Executive Order

Executive Order  No. 594: Leading By Example: Decarbonizing and Minimizing Environmental Impacts of State Government

Date: 04/22/2021
Issuer: Governor Charlie Baker
Mass Register: No. 1443
Revoking and Superseding: Executive Order 484

Table of Contents

WHEREAS, climate change is one of the most critical issues of our time and its potential impacts present a serious threat to the Commonwealth’s residents, communities, and economy;

WHEREAS, according to a 2018 report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), global greenhouse gas emissions must decline by about 45 percent from 2010 levels by 2030 and reach net zero around 2050 to keep global temperatures from rising more than 1.5 degrees Celsius;

WHEREAS, the Commonwealth has taken a leadership role by establishing a net zero greenhouse gas emissions limit in 2050;

WHEREAS, efforts to reduce emissions and prepare for the impacts of climate change will require all elements of the public and private sectors to work collaboratively toward a common goal;

WHEREAS, Massachusetts state government manages more than 80 million square feet of buildings across hundreds of facilities, over 539,000 acres of open space, 36,000 miles of roads and highways, and more than 7,500 light, medium and heavy-duty vehicles and equipment;

WHEREAS, on an annual basis, Massachusetts state government emits more than 870,000 tons of greenhouse gas emissions from the consumption of more than 1 billion kWh of electricity, 80 million therms of natural gas, 4 million gallons of fuel oil, and 8 million gallons of gasoline and diesel for vehicles, while spending more than $200 million on energy bills;

WHEREAS, environmental and health impacts from state government operations also include, but are not limited to, the generation of solid waste, the consumption of water, the management of hazardous chemicals, and air quality impacts from the burning of fossil fuels;

WHEREAS, many state facilities are located in communities with Environmental Justice populations, as defined by the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs’ 2017 Environmental Justice Policy, where residents often have evidence of higher than average rates of environmentally-related health outcomes, including but not limited to childhood asthma, low birth weight, childhood lead poisoning, and heart disease morbidity;

WHEREAS, many Massachusetts state facilities include critical infrastructure and provide critical services that must be maintained during periods of energy outages;

WHEREAS, in conformance with the previous Leading by Example Executive Order No.484, promulgated in 2007, that established emission reduction and clean energy goals for state agencies through 2020, Massachusetts state agencies have successfully deployed a range of clean energy and sustainable strategies that have resulted in the installation of more than 65 megawatts of onsite renewable energy, the construction of more than 90 high-performance buildings, and the implementation of efficiency measures in tens of millions of square feet of state buildings;

WHEREAS, the Massachusetts Integrated State Hazard Mitigation and Climate Adaptation Plan directs the Commonwealth to continue to prioritize investments in clean energy resiliency infrastructure projects at state facilities;

WHEREAS, notwithstanding previous progress made by state government, the acceleration of climate change impacts, aggressive new statewide emissions goals established by Chapter 8 of the Acts of 2021, “An Act Creating a Next-Generation Roadmap for Massachusetts Climate Policy,” and the availability of new technological solutions requires a transformational change in the way state government addresses its own environmental impacts;

WHEREAS, establishing leading short and long-term emissions reduction goals and other related requirements specifically tied to state government operations will accelerate the transition to low and zero carbon fuels across state facilities, ultimately supporting widespread adoption of similar efforts across all other sectors in the Commonwealth; and

WHEREAS, the broad adoption by state government of clean energy and innovative technologies and strategies will reduce energy consumption, decrease greenhouse gas emissions, lower energy costs for the Commonwealth and taxpayers, and provide resilient infrastructure, all while supporting the clean energy and innovation sectors in Massachusetts;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, CHARLES D. BAKER, Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution, Part 2, c. 2, § I, Art. I, do hereby order as follows:

Section 1.  Introduction and Overview

A. Objectives

In support of the statewide goal of achieving net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2050, in fulfilment of the requirements of Executive Order No. 569, which calls on state government to “expand upon existing strategies for the Commonwealth to lead by example in making new, additional reductions in greenhouse gas emissions,” and in conformance with the Massachusetts State Hazard Mitigation and Climate Adaptation Plan, which outlines strategies necessary to prepare for the impacts of climate change, this Executive Order establishes policies, programs, and strategies to substantially reduce GHG emissions from state government operations and enhance resiliency at state owned and managed buildings, facilities, campuses, and fleets.

These goals will be achieved by advancing high performance buildings for new construction; expanding energy efficiency and decarbonizing fuels in existing buildings; acquiring fuel efficient and zero emission vehicles and continuing the deployment of new renewable energy.

All agencies shall collectively work to:

  • Meet GHG emissions targets by substantially reducing or eliminating emissions from onsite combustion of fossil fuels in buildings and vehicles;
  • Expand and intensify energy efficiency efforts;
  • Ensure that new construction and substantial renovations meet the highest performance standards practicable;
  • Prioritize strategic electrification of buildings, central plants, and vehicles, and/or use of zero-carbon fuels;
  • Increase the amount of renewable and clean energy on the grid by increasing onsite renewable energy generation, the procurement of renewable energy supply, and continued development of clean energy resources;
  • Expand the deployment and use of energy storage and other strategies to minimize peak demand; and
  • Ensure that state facilities are designed and managed to withstand the impacts of a changing climate while continuing to provide critical services.

B. Leading by Example Policy

All agencies shall assess and implement strategies to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts when planning for and executing projects related to the design, construction, operations, and maintenance of state facilities, and the procurement of goods and services, including vehicles. In all planning and deployment activities related to the implementation of this order, agencies shall prioritize efforts at facilities located in Environmental Justice populations as designated by the Secretary of the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs in accordance with law, when key fiscal, physical, and environmental factors are fundamentally equivalent.

The Department of Energy Resources (DOER) Leading by Example Program (LBE) shall work collaboratively across state government to develop and employ appropriate strategies and programs to provide for the accomplishment of all of the provisions of this Executive Order. All agencies covered by this Executive Order shall provide their full cooperation to LBE and make every effort to support initiatives at their own facilities and collaborate with other agencies to support emissions reduction progress within state government.

C. Applicability

This Order and all provisions herein shall apply to all executive branch agencies and all public institutions of higher education.  For purposes of this Executive Order, the term “agency” or “agencies” means all executive offices, boards, commissions, departments, divisions, councils, bureaus, offices, and other state agencies within the Executive Department, now existing and hereafter established.

Section 2.  Executive Order Targets

In support of statewide clean energy and emissions reduction goals, Massachusetts state government will strive to substantially reduce and eliminate emissions from the onsite combustion of fossil fuels across its buildings and fleets.

The following targets are designed to drive progress toward meeting the statewide 2050 net zero emissions limit. By the end of Fiscal Year 2029, LBE, in collaboration with the LBE Council, established in Section 9A, shall revisit these targets and assess whether a new or revised Leading by Example Executive Order is appropriate for setting additional targets or objectives prior to 2050.

Agencies as a whole, and to the greatest extent feasible, individually, shall meet or exceed the following fiscal year targets where applicable:

  1. Reduce emissions from a 2004 baseline associated with the burning of onsite fossil fuels at buildings and in vehicles:
    • 20% in 2025          
    • 35% in 2030         
    • 60% in 2040         
    • 95% in 2050
  2. Acquire vehicles such that the total state fleet consists of:
    • 5% zero emission vehicles in 2025
    • 20% zero emission vehicles in 2030
    • 75% zero emission vehicles in 2040
    • 100% zero emission vehicles in 2050
  3. Reduce non-vehicle, petroleum-based oil consumption used to satisfy thermal loads for building and non-building uses from a 2004 baseline at state-owned facilities: 
    • 90% in 2025         
    • 95% in 2030
  4. Reduce overall site energy use intensity (EUI), defined as weather-normalized Btu per square foot, from a 2004 baseline at state owned buildings:
    • 20% in 2025         
    • 25% in 2030
  5. Increase the total number of electric vehicle charging stations on state properties to:
    • 350 in 2025
    • 500 in 2030

Section 3.  Massachusetts LEED Plus 2.0 Standard for New Construction

For all new construction of buildings for use by state agencies or on state lands that have not yet initiated a study as of July 1, 2021, the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM) and any other agency covered by this Order shall ensure that all projects adhere to the following standards:

  1. Meet the following requirements:
    1. Certify buildings to the Silver Level or higher of the most recent version of the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Standard
    2. Reduce proposed building EUI by at least 20% lower than an equivalent building that meets the Massachusetts Energy Code. When calculating building EUI baselines, agencies shall use American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Appendix G 2013 and all amendments in the current Massachusetts Building Energy Code. Required EUI reductions shall be achieved by prioritizing: 
      1. Improved envelope performance
      2. Reduced air infiltration
      3. Ventilation heat recovery
      4. External shading and reduction in solar heat gains
  2. Use only efficient electric or renewable thermal technologies as defined in Leading by Example Guidelines (LBE Guidelines), issued pursuant to this Executive Order, for all space heating and cooling.
  3. Use only efficient electric or renewable thermal technologies as defined in LBE Guidelines for service water heating to the greatest extent possible.
  4. Establish and design to an EUI target that meets or exceeds best-in-class EUI for newly constructed buildings by type and climate zone.
  5. Maximize installation of onsite renewable energy and, when not possible, ensure that the project is solar-ready as defined by the Massachusetts Building Energy Code. Extent of solar readiness should exceed minimum code requirements as much as possible.
  6. Incorporate long-term climate resiliency into design and siting decisions.
  7. For all new or fully reconstructed parking areas, install at least one electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) charging port in parking areas up to 25 spaces and at least two EVSE charging ports in parking areas greater than 25 spaces. In parking areas with more than 10 spaces, at least 20% of the spaces must be “EV Ready” as defined by the latest edition of the Massachusetts Building Energy Code. EVSE spaces may be included in EV Ready space requirements.

These requirements shall also apply to substantial renovations when such projects are deemed similar to new construction as defined in LBE Guidelines.

All building projects under 20,000 square feet shall meet the requirements set forth above, excluding the Paragraph 1 LEED or Passive House certification requirements. Such projects shall strive to meet the certification requirements set forth in Paragraph 1 above whenever possible.

This following paragraph shall apply to all new construction of buildings and substantial renovations, as described above, that are subject to the Specialized Stretch Energy Code authorized by Section 31 of Chapter 8 of the Acts of 2021. All such construction and renovation projects that initiate a study later than 6 months following DOER’s promulgation of the Specialized Stretch Energy Code shall comply with the Specialized Stretch Energy Code (as amended from time to time) in place of all requirements set forth in paragraph 1b of this Section 3.

Additionally, to maximize the potential GHG emissions reductions, all new construction and substantial renovations, where possible and cost-effective, shall:

  • Strive to achieve zero net energy, where sufficient renewable energy is generated onsite to offset the building’s annualized energy consumption;
  • Implement energy storage wherever possible, especially when paired with onsite renewables;
  • Prioritize sites that provide access to public transportation and alternative modes of transportation; and
  • Evaluate and implement strategies to reduce embodied carbon contained in building materials.

The Commissioner of DCAMM or their counterpart in appropriate agencies may grant exemptions to one or more specific requirements of this section if such requirements are determined to be inconsistent with other state priorities.

DCAMM and LBE shall jointly and collaboratively develop specific guidelines to aid in implementing the requirements of this section, including, but not limited to, the process for issuing an exemption.

Section 4. Existing Buildings

All agencies shall take the targets enumerated in this Order into account when planning for, designing, and deploying projects that affect energy use. These efforts shall prioritize:

  1. Substantial reduction or elimination of emissions from onsite fossil fuels;
  2. Optimized building performance through efficient operations;
  3. Participation in all available energy efficiency and clean energy incentive and rebate programs;
  4. Regular monitoring of building energy performance;
  5. Installation of highest efficiency equipment; and
  6. Incorporation of energy performance into leasing decisions.

A. Planning

Agencies shall ensure that GHG reductions, energy efficiency, renewable and clean energy, and emissions reduction strategies are incorporated into their equipment replacement and capital and master planning efforts in support of the goals of this Order. DCAMM shall conduct an energy consumption and emissions analysis of the largest state facilities comprising at least 50% of total state government emissions every five years, with similar analyses conducted for the remainder of the state portfolio every ten years. Such analyses will be used to identify opportunities for emissions reduction projects.

DCAMM, LBE, and all agencies shall work collaboratively to support these efforts and shall utilize all available energy data to develop plans, prioritize efforts, and track progress. 

B. Renovations and Comprehensive Energy Projects

All comprehensive energy projects, including those that address district energy systems, and building renovations where electrical, heating, ventilation, or air conditioning infrastructure are included in the project scope, must:

  1. Include as a design option an alternative to fossil fuels for thermal energy that includes low- or zero-carbon fuels or alternative electricity technologies that meet the minimum performance specifications as defined in LBE guidance and implement said option where technically and fiscally feasible;
  2. When such options are not practicable, projects shall ensure that steps are taken to develop and incorporate plans to facilitate the future transition to low- or zero-carbon fuels;
  3. Evaluate building envelope upgrades and implement said upgrades where technically and fiscally feasible;
  4. Establish and adhere to a low target EUI for overall building or site performance;
  5. Where appropriate, design and install renewable energy and energy storage, while building the infrastructure necessary to support future renewable energy and storage installations; and
  6. Maximize resilient design to protect critical infrastructure and continued operation when modeled for long-term climate impacts.

C. Operations

In collaboration with LBE and DCAMM, agencies shall support efforts to track the energy performance of existing buildings or sites and take concrete steps to reduce building energy use through operational efficiencies. DCAMM and its Massachusetts Facilities Management Association (MAFMA) will provide regular training and professional development for agencies’ facilities personnel regarding energy and water efficiency, emissions reduction, and related topics. 

D. Heating Oil

All agencies still utilizing heating oil as of July 1, 2021, shall ensure that any heating oil product purchased shall consist of at least 10% biofuels (i.e., B10). Said biofuels must meet the minimum fuel content specifications outlined in LBE guidance. Agencies shall work with LBE to identify opportunities to increase biofuel consumption to as high a level as is practicable. Agencies may be exempt from this requirement if biofuels are not readily available or are cost prohibitive, or if a specific performance constraint is identified.

E. Leasing

DCAMM and other agencies responsible for leasing space shall evaluate such space for agency use by including the following elements in the selection criteria:

  • Compliance with or exceeding current building energy codes;
  • Meeting environmental criteria and receiving applicable environmental certifications;
  • Compliance with municipal energy disclosure ordinances;
  • Compliance with state recycling requirements;
  • Access to electric vehicle charging stations;
  • Siting near public transportation and accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists; and
  • Other elements that contribute to reduced GHG emissions and/or reduced environmental impacts.

When disposing of state assets for lease or sale, DCAMM and other relevant agencies shall take into account the GHG emissions of future use and consider applying the standards of this Order to said dispositions as applicable.

Section 5. Vehicle Efficiency and Fossil Fuel Reduction

Unless otherwise specified, the requirements of Section 5 apply to all vehicles owned or leased and operated by agencies subject to this Order, as well as to all non-revenue vehicles under the jurisdiction of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority. Marked and unmarked police cruisers are exempt from the requirements of Sections 5 but public safety agencies are encouraged to meet these requirements where such vehicles meet operational needs.

A. Electric Vehicle Acquisitions

Agencies shall comply with zero emission vehicles (ZEV) acquisition requirements below when such vehicles are readily available, can meet agency needs, and the incremental costs associated with total cost of ownership are not excessive. When ZEV acquisitions are deemed not feasible, agencies shall select the most efficient vehicles available for their operational needs.

Starting in fiscal year 2023, all acquisitions of vehicles with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) of 8,500 pounds or less must be ZEVs, as defined by LBE Guidelines. Starting in fiscal year 2025, all acquisitions of vehicles with a GVWR of 14,000 pounds or less, must be ZEVs. Starting in fiscal year 2030, all acquisitions of vehicles with a GVWR of more than 14,000 pounds must be ZEVs. Agencies shall strive to support the goals enumerated in this Order as quickly and to the greatest extent possible. 

In meeting the zero emission vehicle targets in Section 2, fleets subject to this section shall prioritize the acquisition of ZEVs without any internal combustion engines, including, but not limited to, battery electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles.

B. Fuel Efficiency Standard & Green Fleet Committee

The Operational Services Division (OSD), DOER, and MassDEP shall oversee implementation of the Fuel Efficiency Standard (FES), which applies to the light duty state fleet. OSD and LBE shall co-chair the Green Fleet Committee, as established by the FES, that shall include representatives of MassDEP and other agencies as applicable, and whose responsibility will be to regularly review the FES and continually develop new and more appropriate requirements. All agencies subject to the requirements of the FES shall comply with the miles per gallon requirements and alternative fuel vehicle requirements on an annual basis. When compliance is not possible, agencies shall agree to implement alternative compliance strategies established by the Green Fleet Committee.

OSD, in collaboration with the Green Fleet Committee, shall also develop and/or enforce fleet acquisition and management policies that support the goals of this Order. Agencies shall comply with policies that outline procedures necessary to reduce vehicle fossil fuel use to the greatest extent feasible. These policies shall address the following:

  1. Acquiring zero emission vehicles;
  2. Acquiring new vehicles that are sized appropriately for the intended agency task(s);
  3. Acquiring the most fuel-efficient vehicle models that serve agency needs;
  4. Conducting fleet optimization evaluations that incorporate vehicle utilization and total cost of ownership to identify vehicles for removal or replacement;
  5. Identifying opportunities to reduce vehicle miles traveled among state-owned vehicles; and
  6. Educating employees on efficient driving practices that help to increase fuel economy.

C. Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment

Agencies shall also support the installation of EVSE, commonly known as electric vehicle charging stations, at state facilities for state vehicles, employee-owned vehicles, and those driven by the public, where such installations are appropriate and applicable. Agencies shall work with all appropriate funding, contracting and oversight agencies to identify locations and strategies for deployment of EVSE. Agencies shall ensure that EVSE stations are considered and prioritized during relevant construction.

D. Biodiesel

All agencies that purchase and store diesel fuel at their own facilities as of July 1, 2021, shall ensure that any diesel fuel purchased for use in motor vehicles owned and operated by Commonwealth agencies shall consist of at least 5% biofuels (i.e., B5). Said biofuels must meet the minimum fuel content specifications outlined in LBE guidance. Agencies shall work with LBE to identify opportunities to increase the biodiesel portion of vehicle fuel consumed to as high a level as is practicable. Agencies may be exempt from this requirement if said biodiesel is not readily available or is cost-prohibitive, or if a specific performance constraint is identified. Agencies shall also strive to utilize biodiesel fuels in other equipment as is appropriate.

Section 6. Renewable and Clean Energy Resources

In support of the Commonwealth’s broader clean energy goals, agencies shall continue to prioritize the deployment of renewable and clean energy resources to be consumed onsite or on the grid. This may be achieved through onsite installation of renewable energy generation, long-term financial support for off-site renewable or clean energy resources, and/or the procurement of local, clean electricity supply. In addition, such deployment shall prioritize the strategic advancement of cost-effective innovative technologies, energy storage and resilience, and advanced building controls whenever possible.

LBE shall research and assess applicable technologies and approaches that support these broader goals and will work with agencies to pilot innovative solutions, deploy onsite renewable generation, and implement strategies that expand the development of clean energy resources.

Section 7. Additional Sustainability Priorities

A. Demand Management and Energy Storage

To support peak demand reduction priorities, agencies shall, wherever possible, incorporate demand management strategies into their facilities and participate in applicable programs that provide financial incentives for participation in demand reduction programs. Agency efforts shall aim to pair onsite renewable energy with storage in a resilient manner whenever possible.

B. Resilience

Agencies shall incorporate facility and energy resilience and adhere to all applicable resiliency requirements, including, but not limited to, Executive Order No. 569 and the Massachusetts State Hazard Mitigation and Climate Adaptation Plan to improve the capacity of critical infrastructure and energy systems to withstand growing weather-related impacts associated with climate change.

C. Building Energy Monitoring

DCAMM, in collaboration with LBE shall continue to manage and expand an energy metering and monitoring program that ensures access to utility and real-time energy data. This program shall be targeted at buildings larger than 20,000 square feet or where it is deemed cost-effective. Agencies not participating in DCAMM programs shall ensure that building energy performance is monitored and evaluated on a regular basis.

D. Water Conservation

Agencies shall implement efforts to reduce water consumption by following the recommended best practices in the Massachusetts Water Conservation Standards and any future updates. 

E. Environmentally Preferable Purchasing

Agencies subject to Executive Order No. 515 shall continue to comply with that Order and purchase environmentally preferable products and services when such purchases meet the needs of the agency and are cost-effective.

F. Waste Reduction and Recycling

Agencies shall comply with all existing and future waste bans promulgated by the MassDEP and strive to minimize the total amount of waste generated.  

G. Sustainable Landscaping

Agencies shall aim to incorporate sustainable landscaping practices including, but not limited to: the planting of native plant species on state lands that support a variety of native insect and animal species; reducing the use and toxicity of pesticides unless necessary to address invasive species or provide for public safety; and utilizing zero emission landscaping equipment to reduce pollution and improve the health and safety of agency staff.

Section 8. Guidance, Guidelines and Studies

In order to support agency compliance with the provisions of this Order, LBE, in collaboration with DCAMM, the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center, and other appropriate agencies as determined by LBE, will lead efforts to develop any necessary guidance, guidelines or studies to support agency implementation of strategies and programs designed to meet the goals of this order. Specifically, such documents shall include but not be limited to:

  • Research on various carbon policies that may help to meet the goals of this order. Said research shall include recommendations on whether and how agencies may incorporate the following elements into their emissions calculations and programs: 
  • Carbon sequestration
  • Embodied carbon
  • Carbon offsets
  • Negative carbon emissions
  • Internal cost of carbon
  • Strategies to reduce non-carbon greenhouse gas emissions (e.g., refrigerants).
  • Financing strategies needed to achieve the goals of this order. A preliminary study shall be issued to the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs and the Executive Office for Administration and Finance and shall be updated as needed.
  • Recommendations on developing agency-specific clean energy and low carbon roadmaps to be used by all agencies to consider and analyze options for achieving the long-range goals of this order.
  • Recommendations on ways to facilitate the adoption of innovative clean energy technologies and strategies to address administrative and regulatory barriers.

Section 9. Program Administration

A. Leading by Example Council

There shall be established a Leading by Example Council that shall be chaired by the Secretary of the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs or their designee, and which shall meet no less than four times per year. The purpose of the Council shall be to provide feedback to LBE on priorities, make recommendations on the desired types of assistance and guidance, and support the overall objectives contained in this Order. Membership of the Council shall, at a minimum, include at least one representative from each of the following agencies:

  • Executive Office for Administration and Finance
  • Executive Office of Education
  • Executive Office of Health and Human Services
  • Executive Office of Public Safety and Security
  • Massachusetts Department of Transportation
  • Department of Conservation and Recreation
  • Department of Energy Resources
  • Department of Environmental Protection
  • Department of Higher Education
  • Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance
  • Operational Services Division
  • University of Massachusetts Office of the President

The Council may invite other agencies, quasi-independent authorities and public institutions of higher education to join the Council and participate in its meetings and deliberations.

B. Agency Participation

Within 120 days of this Order, all agencies with more than 75 employees shall appoint at least one LBE coordinator, who shall be responsible for disseminating information related to LBE efforts, collaborating with LBE staff, complying with the reporting requirements of this Order as applicable, establishing internal agency committees or working groups as necessary and working in their own facilities to support the targets and programs outlined in this Order. Agencies with fewer than 75 employees may appoint an LBE coordinator. The Council may elect to form various subcommittees that shall be tasked with focusing on specific issues of importance to support LBE in efforts to support the implementation of this Order

C. Energy Tracking, Reporting, Benchmarking and Transparency

On an annual basis, LBE shall be responsible for tracking and collecting building and vehicle energy consumption, clean energy development, GHG emissions, and other relevant information associated with state government operations. LBE shall report annually on progress toward meeting the targets and objectives of this Order.  Every five years, starting in 2025, LBE shall publish a comprehensive review of portfolio progress and efforts undertaken.

LBE shall utilize energy consumption data to benchmark the energy performance and emissions of state buildings and facilities and to compare their performance against other buildings. Such performance shall be made public except when the release of such data presents a public safety or other concern that would override public disclosure of energy data. LBE shall also use energy data to report on the effectiveness of energy projects, identify priorities for future projects, and other metrics deemed relevant by LBE and the Council. LBE is also authorized to report building and facility energy use for all state agency properties that are located in a municipality where an energy disclosure ordinance has been established. Agencies will provide energy consumption data and other information as requested by LBE.

D. Innovative Technologies

When developing strategies to increase energy efficiency, reduce GHG emissions, construct zero net energy buildings, or install alternative energy technologies, agencies shall consider opportunities to use innovative technologies that can effectively address challenges not solved by business-as-usual practices. LBE shall develop a coordinated approach with other agencies and partners as applicable to support the deployment of new technologies at state facilities, and, in collaboration with the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center, target technologies that are made or manufactured in Massachusetts to help further develop the local clean energy market.

E. Training and Awareness

To ensure that the Massachusetts government is managing its facilities in the most efficient and economical way possible and to be effective stewards of environmental protection,  LBE shall work with all applicable agencies to ensure that state employees are provided with the tools and training necessary to implement sustainability programs across their facilities.

LBE shall develop recognition programs that acknowledge agency leaders in sustainability practices. Such programs shall at least include an annual LBE awards program.

Section 10. Effective Date

This Executive Order shall take effect as of July 1, 2021 and shall supersede all provisions contained in Executive Order No. 484, except where existing design and construction projects are already subject to prior requirements.  

Given at the Executive Chamber in Boston this 22nd day of April in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-one and of the Independence of the United States of America two hundred forty-four

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