Massachusetts laws
MGL c. 93H Security breaches
MGL c. 214, § 1B Right of privacy
MGL c. 271, § 51 Taking or transmitting images of crime victims by first responders prohibited without consent
MGL c. 272, § 99 Interception of wire and oral communications
MGL c. 272, § 105 Photographing, videotaping or electronically surveilling partially nude or nude person or the sexual or other intimate parts of a person around the person's clothing; exceptions; punishment
Massachusetts regulations
201 CMR 17 Standards for the protection of personal information of residents of the commonwealth
205 CMR 257 Sports wagering data privacy
940 CMR 27 Safeguard of personal information
Federal laws
15 U.S.C. §§ 6801 - 6809 Disclosure of nonpublic personal information
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999, which established privacy requirements for financial institutions.
Massachusetts jury instructions
District Court Criminal Model Jury Instructions
Court rules and orders
Supreme Judicial Court Order regarding the protection of personal information
This Order governs the security and confidentiality of personal information as defined by c. 93H in the Judicial Branch.
Selected cases
Web sources
Advisory on the application of the Commonwealth’s consumer protection, civil rights, and data privacy laws to artificial intelligence, Mass. Attorney General, 2024.
Advisory clarifies that AI developers, suppliers, and users must comply with existing state consumer protection, anti-discrimination, and data privacy laws.
Can you put a surveillance camera in a nursing home room?, ElderLawAnswers, 2018.
Impoundment procedures in the Massachusetts appellate courts: An introduction, Mass. Appeals Court, 2012.
A guide to impoundment procedures including a general overview of governing authorities and some practical tips.
Impoundment sources: List of authorities designating material as impounded, confidential, or not available for public inspection, Mass. Appeals Court, June 2015.
"The following list is an overview of the material that a statute, court rule, or standing order designates must be withheld as 'impounded,' 'withheld from public inspection,' 'not available for public inspection,' 'confidential,' 'segregated,' or 'sealed.'"
Katz and reasonable expectation of privacy test, Constitution Annotated,
An examination of the Katz test and its application in one’s "reasonable expectation of privacy" within the Constitution's 4th amendment.
Prepare for cybersecurity regulatory expectations, Mass. Division of Banks.
Find out about regulations governing information security and expectations for financial institutions and non-depository institutions.
Privacy and security, Federal Trade Commission.
Includes links to a wide variety of financial privacy sources, including the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.
Requirements for data breach notifications, Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation.
A guide to data breaches, business notification requirements, and written information security program (WISP) compliance.
Security cameras vs. right of privacy, Goldman and Pease.
Discusses privacy issues with security cameras in a condo building.
Print sources
Civil causes of action in Massachusetts, MCLE 2nd edition, 2012, Chapter 16 Invasion of privacy.
Cybersecurity law, West Academic Publishing, 2022.
Data privacy and cybersecurity law: A compliance guide for U.S. Federal, state, and local governments, Lexis Nexis, 2023.
Data security and privacy in Massachusetts, 3rd ed., MCLE, 2021.
Drone law, Thomson Reuters, Annual, Chapter 34, Invasion of privacy.
How personal information is collected, sold & used, MCLE, 2021.
Massachusetts proof of cases, v.1, West, Annual. Chapter 29 Privacy rights.
Massachusetts Superior Court civil practice jury instructions, 3rd ed., MCLE, loose-leaf. Chapter 7, Invasion of privacy.
Massachusetts tort law manual, MCLE , 2017 with supplement, Chapter 14, Invasion of privacy.
Outwitting smartphone privacy pitfalls, MCLE, 2022.
Summary of basic law, 5th ed. 2014, with supplement (Mass Practice v.14D) Thomson Reuters, Chapter 16 Torts; Dignitary Torts; A. Invasion of Privacy.
Contact for Massachusetts law about privacy
Last updated: | October 24, 2024 |