Massachusetts law about consumer protection

Laws, regulations, cases, and web sources on consumer protection law.

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Table of Contents

Massachusetts laws

MGL c. 93A Regulation of business practices for consumers' protection

MGL c. 176D Unfair methods of competition and unfair and deceptive acts and practices in the business of insurance

Massachusetts regulations

201 CMR Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation

211 CMR Division of Insurance

940 CMR 3 General regulation (Office of the Attorney General)

Federal rules and regulations

14 CFR Part 260 Refunds for airline fare and ancillary service fees
Requires "automatic refunds to consumers when a U.S. air carrier or a foreign air carrier cancels or makes a significant change to a scheduled flight to, from, or within the United States and the consumer is not offered or rejects alternative transportation and travel credits, vouchers, or other compensation. These automatic refunds must be provided promptly, within 7 business days for credit card payments and within 20 calendar days for other forms of payment." For more information, see the Department of Transportation's Federal Register notice

"Click-to-cancel" rule, Federal Trade Commission.
This rule will "require sellers to make it as easy for consumers to cancel their enrollment as it was to sign up."


Jury instructions

Chapter 93A consumer protection (District Court civil model jury instructions)

Selected cases

Organizations & filing complaints

AgencyFile a complaint
Office of the Attorney General Consumer Advocacy & Response Division
One Ashburton Place, 18th Floor
Boston, MA 02108
(617) 727-8400
File a consumer complaint
File a complaint if you are having a problem with a business and need help to resolve that problem.
Massachusetts Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation
17 Park Plaza, Suite 5170
Boston, MA 02116
(888) 283-3757
Federal Trade Commission
600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20580
Telephone: (202) 326-2222

Web sources

Advisory on automobile advertising, pricing and lease buyouts, Mass. Attorney General, 2021.  
Advisory for consumers and auto dealers on their rights and obligations on advertising and pricing.

Advisory on the application of the Commonwealth’s consumer protection, civil rights, and data privacy laws to artificial intelligence, Mass. Attorney General, 2024.
Advisory clarifies that AI developers, suppliers, and users must comply with existing state consumer protection, anti-discrimination, and data privacy laws.

"Chapter 93A: Dilution and confusion through overuse," Massachusetts Law Review, August, 2017, 98 Mass. L. Rev. 61, Tara J. Myslinski, Stephanie R. Parker.

Consumer information, Federal Trade Commission.
The banner near the top of the page includes topics: Shopping and donating; Credit, loans and debt; Jobs and making money; Unwanted calls, emails and texts; Identity theft and online security; Scams.

"Consumer protection: exploring private causes of action for victims of data breaches," 41 W. New England Law Review 253, 2019.

The Massachusetts Consumer Protection Law, Mass. Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation.
Explanation of the law, links to legal assistance and 30 day demand letter.

Responding to Chapter 93A demand letters in product liability cases, Mass. Bar Assn. Lawyers' Journal, January 2013.
Outlines best practices for responding to a demand letter.

Student-consumers: The application of Chapter 93A to higher education in Massachusetts, Boston Bar Journal, 2013.
Discusses consumer fraud suits that have been brought against colleges and universities in Massachusetts.

Taking action: the consumer protection law, Mass. Attorney General.
Includes a description of the process and a sample 93A Demand Letter. Complaints about consumer products and services, Federal Citizen Information Center.
Site is packed with information on a wide variety of consumer topics, and includes valuable advice on where and how to file a complaint.

Print sources

Chapter 93A and 176D bad faith update, by Brian A. O'Connell, et al., Mass. Bar Institute, 2009.

Chapter 93A rights and remedies, MCLE, 5th ed., 2022.

Massachusetts conveyancers' handbook with forms, 4th ed., by Edward G. Mendler, West Group, 2008 with supplement, sec. 5:4 - unfair trade practices, Chapter 93A.

Massachusetts Practice:

Massachusetts proof of cases, Marc Perlin, annual, West Thomson Reuters, annual. Chapters 9 and 30.4.

Massachusetts Superior Court civil practice jury instructions, MCLE, loose-leaf. Chapter 16, Consumer Protection Act - Chapter 93A. 

"Negligence is not enough: Darviris v. Petros," 49 Boston Bar Journal 6 (Mar.-Apr. 2005) Medical services and chapter 93A.

"Trustee liable under 93A for mishandling funds," 29 Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly 1461 (March 5, 2001) Chapter 93A can apply to professional trustees.

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Last updated: November 5, 2024

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