Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) Data

Find neonatal abstinence syndrome, or NAS, data in Massachusetts.

About the Dashboard

The goal of this dashboard is to provide population-based data on NAS and eight other key maternal and child health indicators related to  perinatal opioid use. Data are provided for the state overall, as well as by maternal race/ethnicity, education, age, and insurance coverage. In addition to statewide estimates, data are also presented by the six Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) regions. All data come from the Pregnancy to Early Life Longitudinal Data System (PELL).

Image that shows the various forms of oppression that impact the various types of social determinants of health, that then impact health outcomes.

As you look at data on this webpage, you may see differences among population groups. The differences are especially noticeable between white people and people of color.

These differences exist because of structural racism. These differences are NOT because of an individual’s choices, behaviors, or identity.

Systems of oppression, such as racism, cause harm to everyone. They also influence the social determinants of health (SDoH), which impact health outcomes. See Figure 1.

It is important to keep these notes in mind when looking at the data and using it to inform public health efforts.

If you decide to share these data, remember to use racial equity context and framing. The DPH Racial Equity Data Road Map is one resource that can help.

About Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS)

Massachusetts is currently facing an epidemic of opioid misuse, addiction, and overdose. Opioid-related deaths have increased more than 500% since 2000, and every community in the Commonwealth has been impacted [1].The use of opioids during pregnancy remains a particular concern. Intrauterine exposure to opioids and other legal and illegal substances may result in a neonatal condition known as Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS). Additionally, pregnancy is often a motivating and therefore opportune time for a woman to address her substance use disorder and pursue recovery. In order to best support pregnant and parenting women and their infants, opioid use needs to be addressed across three key time periods:

1. Pregnancy (Prenatal)

During pregnancy, prenatal care providers have the opportunity to universally screen women for substance use and make referrals to treatment and recovery support services. Medication assisted treatment (MAT) with either methadone or buprenorphine is considered the standard of care for pregnant women with opioid use disorders. While MAT may result in NAS symptoms among infants, it offers substantial benefits for the health and safety of both woman and fetus and prenatal engagement in MAT services is supported by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)[2][3].

2. Birth (Neonatal)

At the time of birth, labor and delivery providers can follow best practices for pain management, informed by collaborative communications with a client’s other providers, given the presence of valid, signed confidentiality releases. After delivery, medical providers can work with the new mother to coordinate best care for her infant, which may include emerging best practices for treating NAS, such as rooming-in and other non-pharmacological interventions. Prior to discharge, providers have the opportunity to make connections between families and community based supports and outpatient providers, ideally through the use of warm hand-offs and in-hospital referrals to programs such as the Early Intervention (EI) program. All infants with a diagnosis of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome are automatically eligible for one year of EI services; other substance exposed infants may be eligible by way of a risk factors checklist.

3. Infancy (Post Discharge)

During the infant’s first year of life, providers can conduct developmental assessments, identify supports for the family, and provide referrals to services. Ongoing recovery support services are critical for the postpartum woman, whether or not she has custody of her infant. If the postpartum woman is parenting, family-centered support services are often the best option.

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For Moms

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Contact   for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) Data


250 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02108

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