- Scope of Authority for Participations pursuant to Section 65E(3)
The Division notes that the words “loan” and “mortgage loan” are defined separately in G.L. c. 171, § 65. However, only the word “loan” is included in G.L. c. 171, § 65E(3). The main question regarding the scope of authority is whether the participation authority in Section 65E(3) includes both loans and mortgage loans. Because those two terms were defined separately under the statute, the Division believes that the exclusion of “mortgage loans” from Section 65E(3) was intentional. The introductory language in Section 65E also limits the authority in Section 65E(3) to the definitions in section 65.
It is the position of the Division that “loans” as defined under section 65 are subject to the participation authority under Section 65E(3). “Mortgage loans” are subject to the participation authority under the Parity Regulation at 209 CMR 50.06(3)(i).
- Implications for Authority for Loan Participations and Mortgage Loan Participations
(1) Loan Participations
The Division has determined that the legal authority for loan participations is within G.L. c. 171 § 65E(3). Although other provisions of G.L. c. 171 were considered in this analysis, the language of Section 65E(3) provides state-chartered credit unions with authority to buy, sell or make loans as participation loans with any federally-insured credit union, bank or insurance company, without specific reference to membership. For any participation in which a state-chartered credit union is originating the loan to the borrower, then the borrower will have to be a member of the credit union, and the loan must be made in accordance with G.L. c. 171. However, if a state-chartered credit union is entering into a loan participation with a credit union, bank or insurance company, and the state-chartered credit union is not originating the loan, there would be no membership requirements.
It is the position of the Division that a state-chartered credit union may participate in a loan being originated by a credit union, bank or insurance company to a borrower that is not a member and is not eligible to become a member of the participating credit union provided the loan is the type of loan that the participating credit union could make under its Board-approved policies under G.L. c. 171, § 65A(g) through (i), inclusive, and that all other conditions of 12 CFR § 701.22 are met. The loan can be secured by collateral anywhere in the United States.
While there is overlap in the eligible organizations listed in Section 65E and 12 CFR § 701.22(a), there are some differences as well. Section 65E(3) lists federally insured credit unions, banks and insurance companies. 12 CFR § 701.22(a) lists credit unions, credit union organizations (CUSOs), and financial organizations, which include any federally chartered or federally insured financial institution, and any state or federal government agency and its subdivisions (governmental entities). The authority to extend this list beyond federally insured credit unions, banks and insurance companies does not exist in Section 65E(3).
Since it is the position of the Division that the controlling authority for loan participations is Section 65E(3), the eligible organizations only include federally insured credit unions, banks or insurance companies.
Since the Parity Regulation for consumer loan participations under 209 CMR 50.06(3)(h) is still in effect, state-chartered credit unions, with approval, can still opt to enter into participations under that authority, which would include governmental entities and CUSOs in addition to federally-insured credit unions and banks. Note that all participations under the Parity Regulation must have the membership nexus required by the NCUA’s regulation at 12 CFR § 701.22(b)(4). The Division notes that the NCUA’s regulation requires that certain conditions be met. One of the conditions is that the borrower must be a member of one of the participating credit unions. All of this is set forth in greater detail in the NCUA’s regulation at 12 CFR § 701.22.
The Division notes that the Parity Regulation also includes an aggregate limit on investing in participations up to 10% of assets (10% of assets limitation), which does not exist in the federal regulation.
The Division has determined that if the loan participation authority is derived from Section 65E(3), the 10% of assets limitation as set out in the Parity Regulation does not apply. However, the limitations set forth at G.L. c. 171, § 58 remain in effect, as well as the limitations in 12 CFR § 701.22, except for the membership requirement.
If the credit union opts to enter into consumer loan participations under the Parity authority instead, then the aggregate limit on investing in participations up to 10% of assets would remain in effect.
(2) Mortgage Loan Participations
Since mortgage loans are not included in the language of Section 65E(3), the Division has determined that the authority for mortgage loan participations is pursuant to the Parity Regulation at 209 CMR 50.06(3)(i), and requires Division approval in addition to the membership nexus required in the NCUA’s regulation at 12 CFR § 701.22(b)(4). Participation in all mortgage loans, both residential and non-residential, must be entered into pursuant to the Division’s Parity Regulation authority.
For mortgage loans under 209 CMR 50.06(3)(i), the eligible organizations would also include state-chartered credit unions, federally chartered credit unions, federally-insured banks, governmental entities and CUSOs.
Since it is the position of the Division that the authority for mortgage loan participations is pursuant to the Parity Regulation at 209 CMR 50.06(3)(i), then the aggregate limit on investing in mortgage loan participations up to 10% of assets remains in effect.