Massachusetts State Emergency Response Commission (SERC)

The Governor of each state or leader of each tribe has designated a State Emergency Response Commission (SERC) that is responsible for implementing the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) provisions within its state or tribe.

In the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the director of the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) is the Chairperson for the Commission.

For facilities located in on tribal land, the chief executive officer of the tribe is responsible for appointment of a Tribal Emergency Response Commission (TERC). A TERC has similar responsibilities as a SERC. Tribes may enter into a cooperative agreements with other tribes, or with the state(s) within which its lands are located to achieve a workable EPCRA program. Tribes that have entered into cooperative agreements should submit a copy of the signed agreement to the EPA Regional office for their location. [55 Federal Register (FR) 30641; July 26, 1990]

The SERC or TERC's duties include:

  • Designating local emergency planning districts;
  • Appointing a Local or Tribal Emergency Planning Committees (LEPC or TEPC) for each district;
  • Reviewing local emergency response plans;
  • Supervising the activities of the LEPC or TEPC; and
  • Establishing procedures for receiving and processing public requests for information collected under EPCRA.

Local (LEPC), Regional (REPC), and Tribal (TEPC) Emergency Planning Committee Information

If you are looking for your Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) or Regional Emergency Planning Committee (REPC) point-of-contact, please contact your local Emergency Management Director using the link below.

Additional Resources

LEPC/REPC/TEPC Registration

Registering with the SERC is an important first step for local and regional emergency planning committees. Registration facilitates access to planning, training, and exercises that will assist communities in complying with the federal Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act.       

Additional Resources

Learn about Tier II Reporting to the SERC

Facilities covered by the EPCRA reporting requirements must submit Tier II reports to their: Emergency Planning Committee (EPC), their Local Fire Department, and the SERC annually.

The Massachusetts SERC receives Tier II reports through submissions to the Hazconnect® System. Filers must contact their Local Fire Department and EPC regarding their respective reporting requirements.

Additional Resources

SERC Meeting Agendas and Minutes

Approved agendas and meeting minutes are provided below.

Additional Resources

SERC Procedures and By-Laws

SERC Procedures (English, DOC 44 KB)

SERC Bylaws (English, DOC 51 KB)

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