About the Dashboard
This dashboard shares selected data of birth-related information about newborns who are Massachusetts residents and the health characteristics of their birthing person.
View the “Overview” tab for annual, statewide trends for total live births or for a map of birth trends across geographies in Massachusetts. View the "Statewide Comparisons" tab for cross-cutting birth trends by birthing person’s race/Hispanic ethnicity, age, or prenatal care funding source. View the "Community Detailed Topics" tab to dive into specific topics across the birth care continuum through the Pregnancy, Birth, and Post-Birth journey, contents shown below, by city/town or rural status. View the "Information about the Data" tab for details about the data sources and metrics. Data from the dashboard can be downloaded from the visualization and a complementary excel file is also available for further analysis. Year 2022 data are preliminary and subject to change.
The data found in the two Excel files below can be combined to complement the data contained within the dashboard.
Birth Outcomes Dashboard, Statewide Comparisons - Data Download

As you look at data on this webpage, you may see differences among population groups. The differences are especially noticeable between white people and people of color.
These differences exist because of structural racism. These differences are NOT because of an individual’s choices, behaviors, or identity.
Systems of oppression, such as racism, cause harm to everyone. They also influence the social determinants of health (SDoH), which impact health outcomes. See Figure 1.
It is important to keep these notes in mind when looking at the data and using it to inform public health efforts.
If you decide to share these data, remember to use racial equity context and framing. The DPH Racial Equity Data Road Map is one resource that can help.
About Births of Massachusetts Residents
These data are collected from individual birth certificates of Massachusetts residents, including residents who gave birth in other US states.
Examining birth data of Massachusetts residents allows researchers to monitor trends in birth outcomes across the Commonwealth. This information can be used to track the characteristics of those who have given birth, inform, and make decisions about public health challenges, and compare birth trends with other communities.