OSD Forms

This complete listing of OSD Forms is provided for your convenience. Please use the appropriate form based on the correct regulation or policy.
Browser compatibility:
  • Users seeking to download Word or Excel documents from this page should use latest versions of Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, or Opera.
  • Google Chrome users should right-click, select 'Save Link As', and select 'Keep' from the notification that pops up.
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer is no longer supported.

Please note the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Form is not available online. Contact your MMARS Liaison to receive a copy of the Form. For questions related to the execution of the EFT Form, contact the Comptroller’s Office. Refer to the Vendor/Customer File and W-9s Policy for information about verifying signatures on EFT Forms.

Table of Contents

Contract Forms and Attachments for all Goods and Services

Contract Forms and Attachments for Human and Social Services/Purchase of Service (POS)

Other Forms/Request For Response (RFR) Attachments (Generally Not Mandatory)

Bid Development and Evaluation Forms

Purchasing and Contract Management Forms

Vendor Requirement Forms

Office of Vehicle Management (OVM) Forms

Special Education Pricing Forms

State Surplus Property Program Forms

Supplier Diversity Program (SDP) Forms



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