Historical information overview
The historical information of these regulations are not the official version of the Code of Massachusetts Regulations (CMR). While every effort is made to ensure that the historical regulation information included on this site are accurate and up-to-date, they are unofficial and for informational purposes only.
- 209 CMR 18.00: Conduct of the Business of Debt Collectors, Student Loan Servicers, and Third Party Loan Servicers and 209 CMR 48.00: Licensee Record Keeping – Proposed Amendments and Public Hearing on November 4, 2024
- 209 CMR 42.00: The Licensing of Mortgage Lenders and Mortgage Brokers – Final Amendments Redlined – Effective 5/27/22
- 209 CMR 42.00: The Licensing of Mortgage Lenders and Mortgage Brokers – Proposed Amendments and Public Hearing on March 16, 2022
- 209 CMR 18.00: Conduct of the Business of Debt Collectors, Student Loan Servicers - Final Amendments – redlined copy
- 209 CMR 48.00: Licensee Record Keeping - Final Amendments – redlined copy
- 801 CMR 4.02 – 209 Division of Banks and Loan Agencies – Permanent Amendments – redlined version
- 209 CMR 18.00: Conduct of the Business of Debt Collectors, Student Loan Servicers, and Third Party Loan Servicers and 209 CMR 48.00: Licensee Record Keeping – Amendments and Public Hearing on August 4, 2021
- 801 CMR 4.02 -- 209 CMR Division of Banks and Loan Agencies: Rates – Proposed Amendments to Be Made Permanent and Public Hearing on June 22, 2021
- 209 CMR 18.00: The Conduct of Business of Debt Collectors and Loan Servicers - Emergency Regulations Effective July 1, 2021:
- 209 CMR 48.00: Licensee Record Keeping - Emergency Regulations Effective July 1, 2021:
- 209 CMR 41.00: The Licensing of Mortgage Loan Originators – Final Amendments – Effective January 10, 2020
- 209 CMR 45.00: The Licensing and Regulation of Money Services Businesses - Final Amendments - Effective January 10, 2020
- 209 CMR 41.00: The Licensing of Mortgage Loan Originators – Proposed Amendments and Public Hearing on November 20, 2019 and 209 CMR 45.00: The Licensing and Regulation of Money Services Businesses – Proposed Amendments and Public Hearing on November 20, 2019
- 209 CMR 50.00 – transmittal letter submitted August 22, 2019
- 209 CMR 50.00: Parity with Federal Credit Unions – Proposed Amendments and Public Hearing on September 13, 2018
- 209 CMR 56.00 - final amendments effective December 16, 2016
- 209 CMR 44.00 - repealed in its entirety effective September 9, 2016 - see 209 CMR 45.00, which is also effective September 9, 2016
- 209 CMR 45.00 - final amendments effective September 9, 2016
- 209 CMR 46.00 - final amendments effective August 12, 2016
- 209 CMR 50.00 - final amendments effective August 12, 2016
- 209 CMR 32.00 - final amendments effective August 26, 2016
- 209 CMR 41.00 - final amendments effective August 26, 2016
- 209 CMR 42.00 - final amendments effective August 26, 2016
- 209 CMR 49.00 - final amendments effective July 1, 2016
- 209 CMR 35.00 - repealed in its entirety effective July 1, 2016
- 209 CMR 52.00 - repealed in its entirety effective July 1, 2016
- 209 CMR 54.00 - final amendments effective July 29, 2016
- 209 CMR 41.00 - proposed amendments redlined version June 2, 2016
- 209 CMR 42.00 - proposed amendments redlined version June 2, 2016
- 209 CMR 49.00 - proposed amendments redlined version June 2, 2016
- 209 CMR 4.00 - repealed in its entirety effective June 3, 2016
- 209 CMR 40.00 - proposed amendments effective June 3, 2016
- 209 CMR 43.00 - proposed amendments effective June 3, 2016
- 209 CMR 31.00 - proposed amendments May 12, 2016
- 209 CMR 32.00 - proposed amendments redlined version May 12, 2016
- 209 CMR 35.00 - proposed amendments and public hearing notice May 12, 2016
- 209 CMR 45.00 - proposed repeal
- 209 CMR 52.00 - proposed amendments and public hearing notice May 12, 2016
- 209 CMR 56.00 - proposed amendments redlined version May 12, 2016
- 209 CMR 47.00 - proposed repeal and notice of public comment periood May 2016
- 209 CMR 50.00 - transmittal letter / summary of proposed amendments submitted April 28, 2016
- 209 CMR 46.00 - proposed amendments redlined version April 11, 2016
- 209 CMR 54.00 - proposed amendments redlined version April 11, 2016
- 209 CMR 50.00 - transmittal letter / summary of proposed amendments submitted April 29, 2016
- 209 CMR 43.00 - transmittal letter / summary of amendments submitted March 16, 2016
- 209 CMR 43.00 - proposed amendments redlined version March 2, 2016
- 209 CMR 50.00 - proposed amendments redlined version January 1, 2016
- 209 CMR 18.00 - redlined text of proposed amendments to regulation
- 209 CMR 47.00 - repealed in its entirety effective December 4, 2015
- 209 CMR 57.00 - final amendments redlined version effective September 11, 2015
- 209 CMR 57.00 - final amendments effective September 11, 2015
- 209 CMR 58.00 - final amendments redlined version effective August 14, 2015
- 209 CMR 58.00 - final amendments effective August 14, 2015
- 209 CMR 58.00 - proposed amendments June 17, 2015
- 209 CMR 32.00 - final amendments effective January 2, 2015
- 209 CMR 57.00 - proposed amendments December 16, 2014
- 209 CMR 32.00 - proposed amendments November 6, 2014
- 209 CMR 40.00 - proposed amendments November 6, 2014
- 209 CMR 43.00 - final amendments redlined version effective July 18, 2014
- 209 CMR 43.00 - final amendments effective July 18, 2014
- 209 CMR 53.00 - final amendments redlined version effective July 18, 2014
- 209 CMR 53.00 - final amendments effective July 18, 2014
- 209 CMR 48.00 - final amendments redlined version effective June 6, 2014
- 209 CMR 48.00 - final amendments effective June 6, 2014
- 209 CMR 43.00 - proposed amendments April 9, 2014
- 209 CMR 48.00 - proposed amendments April 9, 2014
- 209 CMR 53.00 - proposed amendments April 9, 2014
- 209 CMR 18.00 - final amendments redlined version effective October 11, 2013
- 209 CMR 18.00 - final amendments effective October 11, 2013
- 209 CMR 18.00 - due to technical errors in the final version of the amendments to 209 CMR 18.00, the DOB filed corrections with the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s Office on November 22, 2013 (redlined version). Corrections appear in the Massachusetts Register on December 16, 2013, and the effective date is retroactive to October 11, 2013.
- 209 CMR 56.00 - final amendments effective June 21, 2013
- 209 CMR 56.00 - final amendments effective June 21, 2013 redlined version
- 209 CMR 56.00 - proposed amendments to implement provisions of Chapter 194 of the Acts of 2012 (public hearing on February 16, 2013)
- 209 CMR 18.00 - proposed amendments redlined version (public hearing on November 29, 2012)
- 209 CMR 50.00 - transmittal letter / summary of amendments submitted May 2, 2012
- 209 CMR 56.00 - final regulation redlined version May 2012
- 209 CMR 50.00 - proposed amendments March 30, 2012
- 209 CMR 56.00 - correction to the Right-to-Cure Notice March 2, 2012
- 209 CMR 56.00 - final regulation redlined version 2012
- 209 CMR 56.00 - proposed regulation
- 209 CMR 55.00 - final regulation redlined version effective October 14, 2011
- 209 CMR 56.00 - proposed amendments redlined version (new comment period ends December 9, 2011)
- 209 CMR 50.00 - final amendments effective August 31, 2010
- 209 CMR 50.00 - final amendments effective August 20, 2010
- 209 CMR 50.00 - transmittal letter / summary of amendments submitted on April 29, 2010
- 209 CMR 50.00 - proposed amendments April 2, 2010 redlined version
- 209 CMR 32.00 - final amendments effective April 2, 2010
- 209 CMR 32.00 - proposed amendments
- 209 CMR 32.00 - proposed amendments redlined version
- 209 CMR 41.00 - emergency regulations redlined version effective September 15, 2009
- 209 CMR 42.00 - proposed amendments emergency regulation effective September 15, 2009
- 209 CMR 42.00 - summary of proposed amendments emergency regulation effective September 15, 2009
- 209 CMR 41.00 - emergency regulation effective September 15, 2009
- 801 CMR 4.02 - amendments effective June 26, 2009
- 209 CMR 54.00 - regulation effective September 5, 2008
- 209 CMR 50.00 - final amendments effective August 8, 2008
- 209 CMR 54 - proposed regulation June 25, 2008
- 209 CMR 42.00 - proposed amendments effective May 30, 2008
- 209 CMR 41.00 - proposed amendments effective May 30, 2008
- 209 CMR 50.00 - proposed amendments March 20, 2008
- 209 CMR 50.00 - summary of proposed amendments March 20, 2008
- 209 CMR 41.00 - proposed regulation April 4, 2008
- 209 CMR 42.00 - proposed amendments April 4, 2008
- 209 CMR 50.00 - transmittal letter / summary of amendments submitted April 18, 2008
- 209 CMR 42.00 - final amendments effective December 1, 2006
- 209 CMR 42.00 - emergency regulation effective September 8, 2006
- 209 CMR 50.00 - final amendments effective August 11, 2006
- 209 CMR 47.00 - transmittal letter / summary of amendments submitted July 29, 2006
- 209 CMR 50.00 - proposed amendments July 28, 2006
- 209 CMR 4.00 - proposed amendments effective June 2, 2006
- 209 CMR 49.00 - proposed amendments effective April 21, 2006 redlined version
- 209 CMR 38 - repealed in its entirety effective May 19, 2006
- 209 CMR 47.00 - proposed amendments May 19, 2006
- 209 CMR 50.00 - transmittal letter submitted April 28, 2006
- 209 CMR 50.00 - proposed amendments March 15, 2006
- 209 CMR 50.00 - summary of proposed amendments March 15, 2006
- 209 CMR 4.00 - proposed amendments March 15, 2006 redlined version
- 209 CMR 46.00 - final amendments to emergency regulation submitted again February 28, 2006 (effective March 24, 2006)
- 209 CMR 40.00 - final amendments effective November 4, 2005
- 209 CMR 46.00 - transmittal letter submitted October 11, 2005
- Appendix A - text of amendments (emergency regulation effective September 1, 2005)
- Appendix C - summary of proposed amendments
- 209 CMR 46.00 - emergency regulation effective September 1, 2005
- 209 CMR 40.00 - transmittal letter submitted August 12, 2005
- 209 CMR 40.00 - proposed amendments August 12, 2005
- 209 CMR 32.00 - proposed amendments August 26, 2005 redlined version
- 209 CMR 49.00 - proposed amendments August 26, 2005
- 209 CMR 40.00 - proposed amendments February 7, 2005 under Chapter 268 of the Acts of 2004 (public hearing held on March 9, 2005)
- 209 CMR 26.00 - final amendments effective January 28, 2005 redlined version
- 209 CMR 31.00 - final amendments effective January 28, 2005 redlined version
- 209 CMR 39.00 - repealed in its entirety effective January 28, 2005
- 209 CMR 42.00 - final amendments effective January 28, 2005 redlined version
- 209 CMR 45.00 - final amendments effective January 28, 2005 redlined version
- 209 CMR 46.00 - final amendments effective January 28, 2005
- 209 CMR 12.00 - repealed in its entirety effective January 28, 2005 (see 209 CMR 20.00)
- 209 CMR 16.00 - repealed in its entirety effective January 28, 2005
- 209 CMR 53.00 - final amendments effective January 14, 2005
- 209 CMR 30.00 - repealed in its entirety effective January 28, 2005
- 209 CMR 34.00 - repealed in its entirety effective January 28, 2005
- 209 CMR 20.00 - final amendments effective January 28, 2005 redlined version
- 209 CMR 47.00 - final amendments redlined version August 27, 2004
- 209 CMR 18.00 - final changes to regulation effective August 27, 2004
- 209 CMR 48.00 - final amendments effective August 27, 2004 redlined version
- 209 CMR 50.00 - final amendments redlined version August 27, 2004
- 209 CMR 42.00 - final amendments August 13, 2004
- 209 CMR 18.00 - redlined text of proposed amendments to regulation July 2004
- 209 CMR 42.00 - proposed amendments May 21, 2004
- 209 CMR 47.00 - transmittal letter / summary of amendments submitted April 29, 2004
- 209 CMR 50.00 - proposed amendments redlined version April 29, 2004
- 209 CMR 50.00 - transmittal letter / summary of amendments submitted April 29, 2004
- 209 CMR 48.00 - proposed amendments April 23, 2004 redlined version
- 209 CMR 50.00 - proposed amendments March 25, 2004
- 209 CMR 50.00 - proposed amendments redlined version 2004
- 209 CMR 49.00 and 211 CMR 142.00 - proposed amendments effective June 20, 2003
- 209 CMR 47.00 - proposed amendments effective April 8, 2003
- 209 CMR 50.00 - proposed amendments effective April 8, 2003
- 209 CMR 32.00, 34.00, 38.00, and 51.00 - final technical amendments effective January 3, 2003
- 209 CMR 51.00 - repealed January 3, 2003
- 209 CMR 32.00, 34.00, 38.00, and 51.00 - summary of final technical amendments effective January 3, 2003
- 209 CMR 32.00, 34.00, 38.00, and 51.00 - proposed amendments December 13, 2002
- 209 CMR 32.00, 34.00, 38.00, and 51.00 - summary of proposed amendments December 13, 2002
- 209 CMR 32.00 - final amendments October 2002
- 209 CMR 40.00 - final amendments October 2002
- 209 CMR 42.00 - final amendments October 2002
- 209 CMR 50.00 - transmittal letter / summary of amendments submitted May 1, 2002
- 209 CMR 32.00 - Commissioner's letter April 16, 2002
- 209 CMR 32.00 - proposed amendments redlined version April 2002
- 209 CMR 40.00 - proposed amendments redlined version April 2002
- 209 CMR 42.00 - proposed amendments redlined version April 2002
- 209 CMR 50.00 - draft version of amendments March 15, 2002
- 209 CMR 50.00 - draft version of amendments March 15, 2002
- 209 CMR 47.00 - proposed amendments effective April 27, 2001
- 209 CMR 32.32, 40.00, and 42.00 - final regulations March 22, 2001
- 209 CMR 32.32 - proposed amendments redlined version January 2001
- 209 CMR 52.00 - effective December 22, 2000
- 209 CMR 52.00 - proposed credit insurance disclosure requirements December 22, 2000
- 209 CMR 32.32 - Commissioner's letter December 8, 2000
- 209 CMR 52.00 - proposed credit insurance disclosure requirements December 2000
- 209 CMR 32.32, 40.00, and 42.00 - comments received on proposed regulations September 2000
- 209 CMR 32.32, 40.00, and 42.00 - proposed amendments for high cost loans August 2000
- 209 CMR 50 - effective August 20, 1999