Executive Order

Executive Order  No. 570: Reaffirming and Expanding the Plymouth, Massachusetts 400th Anniversary Commission

Date: 09/20/2016
Issuer: Governor Charlie Baker
Mass Register: No. 1323
Revoking and Superseding: Executive Order No. 502

Table of Contents

WHEREAS, the upcoming 400th anniversary of the settlement at Plymouth, Massachusetts presents a unique opportunity to honor our national history and the establishment of New England’s oldest municipality, settled by those seeking religious freedom and memorializing their commitment to democracy in what would be a precursor to the Constitution of the United States, the Mayflower Compact; 

WHEREAS, commemoration of that 400th anniversary honors the Wampanoag and English peoples who shaped the building of America and its time honored traditions;

WHEREAS, organizational efforts and collaboration must continue to intensify to ensure that this significant, historic anniversary, now just four years away, is appropriately promoted and shared with the citizens of the Commonwealth, the United States and beyond; and

WHEREAS, expansion of perspectives, expertise and resources in the planning of this commemoration will further its historic accuracy and representation of the democratic ideals that disembarked with William Bradford and the Mayflower Pilgrims on Plymouth Rock on December 21, 1620.  

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Charles D. Baker, Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution, Part 2, c. 2, § I, Art. I, do hereby revoke Executive Order No. 502 and order as follows:

Section 1.  

The Plymouth, Massachusetts 400th Anniversary Commission (the “Commission”) is established to ensure a befitting national and state observance of the settlement of Plymouth Colony in 1620. 

Section 2.  

The Commission may include the following members:

  1. A Chair and Vice-Chair appointed by the Governor;
  2. No less than four members appointed by the Governor;
  3. One member designated by the Senate President;
  4. One member designated by the Speaker of the House;
  5. Two members designated by the Secretary of the Commonwealth;
  6. The President of the Board of Directors, Plymouth 400, Inc., or his designee;
  7. One member designated by the Plymouth Board of Selectmen;
  8. One member designated by the Provincetown Board of Selectmen;
  9. One member appointed by the Governor from the Board of Directors of or senior staff at the Massachusetts Convention Center Authority;
  10. One member appointed by the Governor from the Board of Directors of or senior staff at Massport;
  11. One member appointed by the Governor representing the Massachusetts state college or university system;
  12. One member appointed by the Governor from the Massachusetts Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Massachusetts Cultural Council and the Massachusetts Lodging Association;
  13. Nine members appointed by the Governor with experience and expertise in the following nine industries and fields: business and industry, community outreach,  marketing/advertising, media, restaurant/food services, technology, tourism,  travel, and water transport; and
  14. One member appointed by the Governor from the following state executive offices: Education, Energy and Environmental Affairs, Housing and Economic Development, Labor and Workforce Development, Public Safety and Security, and Transportation.

Section 3.  

The Governor may extend an invitation to other distinguished individuals to serve as Honorary Chairs of the Commission.

Section 4.  

The Commission shall have the following responsibilities:

  1. Organize local and statewide programs and activities to promote and commemorate the Plymouth 400th anniversary;
  2. Offer opportunities and experiences to the visitors to the Commonwealth that encourage interaction with its natural and cultural resources;
  3. Ensure that the Plymouth 400th anniversary is fully inclusive, appropriately reflecting and recognizing the experiences and influence of all people and cultures present in 17th century Plymouth Colony;
  4. Facilitate and advance national and international participation in all of the Plymouth 400th anniversary’s activities and observances;
  5. Support related educational initiatives, including public scholarly research on, publication about, and interpretation of Plymouth Colony and its history;
  6. Support the promotional and marketing efforts for commemorative activities and initiatives relating to the Plymouth 400th anniversary; and
  7. Assist in the development of historic tourism and related economic outcomes benefitting the Commonwealth. 

Section 5.  

The Chair, as needed, may establish subcommittees comprised of members of the Commission to accomplish the purposes of this Executive Order.

Section 6.  

The Commission, its members, and any subcommittee members shall receive no compensation for their work and will seek, as permitted, philanthropic support and state and federal funds to support the Commission’s projects and activities.

Section 7.  

This Executive Order will expire on December 31, 2021.

Given at the Executive Chamber in Boston this 20th Day of September in the year of our Lord two thousand sixteen and of the Independence of the United States of America two hundred forty-one.

Contact   for No. 570: Reaffirming and Expanding the Plymouth, Massachusetts 400th Anniversary Commission

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