Public reporting for Early Intervention

See public reports from the Early Intervention (EI) Division.

Table of Contents

IDEA Determinations

Each year the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) uses Annual Performance Report and other data to make “determinations” about how states are meeting the requirements of the IDEA.

Local Program Determinations

Each state makes determinations about how local programs are meeting the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Part C. These annual determinations are required by Section 616 of the IDEA and are based on a variety of data.

Part C State Performance Plan (SPP) Annual Performance Report (APR)

Child Count

Legislative Reports

These are data about the amount of early intervention services provided and the different funding sources. They are one way that the Early Intervention Division ensures that the Department of Public Health is the Payor of Last Resort for early intervention services.

State Systemic Improvement Plan

Early Intervention Data and Reports

The Early Intervention Division supports data-based decision making at every level. Data play a role in every aspect of the administration of Massachusetts’ Part C program. These data are shared to help stakeholders meaningfully participate in conversations about programmatic issues and decisions.

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