencies have undertaken to create these habitats on their lands.
  • Lawn to Pollinator Habitat Savings Calculator ⇒ Designed to provide high-level estimates of potential cost savings, labor savings, and greenhouse gas emission reductions associated with converting lawns into pollinator-focused habitats.
  • Pollinator Seed Checklist for State Entities 3.16.22 - This two-page guide contains basic information that facilities may want to factor into their decision-making process before procuring seeds for pollinator meadows and grasslands, as well as criteria that can be sent to seed vendors or included in a scope of work to ensure selected species are appropriate for their site, while avoiding non-native species.
  • Interagency Pollinator Meadow and Garden BMP 3.16.22 - This two-page BMP is modeled after best practices developed and recommended by the DCR Pollinator Team, including guidance around site preparation, watering and weeding, and mowing. Guidance is intended to be broadly applicable to most state facilities, but may be adjusted to fit site-specific needs. 
  • Growing Wild for Pollinators Signs ⇒ Signage can help educate the public and show intentionality of limited-mow zones and wildflower meadows. The Growing Wild for Pollinators walk by sign includes descriptive text, and the Growing Wild for Pollinators drive by sign simply states "Growing Wild for Pollinators" in large text. Contact Ryan.Kingston@mass.gov if you are interested in obtaining one of these signs for your site.
  • Additional Pollinator Habitat Info and Resources ⇒ Includes websites and resources related to creating and maintaining pollinator habitats in the Northeast US. 
  • Massachusetts Native Plant Palette ⇒ A website application from the Commonwealth's Water Resources Commission that allows users to explore native plants and create lists ("plant palettes") which they can then bring with them to their local nurseries or garden centers. 

Battery-Powered Landscape Equipment

Other Sustainability

  • EPP Program - Environmentally Preferable Products and Services on Statewide Contracts ⇒ The Operational Services Division's EPP program offers thousands of environmentally preferable products and services on statewide contracts. This website includes summaries of these offerings and links to relevant contracts.
  • LBE Sustainability at Home ⇒ A 1-pager outlining resources and incentives available to help individuals reduce their energy and environmental footprint at home. Resources include quick hits, transportation, heating and cooling, solar, sustainable landscaping, and waste diversion
  • 10 Green Office Tips ⇒ A list of 10 things Massachusetts state and public higher education offices can do to reduce environmental impact and costs.
  • 10 Sustainability Resources and Programs in MA ⇒ A list of 10 resources and program across an array of topic areas that can help MA employees, faculty, students, and others reduce their overall environmental footpring.
  • Paper Reduction Guide ⇒ Instructions on two quick strategies to reduce office paper use and costs.

Funding and Financing

  • Clean Energy Funding Opportunities ⇒ This resource, developed in November 2021, illustrates some of the clean energy funding opportunities that may be available for state facilities and fleets. Categories include electric vehicles and charging stations, solar PV and renewable thermal, and building energy efficiency incentives. Web links to relevant resources are included. 
  • Funding Programs & Grants for State Entities ⇒ This webpage contains basic information about a variety of grants and incentives as well as links to available funding opportunities across several different categories, including renewable energy, electric fleet vehicle acquisitions, and decarbonization. LBE continues to update this resource as funding program availability changes.

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