Health care capacity interactive dashboard

The dashboard provides capacity data for emergency ambulance trips, hospitals, and nursing homes across the Commonwealth. You can compare data about hospital capacity and can make informed decisions, such as choosing facilities that are convenient and may be less capacity strained. You can also find nursing homes that might have space available to care for a patient that will soon be discharged from a hospital and will need skilled nursing care.

This dashboard reflects capacity through the prior month and shows nearby health care facilities within a 30-minute drive*.

*The 30-minute drive refers to the 30-minute drive from the chosen hospital. The 30 minute drive times are calculated using average traffic and road conditions. Traffic, road closures, weather, and other factors can change over time and will impact which hospitals are reachable within 30 minutes. Hospital locations are from MassGIS.

Table of Contents


  1. The inpatient beds page shows a graph of beds broken down by the type of care provided: adult medical/surgical, adult intensive care unit (ICU), pediatric medical/surgical, and pediatric intensive care unit. It also shows a chart of average daily occupied medical/surgical beds by month and compares the yearly average with the previous year at the selected hospital and compared to hospitals within a 30-minute drive time radius.  
  2. The ambulance trip page shows the number of emergency ambulance trips by destination hospital or starting community.
  3. The nursing home page shows the average occupied and available beds at nursing homes with a 30-minute drive time of the selected hospital.  Users can browse through the nursing homes, filter to display nursing homes by the CMS star rating, and display metrics such as average residents per day, occupancy rates, and staffing measures.  

  4. The emergency department  page shows the number of ED visits at your chosen hospital and a chart of ED visits year over year by month compared to hospitals within a 30-minute drive time radius. 

How to use the dashboard to filter the data

Interactive data dashboard

The dashboard is updated by 5:00 pm on the third Wednesday of each month. 

If you are having difficulty using the dashboard on a mobile or tablet device, you may access this dashboard in full screen. The data used in the dashboard are available for download (Excel) with data from January of the past year through the end of the previous month. 

Skip this  data visualization presentation.

If you are having difficulty using the dashboard on a mobile or tablet device, you may access this dashboard in full screen.


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