Date: | 03/19/2012 |
Issuer: | Deval L. Patrick |
Mass Register: | No. 1206 |
Table of Contents
WHEREAS, the quality of life of Massachusetts' residents is linked inextricably to the effectiveness and efficiency of the Commonwealth’s government;
WHEREAS, our new fiscal reality requires greater efficiency and more effective management to ensure every taxpayer dollar is stretched as far as possible;
WHEREAS, Massachusetts is home to some of the world's most innovative experts in the use of transformative information technology;
WHEREAS, Information Technology presents new and exciting opportunities to drive innovative changes in government that could vastly improve services to residents and businesses and save taxpayers money;
WHEREAS, the Commonwealth must be relentlessly fixed on identifying new opportunities to change the way government does business and continue to make targeted investments in technology to support innovation;
WHEREAS, the Commonwealth would benefit from seeking more input from technology and innovation experts and entrepreneurs;
WHEREAS, enhanced innovation and technology will help the Commonwealth to better address common consumer inquiries and complaints by streamlining the delivery of services through a single face of government, and ultimately allow the state to interact with people online through whatever electronic means they chose, including social media;
WHEREAS, providing managers in government with better technology tools will enable them to operate programs and services more efficiently and deliver better outcomes such as improved security and higher data accuracy;
WHEREAS, enhanced technology will enable the Commonwealth to continue to demonstrate fiscal responsibility and empower agencies to improve service delivery even when faced with revenue challenges;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Deval L. Patrick, Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution, Part 2, c. 2, § I, Art. I, do hereby order as follows:
Section 1. There is hereby established an advisory council to the Governor called the Governor’s Council for Innovation (the “Council”) comprised of top Commonwealth innovators who shall advise the Governor on the best opportunities for using technology and other strategies to streamline delivery of state government services to people, businesses and local government in order to improve government efficiency. Specifically, the Council shall assess local, national and global trends in the use of information technology to improve service delivery to residents, make government more efficient and to evaluate the significance of those conditions and trends for the Commonwealth's information technology-based strategy for transforming government operations, and explore related topics of concern to the Governor.
Section 2. The Governor or his designee shall Chair the Council. The remaining members of the Council shall be appointed by the Governor and shall include people knowledgeable and experienced in national and international information technology and innovation-driven business conditions and trends. The Governor or his designee may direct the Council to form subcommittees to focus on particular challenges facing Massachusetts state government. These subcommittees shall carry out the functions assigned to them and report to the Council as directed.
Section 3. All Council members shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor, without compensation, without reimbursement for expenses, and only in an advisory capacity. The Council shall meet at such times and places as the Governor or his designee shall direct.
Section 4. The Council's scope of authority shall be limited to providing advice to the Governor. The Council shall not have any official authority over any state agencies nor shall it receive, expend or control public funds.
Section 5. There is hereby established within the Executive Office for Administration and Finance, and reporting to both the Office of the Governor and the Secretary of the Executive Office for Administration and Finance, a Government Innovation Officer (GIO). Working closely with the Executive Office of each Secretariat and in collaboration with the Commonwealth Chief Information Officer (CCIO), the GIO shall:
- Be accountable for improving internal government efficiencies and using cross-boundary coordination to improve the experience of outside stakeholders (people, businesses and local government) with the Commonwealth;
- Identify, propose financing for, and govern execution of high impact business change projects;
- Project and monitor the cost and savings impacts of change initiatives; and
- Oversee the identification of technology-infused business savings initiatives and efficiencies as required by Executive Order 532.
Section 6. The GIO, working closely with the CCIO, shall conduct a statewide innovation competition (#MassInnovation) to solicit proposals for innovative uses of technology to help the Commonwealth better serve its residents and save money. The GIO shall solicit entrepreneurial proposals for reshaping government through various platforms, including social media, with data made available online in the spirit of the CCIO’s current open data initiative. Proposals will be evaluated for feasibility, cost savings and service improvement. The GIO shall organize pilots of the best ideas and make recommendations to the Office of the Governor as to how such pilots should be implemented in state government.
Section 7. The GIO shall prepare an annual report to the Governor and Secretary of Administration and Finance in which the activities and accomplishments of the GIO under this Order are identified. Said annual report shall be prepared and submitted to the Secretary of Administration and Finance and the Governor not later than 60 days after the end of the preceding fiscal year.
Section 8. All state agencies under the Governor's jurisdiction shall cooperate with, and provide assistance and support to the GIO.
Section 9. This Executive Order shall take effect immediately and shall continue in effect until amended, superseded, or revoked by subsequent Executive Order.
Given at the Executive Chamber in Boston this nineteenth day of March in the year two thousand and twelve, and of the Independence of the United States of America two hundred and thirty-six.
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Secretary of the Commonwealth