• This page, Learn about MyServices, is   offered by
  • MassHealth

Learn about MyServices

MyServices is an easy-to-use web tool and mobile app for all MassHealth members.

Available in six languages: Brazilian Portuguese, English, Haitian Creole, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, and Vietnamese.

If you’re looking for information about MassHealth benefits, coverage, and more, MyServices.mass.gov is the place to go. 

With MyServices, you can: 

  • review your contact information, such as your name, address, and phone number;
  • find out what benefits from MassHealth or the Massachusetts Health Connector you may qualify for;
  • review your MassHealth enrollment information, such as the name of your plan and the date your plan started;
  • check the status of Requests for Information (RFIs), including whether any response you submitted has been processed;
  • view and print a copy of your MassHealth ID card;
  • get alerts about important events and actions you need to take; and
  • review certain MassHealth notices and voter registration information online.
Image credits:  Adobe Stock: Mediteraneo, 228548583

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