Massachusetts Cancer Registry (MCR) Data

Find information and data on cancer in Massachusetts, managed by the Massachusetts Cancer Registry.

About the Data

The data collected within the Massachusetts Cancer Registry (MCR) includes demographic patient information and cancer diagnosis information such as type of cancer, stage at diagnosis, treatment and survival status. Cases are reported from acute care hospitals as well as non-hospital sources such as surgical centers, commercial pathology laboratories, medical practice associations, radiation/oncology centers, dermatology centers, and physicians. 

Image that shows the various forms of oppression that impact the various types of social determinants of health, that then impact health outcomes.

As you look at data on this webpage, you may see differences among population groups. The differences are especially noticeable between white people and people of color.

These differences exist because of structural racism. These differences are NOT because of an individual’s choices, behaviors, or identity.

Systems of oppression, such as racism, cause harm to everyone. They also influence the social determinants of health (SDoH), which impact health outcomes. See Figure 1.

It is important to keep these notes in mind when looking at the data and using it to inform public health efforts.

If you decide to share these data, remember to use racial equity context and framing. The DPH Racial Equity Data Road Map is one resource that can help.

About Cancer Data

In addition to annual statewide and city/town reports on cancer statistics, the MCR also provides special publications that focus on statistical data for specific cancer types or current public health issues related to cancer.  The MCR makes data available through consultation, technical assistance, and presentations.

The MCR also partners with the Department of Public Health Cancer Prevention and Control program, researchers at leading universities, and with the American Cancer Society. In collaboration with these groups, MCR data are used to describe the cancer burden in Massachusetts, identify populations with higher cancer risk, target programs in underserved areas, evaluate cancer control and screening programs, set priorities for resource allocation, and investigate possible causes of cancer.  MCR aggregate data are available online.

The MCR is a member of the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR). The MCR follows national standards set by

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: National Program of Cancer Registries
  • National Cancer Institute:
    • Surveillance,
    • Epidemiology, and
    • End Results Program,
  • Commission on Cancer: American College of Surgeons, and

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Additional Resources

Contact   for Massachusetts Cancer Registry (MCR) Data


250 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02108


Sai Cherala, MD, MPH, Assistant Commissioner and Director, Office of Population Health Email Office of Population Health at


(617) 624-5631


250 Washington St., 6th Floor, Boston, MA 02108

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