Massachusetts law about real estate brokers

Laws, regulations, and web sources on real estate brokers' roles and legal responsibilities.

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Table of Contents

Best bet

Board of Registration of Real Estate Brokers and Salespersons
State agency website includes frequently asked questions, applications, forms, policies, a link for checking occupational licenses, continuing education course listings, and more.

Massachusetts laws

MGL c. 13, §§ 54-57 Board of registration of real estate brokers and salespersons

MGL c. 112, §§ 61-65E Certificate of registration- suspension, revocation or cancellation

MGL c. 112, §§ 87PP-87DDD-1/2 Real estate brokers and salespersons

Massachusetts regulations

254 CMR Board of Registration of Real Estate Brokers and Salespersons

Selected cases


Massachusetts mandatory licensee-consumer relationship disclosure, Board of Registration of Real Estate Brokers and Salespersons. Revised September 20, 2021.

Web sources

A consumer guide to real estate representation, Berkshire County Board of Realtors, 2008.
Pamphlet for consumers that explains the relationship between consumers and real estate brokers.

Print sources

LexisNexis Practice Guide: Massachusetts real estate litigation, Lexis, annual edition. Chapter 11.

Methods of practice with forms, 4th ed. (Mass. Practice, v.5), West Group, 2000 with supplement. Section 3:66 Broker’s commission.

Prima facie case proof and defense, 5th ed., (Mass. Practice vol. 17) Thomson/West, 2005 with supplement. Chapter 9 Real estate broker’s commission.

Procedural forms annotated, 6th ed., (Mass. Practice v.10A) West, 2009 with supplement. Section 47:1 Complaints - real estate broker’s commission.

Real estate broker disputes, MCLE, 2009.

Real estate law with forms (Mass. Practice vol. 28A) Thomson Reuters, annual, chapter 36 Brokerage Agreements. Chapter 53 Purchase and Sale Agreements.

The real estate legal desk book : a broker's guide to consumer protection, procuring cause, commissions, fair housing and more by Philip S. Lapatin, 2012.

Residential real estate practice under the new broker law, MCLE, 2005.

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Last updated: January 6, 2025

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