• This page, Update the name in a MyMassGov account, is   offered by
  • MyMassGov

Update the name in a MyMassGov account

Follow these steps to log in and update your name in MyMassGov.

Table of Contents

Follow these instructions to update your name in MyMassGov (for example, if you typed it wrong). If you're looking to legally change your name, you should start here.

  1. Log in at MyMassGov 
  2. Once you're logged in, click on the down arrow next to your user profile icon 
  3. Click on ‘Account settings’ 
  4. On the right-hand side of the ‘Account settings’ page, click the 'Edit' button next to your name 
  5. Enter the first and last names you’d like to update your account with 
  6. Click 'SAVE' 

    • You’ll be brought back to the ‘Account Settings’ screen, where you’ll see a success message confirming the update
    • You’ll also receive an email message from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, confirming that the name in your account was updated

    Note:  After you update your name in the MyMassGov portal, you may need to also update it in other state of MA services and applications to match.

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