Massachusetts law about nurses

Laws, regulations, and web sources on nursing law.

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Table of Contents

Massachusetts laws

MGL c. 30A, § 14 Judicial review

MGL c. 94C, § 9 Administering and dispensing of controlled substances in course of professional practice; records, inspection

MGL c. 111, § 226 Mandatory overtime for nurses prohibited; exception for emergency situations

MGL c. 111, § 231 Limitation on patient assignments per nurse in intensive care units

MGL c. 112, § 64 Review by supreme judicial court of suspension, revocation or cancellation order

MGL c. 112, §§ 65-65F Practice during suspension, revocation or cancellation of license

MGL c. 112, §§ 74-81C Registration of certain professions: nursing

MGL c. 112A Nurse licensure compact

MGL c. 176R Consumer choice of nurse practitioner services; recognizes nurse practitioners as primary care providers

MGL c. 176S Consumer choice of physician assistant services; recognizes physician assistants as primary care providers

Massachusetts regulations

101 CMR 345 Rates for temporary nursing services

244 CMR Board of Registration in Nursing

958 CMR 8 Patient assignment limits for registered nurses in intensive care units in acute hospitals

Web sources

Board of Registration in Nursing
Includes information on getting a nursing license, renewing a license, having a nursing license in another state, and more.

Nursing licenses
Learn how to check, apply for, or renew a nursing license and learn about Advanced Practice Registered Nursing (APRN) authorization, prescriptive authority, Mandatory Continuing Education for nurses, and more.

The complete guide to nursing in Massachusetts,
Thinking about working in Massachusetts? Here's everything you need to know about being a nurse in the Bay State. Includes Massachusetts nursing resources.

Print sources

Administrative law and practice, 2nd ed. (Mass. Practice v.39) Thomson Reuters, 2016 with supplement.  Chapter 13, Section 13:16 The unlicensed practitioner.

Employment coordinator, Thomson/West, v.3, loose-leaf. Massachusetts. § 21:92.50 Maximum hours for nurses.

Nursing malpractice, 4th ed., Lawyers and Judges Pub. Co., 2011.

Professional malpractice, (Mass. Practice v.51) Thomson/West, 2007 with supplement. Chapter 12, Sections 12.3-12.10.

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Last updated: November 27, 2024

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