Health Care Facilities in Massachusetts

Find data on health care facilities in Massachusetts that are licensed or certified by the Department of Public Health.

About this Dashboard

This dashboard shares selected data on health care facilities in Massachusetts including facility name, street address, contact phone number, number of beds, whether or not inpatient facility, and specialized services provided. Data in this dashboard is updated on quarterly basis.

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Image that shows the various forms of oppression that impact the various types of social determinants of health, that then impact health outcomes.

As you look at data on this webpage, you may see differences among population groups. The differences are especially noticeable between white people and people of color.

These differences exist because of structural racism. These differences are NOT because of an individual’s choices, behaviors, or identity.

Systems of oppression, such as racism, cause harm to everyone. They also influence the social determinants of health (SDoH), which impact health outcomes. See Figure 1.

It is important to keep these notes in mind when looking at the data and using it to inform public health efforts.

If you decide to share these data, remember to use racial equity context and framing. The DPH Racial Equity Data Road Map is one resource that can help.

About Health Care Facilities in Massachusetts

Data are collected from Massachusetts health care facility licensure documents related to bed capacities of facilities and services that are provided. This information can be valuable for health care providers, stakeholders, municipal planners, and the general public to better understand locations and distribution of facilities within the larger health care system in the Commonwealth.

Examining data on health care facilities in Massachusetts allows for collecting and maintaining information such as number of licensed medical/surgical beds available within a particular city/town, county, or EMS region. This information can be used to determine which hospitals have the greatest number of licensed maternal beds or provide the most specialized services, and more.

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Additional Resources

Contact   for Health Care Facilities in Massachusetts


250 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02108

As a publicly available tool, we highly encourage the use of data included in PHIT. Below is an example of how you can cite this webpage to reference any information you find helpful.

[Insert Title of Webpage Here] (n.d.). Population Health Information Tool, Massachusetts Department of Public Health. [Insert URL]

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