Executive Order

Executive Order  No. 544: Motor vehicle traffic ban

Date: 02/08/2013
Issuer: Deval L. Patrick
Mass Register: No. 1229
Rescinded by: Executive Order 545

Table of Contents

I, Deval L. Patrick, Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, pursuant to the power provided by Chapter 639 of the Acts of 1950 do hereby issue the following order:

There shall be a ban on motor vehicle travel beginning at 4:00 PM today and continuing until further notice. This travel ban shall not apply to the following: public safety vehicles and public safety workers, including contract personnel; public works vehicles and public works workers, including contract personnel; government officials conducting official business; utility company vehicles and utility workers; healthcare workers who must travel to and from work in order to provide essential health services; news media; travel necessary to maintain and deliver critical private sector services such as energy, fuel supplies and delivery, financial systems and the delivery of critical commodities; travel to support business operations that provide critical services to the public, including gasoline stations, food stores and hardware stores.

Given this 8th day of February in the year of our Lord two thousand and thirteen at 12:15 PM.

Deval L. Patrick

William Francis Galvin
Secretary of the Commonwealth

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